Saturn Square Uranus and Cryptocurrencies 2021 Astrology Horoscope
We have spoken in detail on Saturn Uranus square and I have drawn parallels to Napster of 1999/2000 to crypto’s of current times. Napster which was born and litigated during the last Saturn Square Uranus transit which happens every 22 years, was also litigated in the same transit. I wanted to get very clear on this as there are so many people from our own community misrepresenting for financial reason this information and atleast to my readers I would like to be clear. Full disclosure — this is not financial advice, this is astrological aspects and their interpretation. I personally do not own any crypto currency though I dont have anything against those who do. And no I am not taking the opportunity of kicking the one already down by taking this as opportunity to go “I told you so”. Rather to explain my thinking. I love investing and I am fascinated by the workings of crypto and remain an eternal student of the financial markets as they fascinate me. And I do astrologically strongly believe that digital currency would be one of the big shifts which will come from Uranus in Taurus transit to 2025. Pls make your own financial investment decision, this is not financial advice and these are my personal views — not linked to any affiliated institutions. So having disclosures out of the way, we can get into planetary aspects and why I have been stating this repeatedly.
First thing to understand is that Saturn is the stronger planet and the dispositor of Saturn square Uranus transit which is meant to bring innovation and restrictions. Saturn — the regulations is the stronger. While Uranus in Taurus which is essentially everything and everyone who wants to create financial independence — the whole concept of FIRE, digital currency, independent sources of income, innovation in wealth, innovation in food, shifts in earth — so this planet yes is key and it clearly represents rise of digital currencies. Saturn in Aquarius is structured innovation — they both do have a common ground of innovation but Saturn wants to do it through official channels like digital dollar. While Uranus in Taurus believes thats where the trouble started — centralised structures do not work and they do have a point in an Aquarius world. So I do believe decentralised currency structures would come to life and they would become mainstream along with digital sovereign currencies like dollar, renminbi is already digital now and so forth.
But but but…
So thats where Astrology and past transits I think help give clarity and I am very focused on how this panned out in last Saturn Square Uranus when Napster came into existence and this whole peer to peer file transfer and music being made available online at no cost models started. Napster was killed through litigations but these models did evolve into Apple Music and all such forms of official channel of cheaper access to music online. Uranus was in its own sign Aquarius so the disruption made art (Saturn in Taurus) available to all. So the model did change the world but the thing that inspired the model didn’t make it cause that was not the form it was supposed to exist in and to some extend it was downright unfair to the creatives who made those arts / songs and it was illegal. It was against the Saturn principles. A lot of crypto traders will jump on my case and they do whenever I have a discussion on this cause crypto is traceable even though the miners of cryptocurrencies continues to be found in Iran, in meth raids in UK and ofcourse in China where loss of electricity for few hours resulted in massive drop of bitcoin. China has officially banned crypto — “officially”.
Uranus is in its fall in Taurus. Innovation happens but they are simple versus complex and tough to understand. Uranus in Taurus also has capacity to create a financial crisis due to disruptive financial innovations like a stock market rout due to a crypto issue and we might see if that is indeed the case or not when we experience the second square on 14 June and last square end of the year.
Uranus in Taurus still has inertia, tries to flog the same old technology to make it work for future and many of the cryptos have existed for many years with zero evolution in their technology and they have become like art of a dead artist (Taurus). Cause there are no more to be made, scarcity of it and uniqueness of it (Uranus) is driving its value (Taurus) but Saturn(government, regulations) in Aquarius will never accept anything as norm which is not available to all and cannot be practically used by everyone by the collective (Aquarius). It will accept the ones that can be used by the collective though as I said they both have a common ground — Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus both want innovation but one wants practical one and the one that it can regulate versus being mined through a marijuana raid in a meth farm in West Midlands in UK. Uranus in Taurus is at its fall, innovation comes through too many downfalls and there are some forced innovations and they look like a beautiful Taurus curves being fit into a geeky Aquarius space suit. In fall Uranus becomes a pyramid scheme. One person on twitter exciting another one to buy a “rare” asset — call them NFT or call them crypto we loose the sense of value of things but Taurus always tries to bring in itself the balance back to the real value of an asset through an equally disruptive opposite force. This is forced innovation not a real one. Innovation would be if there was technological advancement linked to it. There are many cryptos which do that but most of the people right now buying these currencies in retail have no knowledge of the tech behind any of these currencies. Though North Node in Gemini has accelerated their learning but in Gemini learning is with the attention of a goldfish, a meme is being used for financial decision making more than picking up a detailed description or an annual report of a company. On top of that a fraudulent Bitcoin astrology chart is doing rounds for many astrologers to claim its “unknown” source of gain all to their predictions. Gemini spreads gossip and its shadow side is internet fibs and thats what is the Webster dictionary’s meaning of a tweet most of the time.
I am not claiming to know it all, just expressing what I see. I have held back for long to go into details of it cause I think everyone has right to choose what they believe in and what they spend their money on and they still do. But I thought I will say my piece before its too late for a few. I hope to be grossly wrong so many innocent don’t loose their savings and we don’t see a stock market route causing many to loose their investments. And I have hoped since I first talked of this Napster parallel in my May 2020 video on the aspect and the fact that all innovations would be judged against ecological soundness e.g. why would a currency claimed to be powered by green energy fall down by 14% due to coal mine flooding shutting down power plants in Xinjiang China.
Why are most of the crypto’s not purchased through dollar directly but through a made up currency with no audits called Tether which has been under multiple investigations and whose market cap went up from $8bn to $60bn without any real assets backing. For the uninitiated Tether is like those coins they issue in video game alleys for our real money which we can then use to buy crypto so we can play those video games. Except here its being called investment so you expect them to hold the money you give them but they don’t and we dont know where that money is going as they aren’t regulated or audited. Majority of cryptos are being bought as such. Again this is not financial advice and you should do you own research.
I apologise for adding financial details in an astrological discourse but when my hairdresser starting talking of hash rates of cryptos I thought it was ok to bring this element in.
I love going to Vegas but the one in United States not the one in Iran or Xinjiang or in a meth farm in UK. Neptune is rampant, choose wisely. I have done my part.
~ Kassandra (thinking of changing my channel name to this let me know what you think)
Why ?
Kassandra was a Trojan priestess of Apollo in Greek mythology cursed to utter true prophecies, but never to be believed.
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