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Astrology with Charu!
9 min readMay 12, 2024


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Lifeโ€™s weird. Oneโ€™s idea of happiness is so different from anotherโ€™s. Yet we end up living in these well defined boxes. You pretend almost living anotherโ€™s life cause you feel jealous of their happiness & feel it would be yours if you snatched it. Not seeing what they are not living in order to live what they areโ€ฆ

One never thinks what one is not living in order to live another personโ€™s idea of happinessโ€ฆ

Listen to the reading as a podcast :

It comes crashing down on us & there is only one aspect that cuts through the crap and shakes our world leaving it totally changed never to ever be put back together in its old form. Itโ€™s linked to earthquakes for a reason this Uranus.

You are peacefully blissfully unaware of your own fake facade on how weak the foundations of your made up life is. Till it hits, crumbling it down & itโ€™s so sudden and honest. You feel free versus feeling sad about it. As a higher octave of Mercury our conscious mind, Uranus awakens desensitized parts of our psyche โ€” the ones we have buried deep disassociating with our essence. Uranus awakens the things we have put away, releasing a very core authentic part of us. Lightening strikes & it all comes forward to conscious form. With Uranus being in zodiac sign of Taurus what comes forward is our actual physical, touch it feel it human Venusian desires โ€” love, beauty, physical affection, money, luxury. This is truly awakening of heart โ€” what I love, what I desire, what brings me comfort, what makes me feel loved & how I would like to love. Whatโ€™s my definition of creature comforts? Whatโ€™s beautiful to me? How do I want to look, eat, love, earn & physically manifest that would be most authentic to who I really am. Does the outside world match who I truly am inside? Does my current life reflect me valuing myself ? If I valued myself truly would I like this ? Are the traditional outdated values holding me in passive repressive patterns never letting me explore all my senses & desires ? Aim is raise the vibration across these spheres of our life but the way to it can be sudden. Its not surprise to our subconscious, we are normally ready for an upheaval when it hits yet it has shock value. Some of us have been through it and would see next phase of it in May and for some lightening strikes first time in May with initiation in April. But for all of its blown out of proportion due to Jupiter being in Taurus.

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Uranus is outer planet โ€” to see physical manifestation of its thunderbolt you need it to interact with a personal planet โ€” Sun Moon Mercury Venus & Mars. We have been going through this awakening as Uranus meets these planets one by one throughout May with 13/18/31 May being key exact days though whole month falls in category of sudden changes. Jupiter meeting Uranus on 20 April at 21ยฐ50โ€™ started a new 13 year cycle closing the chapter on whatever ideals we cultivated from 2011 to 2024. New growth cycle requires new methods, new ideology, ideals and a steep learning curve of self. So the bigger shifts in our life have initiated as a precursor to what we experience in May. Change of our religion, what we hold as our higher knowledge & principles we live our life by โ€” initiation of change in them already started. Aim is to expand our consciousness, allowing the growth we would normally never let in cause we are stubbornly holding onto outdated values, monetary systems, agricultural practices, diet, money sources โ€” denying us what we deserve and how we deserve to live.

Uranus will continue to change our physical world, surface as well as environment of earth & our financial world till itโ€™s in Taurus aka till 2026. This phenomenon of Uranus meeting personal planets accelerating changes has been coming and going every year since 2018 making us more honest with ourself, pushing us to make physical actual tangible changes in our life. Jupiter this year has just blown it in proportions โ€” everything everywhere all at once as itโ€™s said. We see that in earth & monetary changes in mundane overall sense.

Over a year, Uranus roughly focuses on 4 degrees to work through so to personalise this transition you should look at where fixed signs sit in your chart. Due to that for some it would change them in big way in year ahead & would be the lightening bolt they asked for yet never saw it coming. Uranus focused on 19โ€“23ยบ Taurus from Mayโ€™23 to now greatly shifting things for fixed signs around these degrees. Itโ€™s coming back to 23ยบ now really emphasising this degree +-2ยบ for all fixed signs (personal planets or points around 23ยฐ +-2ยบ Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo). We are completing one chapter of change and now embarking upon 23โ€“27ยบ Taurus / fixed signs till Mayโ€™25.

This current chain of events would have started last year around May 2023 when Uranus first stepped on 19ยบ Taurus and this was greatly emphasised as it went retrograde in Augโ€™23 wanting us to look back what hit us between May-Augโ€™23 and internally assimilate in our quiet period that change without saying a word from Augโ€™23 to end Janโ€™24. This period from Augโ€™23-Janโ€™24, made us look at what needs to shift as a result of lighting bolts & sub conscious awakenings that hit us from May-Augโ€™23. When the psyche changes โ€” physical changes start manifesting. Outer planets just do that to us on personal level. As we became more awake till Janโ€™24 โ€” physical reality started shifting and thats been the cycle of awakening since Janโ€™24 as we complete that chapter and now launch the new annual phase during May. Creating new tangible changes which are sudden, shocking, exhilarating, destructive of fake, old & weak as well as enlightening. We donโ€™t like surprises in this part of life so we have been resisting this change โ€” thatโ€™s why we have Uranus take one year to change just meagre 4 degrees which can translate to 18 month process for us personally. A sudden change that was slowly in making for past one year, will continue to evolve over next one year. With us standing in middle knowing fully we cannot go back even if physically everything right now looks the same. Everything within has changed, shifted. Cause once you have whatโ€™s repressed outside of you awakened, standing in physical form taunting you โ€” you simply cannot go back to status quo. Itโ€™s Taurus whatโ€™s changing was once valuable, constant, stable but dormant & possibly not fruitful anymore & not in line with your values and growth path now.

As we have Sun meeting Uranus come Monday 13 May at 23ยบ Taurus, expect the unexpected in name of events, your own vibe & actions and harness your ability to move beyond what doesnโ€™t serve your desires any more โ€” its a move to higher vibration which requires us to shed old facade, old ways of operating and we can experience surprises or possibly act rashly to set free of our old life. Not going beyond norm is not an option. Cause if we dont event accept whatโ€™s not real, we become our own resistance and there is clear burn out due to trapped current in the body. We see this manifest in all things migraines, anxiety, pressure within our system and overall short circuit of our bodyโ€™s electric system / nerves yet anticipation even excitement. While calm is advised (usual nerve calming โ€” I like magnesium for me), there is a reason for our body vibrating differently, we got to tune into a new frequency. This is both an ending and a beginning. More we resist changing our ways more this feels like pushing against current. We have Jupiter conjunction to look forward to on 18 May to realise this shift is meant to be for our own expansion and gain.

While itโ€™s all nervy โ€” surprising Uranus gives us objectivity like we are floating out of our body and looking at our life from a third personโ€™s eye as we watch our chaotic life standing beside it feeling shocked with how we are feeling and why we never understood superficiality of what we have been living so far. This first stage already started. And we would continue to discover things about us as Uranus would meet each personal planet this month. Changes speed up from now to Sept. We would change all superficial things trying to avoid changing what really needs to be changed. None of it is undesired, none of it is useless but itโ€™s not why the current events happened or why past year happened or why things started evolving since 2018.

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As we move from Jupiter Uranus conjunction of April which was at degree of โ€œSpiritual inspiration during crisisโ€ to current Sun Conjunct Uranus at degree of โ€œSocial recognition or certification of self worthโ€. We could receive some reward to the faithful, the ones who continued to hone their jewels under pressure when no one was watching. And with upcoming 18 May Venus Uranus conjunction we can move to phase of โ€œcollective enjoymentโ€ where those jewels can be shared with larger group with many communication surprises to 31 May Mercury Uranus conjunction. Uranus can unsettle & excite at same time opening world beyond your imagination but it will bring some separations, they are inevitable. 18 May also brings the very beneficial Sun Jupiter annual meeting followed by 23 May Venus Jupiter & 4 June Mercury Jupiter conjunction which makes we very positive about this shift. If you have tried before & it didnโ€™t work โ€” donโ€™t worry about it, try again now with this new life experience you have had.

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Mind you esp after initial phase, there will be tendency to go back to status quo the hair color fades away, the first spark with crush dies down, the excitement of freedom from quitting an oppressive job fades away & all Taurus things will come back and move us to planet earth. What then ? Was it for nothing ? Madness of Tesla who had Uranus on ascendent Taurus or would this one spark change how we think of current of our life & change how things flow in our life lightning up the dark hours of our existence. The genius is born in chaos. Even if itโ€™s not for you, sway your life with this transit.

Earthquake proof buildings were made to sway cause if they were fixed they would surely crumble. Cause itโ€™s not if, itโ€™s when that an earthquake will strike our physical life cause thatโ€™s just what Taurus Uranus does. Do we sway do we stand still refusing to change to move to take in whatโ€™s itโ€™s giving us so we can in that moment feel it all. Itโ€™s so not about other person or external change โ€” Uranus makes you feel more of you without the pretence.

Now you can shove Taurus things down your throat to stop its way โ€” food money sex comfort of Netflix 24/7 โ€ฆ cause well the lower manifestation of Taurus is laze and not ease. Or can you starve yourself for a moment to truly see what you hunger ? They say you are offered the things in the category of ones โ€œyou would never doโ€ during Uranus transit. The message keeps repeating till we understand our needs fully. It takes the third go of Uranus on our personal planets for us to finally make the real change โ€” with these cycles of Uranus its falling in Jan. It takes the third go of Uranus on our personal planets for us to finally make the real change โ€” with these cycles of Uranus its falling in Jan. We will go through anxiety to excitement to oh no what did I do to disillusionment to understanding to finally making the right changes till then. Now to Sept will be external changes followed by internal retrospection & reconsiderations of those changes from Sept to Jan and then in Jan we go with a new form of these shifts. In this process we would get in touch with the most innovative and creative part of ourselves even though we might feel rattled and confused. Genius in chaos. As Venus would meet Uranus on 18 May, we would see our values shift, our style shift and for many relationships will shift forever. Mar Uranus conjunction in July will add fire to this.

Santorini was created by earthquake of massive proportion โ€ฆ most beautiful thing came out of massive destruction of what seemed like civilisation of the moment. It created visual we could never imagine threw out elements we would never be gifted with without it

Embrace it โ€ฆ you cannot find Santorini without your ground shaking & once u find it donโ€™t run from it by shoving things down your throat. Itโ€™s trying to introduce you to you, the you that is very very deep buried & screams once in a while manifests as malaise you donโ€™t know how to heal.



Astrology with Charu!
Astrology with Charu!

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