๐—™๐˜‚๐—น๐—น ๐— ๐—ผ๐—ผ๐—ป ๐—ถ๐—ป ๐—–๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฐ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿณ/๐Ÿญ๐Ÿด ๐—๐—ฎ๐—ป ๐˜๐—ผ ๐Ÿญ ๐—™๐—ฒ๐—ฏ ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ ๐—”๐˜€๐˜๐—ฟ๐—ผ๐—น๐—ผ๐—ด๐˜† ๐—›๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐—ผ๐˜€๐—ฐ๐—ผ๐—ฝ๐—ฒ

Astrology with Charu!
14 min readJan 18, 2022


๐•‹๐•™๐•– ๐•€๐•Ÿ๐•ฅ๐•–๐•Ÿ๐•ค๐•š๐•ฅ๐•ช ๐• ๐•— โ„๐•’๐••๐•–๐•ค ๐•„๐• ๐• ๐•Ÿ!


Sun and Moon would oppose each other on 17th Jan at 6:48pm E.T (18th Jan early morning for Asia & parts of Europe) forming full moon at 27ยบ51โ€™ Cancer which will influence us at the very least for next two weeks. Full moons are periods of information coming to surface, disclosures and conclusions or endings. Even though Moon has its strength in Cancer, there is a clear conflict embedded in this full moon not just of the mind and feelings, career & personal life but also of what we have been pushing towards while not letting whats right in front of us in cause of our stubborn emotions. Pluto meets Sun during this full moon in their annual meeting at 26ยบ27โ€™ Capricorn taking us back to the moment of its retrograde end March and early April 2021 and amping up our ambition to recreate something more authentic to replace what was once lost. Pluto revisits a degree for two years while it influences that degree for four years, its a slow process of killing whats not helping us \ stand our own ground. This full moon is a key juncture in that as with everything Pluto โ€” emotional intensity creates a change thats long overdue. Pluto makes a matter clear as day even though you may not yet be able to put it all in words or even action for which we got to wait till 11 Feb and 3 March. Ah all the retrogrades are testing our patience โ€ฆ arenโ€™t they. Letโ€™s dig in.


Moon Pluto opposition will bring immense emotionally transforming experience in front of us โ€” this is no walk in the park aspect and those with Hades moon in their birth chart live it all their life as did their previous generations and possibly future generations unless the emotional pattern is changed in moments like this full moon. Desire to control another person shows up in all forms of negative emotions of guilt, possessiveness, jealousy. Moon opposition to Pluto always works our own inner transformation through a vivid emotional drama with another. Sun though gives us the potential and the opportunity to change an emotional pattern irrevocably not just for ourself but for our future generations so they can have a truly different life โ€” not just physically but emotionally. Know that both parties in this conflict are trying to work through their own inner complexes through another โ€” this full moon is two parts of you at conflict with each other but one of those parts is being played by an external personโ€ฆ you would know who cause this is full of drama and emotions full moon.

Subconscious forces are at play and they are very strongly unleashed in personal equations. We ofcourse have Mercury retrograde so chances of misunderstanding are high along with Uranus at play โ€” we are quick to react on less than optimal information. But Pluto brings some level of truth of emotions to front during this period โ€” something that hasnโ€™t been seen yet needs to be seen and faced with strength. A conflict we have been avoiding is afoot cause there seems to be no way away from it and only way seem to be through it. Sometimes its a role in our life which we have been running or avoiding to perform or emotions we do not want to own or confront which this full moon gives both the circumstance and intention or strength to deal with. We are given what we can handle and you definitely do it.

This degree of Cancer of this full moon is depicted in Sabian symbol as โ€œA violent storm in a canyon filled with expensive homesโ€. It depicts a challenge produced by forces seemingly beyond our control, some may call it fate, which produces a challenge to meet a crisis situation and through that situation we have an opportunity of a successful Catharsis. Rudhyar connected this degree to sociocultural situation where the elite see their position and security challenged through forces beyond their control. This full moon ofcourse is opposing natal Pluto of United States as the country goes through its Pluto return in 2022. It would show up throughout this year in restructuring of its political system and key people who participate in it. This specific full moon brings disclosures which might be essential for that process. We as an individual cannot rely on our traditional elitist techniques here of traditional education or sheltered life. We need to rise to the occasion, go through the internal change which can only come through accepting a personal challenge. And then those skills are yours for life to use and support you especially in your external life.

Our inner complexes would seem to be mirrored in another personโ€™s reaction to us โ€” try to avoid the mistake of making other person the problem here cause avoidance of confronting our patterns will land us in the same old physical place we are trying to crawl out of. Honesty most often doesnโ€™t come in beautiful packages โ€” its a tough medicine thats thrust down our throat and we ofcourse push back or worst try to manipulate the person trying to tell us the truth in less than optimal ways by trying to control their words through emotional manipulation. Throwing another in fits of guilt or another form of emotional safe word that we might have to guard ourself from defeat in an emotional conflict can show up.

Pluto brings a weakness within to forth cause it seems if we do not manage this subconscious emotional pattern we cannot move forward in our physical or career or professional sphere cause itโ€™s not just blocking us from whats right in front of us personally but also professionally. You see what you see now cause you are ready for it and there is no way out but to bravely deal with it. We have been in the process of being ready physically or professionally or in our external life since Pluto first visited the degrees as it stood still in April 2021. Something is usually taken off the table when that happens so look back to March April 2021 what was professionally or in your physical sphere taken off the table. We have spent past few months gathering our new resources behind the scene getting ready to replace it with something more authentic that we have conviction in and one thats part of our future growth. Its will be a 2 year process which might have started in March April 2021 of this specific death rebirth process which will last all of 2022 with rebirth being the predominant process. The process of slowly but surely dying or irrevocably releasing an essential part of ourself which started in 2021 and moving to next level of owning more of our life, our weaknesses & skills and getting more conviction in our own life which is 2022. This specific event even though physical play out started in March April 2021 โ€ฆ it has been long in making.

Pluto in Capricorn is the process of owning your life and time โ€” becoming the authority of our life and no it doesnโ€™t mean everyone becomes an entrepreneur but yes this process which started in 2008 will push us to come out of traditional way of working in corporates where we wait for our talents to be cultivated and explored by another versus owning our own time on this planet, playing full on. Of course Pluto in Capricorn has to do with politics and countries and structures of govt and the games that people play to move ahead but its very much about your own game, your strategy forward. So while this cycle will specifically point to what ended or was released to be replaced with something more authentic and powerful for you where you do own your time, your life, your talent in March April 2021 โ€” which would take the 2 year period till Aug-Nov 2022 for it to fully take the new form. But this process also has a set history much beyond 2021 and this immediate incident. Let me take you to the time you might have forgotten but need to remember now (well we are in Mercury retrograde soโ€ฆ)

๐—ง๐—ถ๐—บ๐—ฒ๐—น๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ฒ :

We had South Node in Capricorn from Nov 2018 to May 2020 when we slowly but surely moved away from one way of being when it comes to career, life path, physical existence, structure of our life โ€” who owns, runs our life and time changed in this period for us. A detachment from a certain way of being was created around Nov / Dec 2018 โ€” like a knowing within that you donโ€™t belong in a structure, an organisation, a way of being in your external life. While South Node in Capricorn in 2018 and 2019 were key to detach us from that way of being which was possibly once a peak experience, what we do want to be our next peak experience might have emerged more in 2020. Feb 2020, August 2020 and November 2020 were points of Saturn visit to this degree and normally during those moments we do diligently create what we do like even in a dismal situation but with Saturn in Capricorn we still try to โ€œsurviveโ€ in a redundant structure by simply trying hard. Still these months are critical to revisit as you might have created foundations of what is your life path or what is your calling or part of your ambition. You worked hard within a tough environment or even in a redundant structure possibly to create something you know would serve you another time. Pluto then visited these points in 2021 and while Pluto sees your desire, he doesnโ€™t like the word โ€œsurviveโ€ so he normally kills whatever fake structure you created thinking I can grow with my new ideas within the traditional ladder system. Ah well Pluto doesnโ€™t try to rationalise ambition, it owns it and if the ambition doesnโ€™t fit the structure where you were living โ€” it simply creates an emotional state within you of so much ego, anarchy, some call it self destructive behaviour so the circumstances slowly around you start disintegrating to get you out of that old structure. That gets us to March April 2021 when Pluto first visited this degree and its moment of pure explosion of whatever Saturn tried to create productively but with same redundant patterns in Feb/Aug/Nov 2020. Doesnโ€™t mean the ambition was wrong, what you liked was wrong or what you were creating was wrong but due to fear whatever elements of โ€œsurvivalโ€ were in it โ€” Pluto now wants you to create something of it if โ€œsurvivalโ€ wasnโ€™t the goal but ambition was.

2019 and first half 2020 were also key years to move focus away from Capricorn part of our life and shift more focus towards growing Cancer part of our life aka moving away from doing what we need to do to be successful in physical world, traditional careers, growing through the ranks and moving more towards taking care of family, our emotional calling, self care. Whatever external events happen to get us there is another thing. This was essential because the years before created an imbalance between these two elements of our life โ€” traditionally thats the balance between life and career or what we do for our well being and what we do to make progress in worldly accepted manners. But all of that change that we did make where we put our emotions, family, self care and psychological or spiritual calling more in focus โ€” all of that is now challenged with this full moon. Partially that could be cause we went too far โ€” compromised too much of our ambition for home or family or comfort zone. Partially it could be cause now we also need to balance it out with what we wish to create in the physical world โ€” we live in a physical world so even if emotional growth was focus in 2020 something physical needs to be created out of all that. Sun Pluto as they meet they wake up back our ambition for physical life, for material progress. We do not go to the same old goals but we find the new level of growth that we wish to create in place of all that was closed and released. So now the ying and yang of our life needs to be brought back in balance too. For that some parts of our personal or emotional life need to be closed or balanced out and next two weeks its like bidding good bye to work from home or similar things we shifted in 2020 but not truly going back to the professional life we lived before 2020 as well cause we have been reprogrammed and changed emotionally. The nature of work, the career, the way to approach our physical life and what talents we use to get to that ambition have exponentially changed especially with the massive reskilling in 2021.

But yes these two weeks we would abandon or move away from many of the emotional patterns that we started in 2020 whether its eating our way through life or hyper baking or whatever way to soothe ourself through this transformation. Its an envelope of blanket being removed contrary to what a normal Cancer full moon brings where we seek comfort, this full moon is very much about growing out of a comfort zone. Cause we have a new goal, an ambition that we wish to create which was seeded possibly with an ending in April 2021. We saw clearer elements of what we wish to create through a conflict or opposition in July 2021. December 2021 brought some emotional rips and power plays to take away any sliver of weakness in our choices by possibly taking a personal choice away too. Yes Capricorn archetype is all about tough love and we all got that in abundance lately โ€” but its also about practical nurturing of life โ€” things you need to create to thrive in your physical life. As I said a girl gotto eat. So now that we were possibly forced out of any choices we make from a place of weakness โ€” we are also being asked to formulate new choices which you would see being beautifully made with conviction when Mars and Venus meet Pluto for the last time at this very degree of Capricorn (27ยบ50โ€™) on 3rd March 2022. But before that Mercury retrograde needs to go over some practical details of possible revision on 28 Jan and 11 Feb 2022. Wait for the retrogrades to be over early Feb and we would get clearer after which it would be time to act with 3rd March amazingly perfect for lucrative actions with conviction. So what are we doing till early Feb โ€” well this, this full moon.

With all of that physical ambition and progress ahead of us, our personal situations, emotional patterns which block us from all of that have to be given up. Next two weeks are in my view about that and it wouldnโ€™t happen through pleasant process โ€” thats just not the process of Pluto.

Driver of the personal change you and me would be pushing through in next two weeks is the ambition, is the factual dream that you have of your life. Sun Pluto are meeting at the degree of โ€œUpreachingโ€ โ€” the next level โ€” which is what makes this a very different Cancer full moon. We have a full moon in Cancer every year around this time and each year step by step it brings to focus the balance between our inner life โ€” usually personal life and our external life โ€” usually career. It also brings to focus the balance between letting something in by setting our emotions right versus chasing something through power of sheer persistence and ambition. This year due to Sun Pluto conjunction there is an enhanced intensity to it as the career side or external side has a deep seeded ambition which is amped up right at the very same moment when the personal life or emotional life or inner re-engineering wants your attention. We are getting conviction in a new direction in life even though details are still filling in with Mercury retrograde also doing its job till early Feb to fill in the details. At the same time while swimming in muddy waters with just an amped up ambition, we are also starting to get hints signs and symbols which direct us towards our growth path as North Node now ingress Taurus forms a positive aspect with Sun & Pluto. This is extremely favourable for material growth with potential for progress and a supporting element which is in a fated fashion introduced into the equation which helps us progress in external life. We get clear support in very muddy waters when we are unclear of details โ€” symbols show up. If you are in a profession which faces large set of people โ€” the aspect of nodes to this full moon can bring immense favour in terms of popularity of what you do in your external life. The โ€œcoincidencesโ€ and happenstance meetings are key to observe as they are guiding through this process especially this week. But as I said as much as our intensity to grow is high โ€” we wouldnโ€™t be able to get there without dealing with a clear emotional pattern shown through a conflict or pressure in personal life which we need to handle and resolve irrevocably. Which is what the next two weeks are for. Donโ€™t cut corners or think of this as emotional distraction โ€” you do not know what you are being prepared for.

This will be time of reckoning with deep and powerful psychological issues but we have a lot of strength to confront and overcome limitations that are shown. But a transformation or reorganisation is always on the cards in home, family, personal environment with this kind of aspect which is not easy as the patterns are deep seeded and old or dormant. Sometimes we need to come to terms with our inner needs and professional decisions change with it but this in my view is not one of those times, I feel here personal situation is more likely to evolve or transform as the force on professional side is way too strong and desire & ambition too amped up to compromise. This could mean a significant closure or release or ending when it comes to personal situation. Personal attacks are very common with this aspect and intensity so we need to be physically be more vigilant. Thinking that this would just go away somehow doesnโ€™t work with this aspect. I am not asking to overreact ofcourse but I am saying no reaction isnโ€™t a solution cause you are clearly being shown something that needs handling to move forward in the now and here. Pluto Moon normally kills something comfortable and cushy in life and I canโ€™t mince my words around it so I am giving it to you straight. In birth chart is clearly shows lack of maternal nourishment or downright manipulation and its generational (its lets blame the moms time of the year ;)). If you have the Moon Pluto aspect in your birth chart, this full moon does bring the lack of nourishment or mother issues from past or female issues of the past to forefront. But in transit as well we go through something of that nature โ€” something or someone motherly or cushy or comfortable is taken right from underneath our feet as itโ€™s required to be removed for our self sufficiency to grow for us to move to next level in our external life. You cannot have the same personal or emotional or home life while your outer life has totally transformed, it doesnโ€™t work like that as imbalance shows up. At the very least there is a threat of loss of some form of emotional dependence. Pluto in Capricorn very much demands owning oneโ€™s personal power and in that emotional dependencies whether its you overprotective of another or another wrapping you in protective shield either is lowered as we cannot move to the next step with same old patterns.

Pluto digs so you have a plethora of emotions which we usually are unwilling to deal with which do come up and they come up as we need to have a different mechanism to deal with them. This is a bit of psychological warfare cause we havenโ€™t learned to deal with this situation or these emotions yet and thats a threshold we must cross as part of becoming. This very much questions the traditional feminine roles especially if those limit the power to be successful in external life. So how you play the feminine role (you donโ€™t have to be born a female for it) or maternal or nurturer role changes with this aspect not just with your child but with all who you nurture โ€” your family, your tribe whom you help psychologically if thats what you do, your love for those close to you.

The thing is even though this looks like an ending, its just the beginning. Cause Pluto as I said changes external reality by changing emotions. So if your emotional patterns can cause an ending, different emotional patterns can cause a new beginning too. Just that the challenge would present itself to us before the opportunity.

Cry me a river, its a Cancer full moon what did you expect ๐Ÿ˜‰

#astrology #Horoscope #Cancermoon



Astrology with Charu!
Astrology with Charu!

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