11 May New Moon in Taurus 21º18’
11 May 3pm eastern time, we would observe the Sun and Moon coming together at 21º18’ Taurus to plant a new seed coming from a place of wanting peace, beauty and security. Today’s new moon in its sign of strength offers that opportunity over next two weeks to all of us. Urge to plant seeds of abundance, wanting to build invest in something of substantial and long term value would play out in next two weeks.
I spoke of this by sign in your May 2021 posts, today we dig deeper into what new beginning this new moon can bring all of us.
Moving to the other end of the spectrum away from intense emotions and even chaos, we create a corner of comfort, stillness and calm. When everything is changing & uncertain, peace and comfort comes from even a small piece of normality which shows that universe’s laws continue to prevail and if we want we can create our own grounding even in these uncertain times.
We cannot impose our will on life or others as much as the temptation to take control of that which cannot be controlled is high. But we can create our own little island. For some its in art, in beauty, in luxury, in gardening, in a song for some its the physical treasures they have collected. We all base our calm and our self esteem in different things and people. Assets, possessions, desires, wealth means different things to different people. One thing thats common is that they give all of us a sense of belonging and a comfort to our heart chakra. It’s time to plant seeds of whatever brings that sense of calm, comfort, resources, sense of value to us in our own unique way.
It’s our moment of connection with our five senses, a little celebration of life that exists in its abundance flowing through all of us and working consistently to provide us what we need, bringing us closer each step every day to it.
Many of us follow religious or cultural traditions for this sense of feeling all is well and stable in the ever shifting world. Some of us read the Sacred books of our religion or scared books of others who have walked our path cause sometimes tradition or traditional practice can provide guidance. Its comfort and ease puts us in the mode where we are more likely to receive guidance. Not everything in our culture and religion might be who we are or relate to but sometimes there are components which can be life changing.
Rudhyar interpreted the Sambian symbol of the degree of this new moon as “A Finger pointing to a line in open book”.
Sometimes its literal, you are reading a book you have seen a thousand times your culture or your religion look at. But now somehow it shows you a different perspective. You don’t have to belong to the collective values to benefit from it. Sometimes a cultural guidance helps a person identify his differentiated response to an environment.
A big shift in our assets, possessions, desire and financial stability is coming — we will see once in 19 year shifts in the economic sphere and our individual talents & assets over 2022 and 2023 through the eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio which will initiate from end of this year. Next year we would have Uranus in Taurus meet North Node in Taurus when we break new grounds in resources and assets which are long lasting. Last time this happened in 1885, we had Kerosene patent, steel making process patent, sewing machine patent — all new assets and all ground breaking for the time — all lasted a long time in their potential to create wealth. North Node in Taurus and Uranus in Taurus bring big environmental changes as well — more on that separately as thats a topic of 2022/23.
At personal level we individually should look at what is our contribution to assets and resources to the world — our work which would continue to provide value beyond us. We would have opportunity to accelerate its growth over next 2 years and this would be our solo mission — our path not one given to us by anyone. There are no strings, no manipulation of give and take on this. Neptune supports this flight of imagination during this new moon and north node right now is very actively providing us clues and epiphanies around it as we spoke yesterday.
Few things to keep in mind as you seed new start in artistic abilities, finances, resourcefulness, self worth, investments over next two weeks :
§ Give substance to your thoughts and value your imagination — it was given to your for a unique purpose of your own
§ Our desires are what give our life meaning, thats what is unique of us as they move us to our next level. Value your desires, give yourself time and space to cultivate them
§ Every thought, emotion of ours carries tangible energy that creates our next day and the next — don’t treat them as intangible assets. Thoughts are our biggest asset
§ Accumulation blocks the thoughts and imagination — sometimes we need to disburse , get rid of old things to create churn in life and free the energy
§ We are sensory sensuous beings with key responsibility to ourself to feed all our senses in all ways, feel the ground beneath your feet, feel the scent of flowers, the warmth of food and cool of water — all is well, all is within, we are fully alive
§ Calm your heart, bring your energy & resources back to your center before directing all of them to what you think brings value to you — create a focal point of energy
§ From the place of power there is no noise, there is nothing to prove
§ Appreciate your ability to create beauty in life — know you can & were born to create something substantial and tangible of value
§ Express your talents, no one ever wished on their death bed that they had expressed less of themselves, regret of not doing it is far heavier than embarrassment of failing
§ Healthy ego is not a luxury, its a necessity for us to exist — its you honoring you
§ Your body and its well being is your biggest asset — show your allegiance to it — its a mark of self love, self nurture
§ Gracefully bow out of dealings & financial bindings which aren’t who you are and what your values are. Our financial dealings do not define our values, we do
§ There are lot of rewards on the way to The end goal, celebrate the milestones, no matter how small it feels, it wasn’t small when you started
§ The dark night of the soul that Scorpio full moon brought — has reconnected you to everything thats sacred about your soul even if it came through pain of ancestral karma
§ We release conditional give & take of life, we release motional manipulation and control that comes with that give and take.
§ No one else can make tangible choices of our life
§ We are not part of someone else’s reality, we create our own reality — no strings attached!
§ We recognise our own talents without waiting for someone to invent the scale to measure us on and accept that an artist’s path is sometimes lonely
Want what your want from life cause you want it not cause others expect it out of you. Do it cause of your own pride and your own desire.
“I have” — Taurus is a simple sign, it wants us to create something of value cause we exist, cause we were born, cause we owe it to earth and nature who created us and who feeds us. It doesn’t wait to be discovered, it doesn’t wait for external acknowledgement — our birth was our discovery, life acknowledging us. It creates cause why else was it born.