16 April and this weekend #Astrology #Horoscope

Astrology with Charu!
2 min readApr 16, 2021

Sun squares Pluto today followed by Mercury this weekend, as Pluto stations standing still, digging into every unexplored fear and outdated pattern that we need to drain to come into ourself.

I know we are all tired of the transformation but Pluto is the poison and cure — the only way is through the underworld of our darkness.

Avoiding the emotions its bringing up, isn’t the way to next level as we would be reliving the past without going through it. Isolation in this moment helps us transition from an old pattern to new powerful thought in place of that disempowering belief. Bit by bit, each cell of our existence is evolving, its painful but you would never want to go back to your old self.

Deal with, substitute every weak thought and fear thats coming up today as Mercury our mind is also aspecting Pluto.

Listen to the daily podcast #workingonit astrology!

Both our self identity and mind thought process is being regenerated in these few days through a hard aspect but lot of support is available from Mars and Jupiter — future expansion and hope. Opt into that as you recover from old identity. Put the bricks of forward movement in the time when you are draining the past.

§ False self concepts are being stripped away
§ Old evaluations of self worth are being taken away
§ Self doubt and ego issues are coming to surface to be released
§ Past pain of identity is reminding us of helplessness we never want to live with
§ Self concept and ego that’s bound in “Being Somebody” is being challenged
§ Anger, brooding feeling of resentment, hurt not handled from a time long gone is coming up to be released…don’t rationalise it, don’t tranquillise it with food & substances, feel it, its the only way through it
§ And as our own mind torments us…
§ The Potential to transform the self is being presented
§ Self acceptance and real forgiveness is being born
§ Practice of saying powerful words of self worth and self love is being born
§ All masks are off, all pretence is lost
§ We are seeing through our own mind’s manipulation
§ And from that a new mind and mindset is being born as we see through our own self sabotaging tricks

As a powerful part of me is being set free…
I release my past and trust in my future



Astrology with Charu!
Astrology with Charu!

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