17 / 18 April Astrology Horoscope : Our Mind Has Wings
We have talked of the Pluto intensity these few days are bringing as it goes retrograde on 27th April but we have also mentioned about the support being available to us during this intensity for tangible successful actions. We will go deeper into that support over this optimistic, active, curious, chatty Gemini moon day.
Mars trines Jupiter today, a positive aspect which is available to our mind Mercury the ruler of today’s moon, today’s emotional state. So today in this emotional state we have capacity within our mind to tap into this positive driving force. Mars is the fight in us, the drive in us and its still very much out of bounds till 24 May 2021, very much empowered by venturing out of its normal ecliptic’s borders. Our drive has incredible vision and perspective beyond its comfort zone to act out of our normal limits. And in Gemini our drive is more effectively directed to work on new ideas, intellectual pursuits and connections.
“In the midst of death we are in life”, thats the gist of Pluto transit with Mars trine Jupiter.
Out of bounds Mars in Gemini is the uncontainable artist, the uncontainable speaker, writer, creator, the uncontainable unconventional thinker within us and Jupiter gives it added enthusiasm, encouragement, progressive optimistic philosophy and faith to further flourish right now, supporting the fighting spirits in all of us. And while the powerful unconscious forces unleashed by Pluto would put these ideas to test, they would also enrich them to make them less frivolous and more lucrative. Pluto is ruthless but it filters what we want from what our deeper Self truly needs. Mars in Gemini has many frivolous yet promising pursuits which is enchanting but exhausting. Pluto would ask us to filter them out as we move forward as the two would make an in conjunction tomorrow. That seeming compromise becomes a successful or best in your interest idea of the many Mars Jupiter is spawning right now.
Our individual identity, power, even sexual energy must be expressed through words, communication and ideation right now but remember there are multiple ways, multiple philosophies and viewpoints — everyone would be enthusiastic and strongly driven to express theirs. Words have power over our life but our words don’t control another’s actions, something to keep in mind as we would all try to prove our points not just today but over next 2–3 days.
We cannot transform what we condemn with our words, within or outside ourselves.
There are always multiple paths, multiple views and multiple ways to express ourselves — we have right now drive and opportunity to explore all of them. In that pursuit someone could come with a strong perspective which might appear as if they are trying to put down our idea or thought process. We take a deep breath, walk off the anger if needed and if that does not do it, we write an angry letter or email to them and not send it off. Then with that drive we pull all that steam into researching the hell out of whatever idea we want to pursue, write that book we have been putting off, research the latest gadget that can make life easier for us or make it easier to connect with others, open the social media account or platform we would like to air our talents, play our favourite musical instrument or learn to play one, use the friction to filter and focus our mind and ideas.
Our mind is the most powerful tool we have and its being given an extra impetus and wings to fly higher, we use it in meaningful ways.
I have always seen Mars Pluto inconjunction play out in global events in diplomacy or lack thereof in global leadership talks. Power play of words translating need for control into angry and irrevocable words could show up in global events. But with Jupiter trine we also have the potential for this to help us grow more authentically from that experience which could be rude yet honest.
One step forward in truth is always better than many frivolous diplomatic discussions, says the Scorpio in me.
Have a great weekend