Astrology with Charu!
2 min readMar 19, 2021

19 March #Astrology #Horoscope Compassion & Consummation

Gemini moon invites us to a chatty Friday but somehow with Mercury in Pisces, even a chatty Friday lunch becomes a bit dreamy. Now y’all see what it is to live in my head with my Mercury in Pisces, ah its magical to be honest. Head is always full of stories you don’t know where they came from, being in own world of fantasy and life is one big cup full of soulfulness, no wonder I need so much caffeine to survive. You would too, Mercury in Pisces feels a bit like Mercury is retrograde especially after the sharp arrow mercury in Aquarius was with us for 9 weeks before this. And… I forgot what I was saying.

It’s a holiday in the head aspect, your mind is on a beach and your body is trying to write, create, network, talk.

But what an excellent day to create something beautiful with Venus in beautiful Pisces making a friendly helpful sextile with Pluto — giving us focus on creative matters and conviction on beauty & love matters. Make “it” official — creative or in love — after-all Venus Pluto meeting is at the degree of “Consummation”. Find more stable outlets for the clouds of genius in head, launch a beauty product or creative product, change anything you want in how you look, market sell write with soul — softer skills not stats, invest or purchase something of long lasting benefit which helps in your well being.

Don’t try to go in solo, go in with someone, we all need someone to celebrate with when we did what we thought was our solo mission. And we have another day before we go full blown solo in Aries season, ah well its lonely at the top, you know Aries what I am saying.

Venus is ready to make a compassionate change in world too, with Mars and Chiron together we have a yearning to protect those who are being unfairly targeted. Take a compassionate action, no matter how small it is, it would add to the collective healing, we all in our individual capacity have the power to harmonise, we don’t need the politicians and administration to make that change for us.

Aspects of the day : Moon ingress Gemini, Venus sextile Pluto, Chiron sextile Mars

Song of the day (totally addictive)

Astrology with Charu!
Astrology with Charu!

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