20 April Astrology Horoscope — First Quarter Moon : Decisive action and Forceful expression
Today we transition from a Cancer moon to Leo moon as Sun in Taurus makes a square to this transition. Cotton comfort turns to slow and steadily growing confidence as we get more outward and forward focussed with this. We move our focus to more creative and bold pursuits coming out of our shell. Focus moves from home and family to risk taking and personal recognition. It’s a great day to come out of our comfort zone and take a few bold steps at the very least.
Grounded Taurus Sun would ask us though “you sure about this” or more vibrantly “why again Lord why” as we follow what our hearts want. Practicality meets passion, mellow meets bellow, magnanimous meets sense of proportions.
Don’t let your generous side to be suppressed by your ego today. Don’t let your positive side get suppressed by inertia. But Sun is the dispositor of this aspect dominating today which means we would need to simplify our grand plans, the drama of emotions would need to be stabilised and all grand ventures would meet their brief reality checks. Male figures or bosses or fathers could point out or our own ego can question our fiery ideas and might ask them to be grounded or throw light on them saying so what are you doing about it, or how are you going to make money from it, or how is it part of your bigger plan or it’s great on the show but where is the dough. Negative emotions or habits could be pointed out especially linked to overdingulence.
It can feel like friction but its where natural momentum converts to deliberate actions.
This is the first quarter moon, the mid point between the new start and completion. When the exuberance of a new beginning or new energy is met with obstacles. There is a deliberate kind of struggle that Rudhyar attached to first quarter moons and those with Sun Square Moon in their birth chart in first quarter phase experience this all their life. He called it Actional friction. This is the wilful activity that we need to carry out as our forward momentum is tested in some ways. We must establish ourselves towards the new direction and this first quarter moon is sign of our emergence, of our growing independence and confidence in the new life direction we have taken.
There is a marked severance from the past.
As our growing goal or aim or person or personality or love for another takes a life of its own and willfully through us pushes against all and any perceived obstacles we are reminded that for our new direction in life to grow and prosper, old forms of behaving, feeling must be rejected.
Momentum has so far carried us to where we are now, but the rest of the cycle of this new beginning needs to be actively steered by us. Courage and confidence are key things to keep in mind as we steer our way forward as we are try to integrate this new direction into our functional life.
If you have a first quarter moon in your progressed chart or natal chart you would feel it stronger. Leo Moons get a frictional emotional reset and fixed signs could feel a bit of pressure — pressure of friction that requires them to do some wilful or even forceful action to move forward.
What kept you safe wasn’t really growing you…