20 March #Astrology #Horoscope The Impulse to be…

Astrology with Charu!
3 min readMar 20, 2021

“A Woman Just Risen from the Sea. A Seal is Embracing her”

Holy batman New Year!

Happy Spring Equinox to my friends in Northern Hemisphere. Happy Fall Equinox to my friends in Southern Hemisphere. Center of visible Sun is above the equator equalising day and night, we are literally coming above the water finishing a year of living a world we had never imagined let alone seen.

Astrologically we begin a new cycle, a new year and what a way to start. Happ Nowruz to those who celebrate. Happy Spring cleaning to those who do that (I don’t know any).

Patterns of this first day of the astrological year color the year ahead.

At first degree of Aries, we are asked to emerge out of the sea, out of the collective conciousness and develop our own individual paths. The cute seal we see represented in the Sabian symbol of first degree of Aries isn’t there for its charming appeal. It’s a symbol of evolution. Seals had more in common with bears than dophins before they evolved. The carnivorous ancestors of today’s seals walked on land with sturdy feet. Seals streamlined over years to move through water without resistance but at the cost of losing all their limbs. Emergence of the woman from water, the first sign of individual action, emerging from a womb, not a powerful act in itself but a small step forward, a seed still embraced by the seal — the symbol of regression. A first small step clad in self doubt, still at risk of regression to old patterns , still surrounded by ghosts of past failures or regressive fears — yet first step forward nonetheless out of collective unconsciousness & past.

This is the impulse to be to make the first statement. And this ingress to the new year comes with North Node in Gemini conjunct Moon in Gemini clearly pointing to shift in emotional patterns whereby our communication, thoughts, statements need to be based more on facts information before us and actual contacts with other people versus our own beliefs about things.

This conjunction will bring an over the top day — high emotions state / situation, we are drawn to the insatiable need for more emotions & drama in our conversations, our imagination is over the top, very vivid dreams, powerful subconscious wanting to spell out — now we can go two ways with it like everything with Gemini.

Either we can talk it out with the person we have those thoughts of or we can make up our mind already about it and go back to the old regressive patterns. North node wants us to move forward — choose to react differently, choose to talk it out objectively, test your theories against the opinion of another or best write it out, walk it out, create something out of it.

Road to success with north node in Gemini and south node in Sagittarius is to release whatever you thought you knew of anything, your past belief of a person / religion / loved one — choose to have a blank slate based on here and now. This very much colors how we would live out this new astrological year. It’s a year of rapid upskilling not just in our professional skills but in our personal skills too. Intuition is high & a good guide versus your past. We are bound to have powerful experiences with this.

Venus is at last degree of Pisces — its a symbol of prisom where the Godess sits with a prisom in hand waiting for first ray of sun to fall on it and with that one single ray of light is split into multiple differentiated streams — each of its own colors. That’s Pisces season giving way to Aries.



Astrology with Charu!
Astrology with Charu!

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