Astrology with Charu!
10 min readJun 24, 2021

24 June to 9 July : Each Zodiac Sign Impact of Capricorn full moon

On 24 June Sun Moon oppose each other bringing light to 3º28’ Capricorn as a full moon which influences us for next 2 weeks. This comes on heels of mercury going direct & Neptune going retrograde — full disclosure clear realisation. Its happening at degrees where the solar eclipse of 25 Dec 2019 happened activated on 21 March 2020. The events of 2020 — the pandemic are linked to that & full moon brings release, clarity, closure, culminations. Last time a lunar eclipse happened on these sensitive degrees was in 2010 when US government leak happened through Wikileaks. It was also end of 2009 swine flu & BP oil spill happened. 2010 is a good reference.

Our motivation for success far supersede our need to cling to the patterns of seeing things worst than they are.In part 1 of the post I gave a brief of the transit now we go over each zodiac sign to see influence of full moon over next two weeks.

Part 1 :

You should check you rising sign, followed by Sun or Moon sign. Rising is most accurate though career perspective holds from sun sign as well. Moon sign gives more information on influence on personal life.

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♈️ Aries

This activates ambition, career success, bringing to focus social recognition for you especially if you have rising / sun / moon or other planets aspected around 3º Aries +/-3º or around 22 March born for Aries Sun. This would feel like a pressure as you would feel pushed to finally ask your worth, break out in terms of how you make money as Uranus in your house of finances is activated here. This indicated money would have to come for non standard sources and you would need to be comfortable with the fluctuations that come in finances or change how you value your skills or change your value system as they wouldn’t serve you in this new phase of your career.

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♉️ Taurus

This activates an adventure or education or expansion for you — you might have been thinking of taking a leap, travel, relocate, take an education, shift your speciality, publish, launch a media project or overall change purpose of your life. Its time to deliver on it and its possible that someone in your network or a friend or a fan base or support of a platform or social medial might have given your support or confidence to move forward on it. You will feel strongly about this move, you want to be more and this offers you the opportunity. Be open to flush out old ideas or influences as you are going to bigger places. This is in positive aspect with you so builds you up especially if you have rising / sun / moon around 3º Taurus or around 23 April born. Uranus in your sign would be very active early July — you would want to break free and a conflict can ensue with someone in authority as you try to go your own way.

♊️ Gemini

This activates proceeds of partnership for you in form of money from others, loans, debt, remuneration, joint finances, partnership terms, tax, insurance. Or intimacy and depth in personal relationship. Unspoken needs to be spoken. Jupiter expanding your career ambition and offering you opportunities possibly gives you ability to ask for more for what you have to offer. An expense could come up but it also would be incentive for you to balance out give & take or you might decide to settle a debt especially if you have rising / sun / moon around 3º Gemini or around 24 May born Gemini Sun. With Uranus activating house of endings, its possible that you would have to show your innate power here in a tough situation and get over your fears — possibly ending a cycle which is very karmic like cutting something toxic out of your life which has been damaging you in health and finances — not part of your future. Weed out.

♋️ Cancer

This activates your house of contracts, partnerships, relationships for you which can be very lucrative and adventurous especially if you have rising / sun / moon around 3º Cancer or if you are Cancer Sun born around 24 Jun. Uranus is activated in your house of network so your associations could dramatically change here, your network presence, friends, fan base could be very different and you might need to take a unique tact in terms of finding your niche of audience. Usually such full moon come with long term lucrative contracts or personal commitment comes through or at the very lease partnerships shift to be more honest, lucrative and steady. Its your season but for next two weeks focus would be on the others in your life — your commitments, clients, one on one relationships

♌️ Leo

This activates your work environment and health routines bringing a closure or shift in your work environment or focus on something at work which needs to be closed like a project which is key or change in coworkers & team structure. The projects you handle and the kind of work you take on as well as your balance of where work begins and self care is comes to focus as you might have been operating in a state of imbalance impacting your health. We take a few steps to bring order here and it could mean change in job or project or burden of duties especially if you have rising / sun / moon around 3º Leo or around 25 July born Leo Sun. Health of parents or elderly you are responsible for could come to focus as well. Jupiter is easing any kind of tough transition you need to go through as you crave a rebirth which possibly this full moon provides you. Uranus would also be activating your career house which means some work changes would be in the cards at this time driven by your need for freedom and excitement. End of imbalance, a health habit, toxic work situation, obligation to bring order to life is focus here. This is not easy energy but an important structural issue needs to be handled.

♍️ Virgo

This activates your fun house cause well work is fun for you! Romance, love, passion, giving birth to something you feel is like your creation & child, children, hobbies, joy, pursuit of happiness comes to focus. Self expression, confidence peaks here as Jupiter might bring some support or benefits from clients, a contract or partner especially if you have rising / sun / moon around 3º Virgo or 25 August born Virgo Sun. There could be a culmination, launch in creative work, an obligation to loves ones, child’s career achievement which could come up. You have structured creative mind so an output of that might be going live or being given birth to in form of a business pursuit which this is a great time for. You would have to though with Uranus activated do this in unconventional ways — either the messaging is unconventional due to the subject matter or its a high tech platform that you are using but Uranus demands a very unique mind or perspective being propagated or taught by you here.

♎️ Libra

This activates home, family, place of living which might be coming into focus and possibly for a change especially if you have rising / sun / moon around 3º Libra of around 25 Sept born Libra Sun. A real estate deal, home based business, relocation, parenthood and need to balance different roles in life — boss or parent — could come up these two weeks. Parents, property ownership matters, finishing a project from home, settling a personal problem, structure of the house or family, obligation to parents, home investment, career agenda from home or hidden from others, spiritual achievement, emotional discipline, keeping order in relationship or home, redesigning home — could be your focus for next two weeks as you try to balance your public life with private life. It seems you are the problem solver here with everyone coming to you and seems you have most of the answers too. Though remember you would need to set right balance of give and take in partnerships, there will be volatility in finances & joint matters & Uranus would urge you to assert your power & build right boundaries if you are being used.

♏️ Scorpio

This activates your communication and commercial endeavours which are linked to self made wealth and self expression. This makes next two weeks commercially and in communication very busy and lucrative. It could bring a conclusion of a communication project, launch of a written or media project, commercialisation of a skill, written contract around your work, formalising structure around something that was previously just a thought or idea. We master a skill and now look to see how to live it, advertise it, market it, commercialise it. This is mundane versus high level thinking so we need to get into details of commercial or communication matters which could mean learning something new in terms of skill or media or commercialisation. You will have ample confidence and dare I say luck in the matters as Jupiter amps up your risk taking ability. Must relay your inspiring vision and put it into a workable models. A commercial contract could especially come through if you have rising / sun / moon around 3º Scorpio which is around 26 Oct born Scorpio Sun. Pls do note Uranus in your house of partnerships would be activated in early July that means sudden shifts in nature of contracts or commitment or relationships and partnerships you are in. Try the untried here, you have a lot of support.

♐️ Sagittarius

This activates your self worth and networth so a financial matter could finally settle especially if its linked to personal matters or real estate. Budget, finances, long term assets, fixed assets, property returns, traditional salary matters could come to focus here for change. A financial project conclude, change in earnings, investment or spending come through, self worth amped up, achieving skills that are lucrative or rightly valuing your skills, focus on what you need & should demand for your talents — all this comes to focus as you take care of your needs, income, earnings and this could be time of financial accomplishments. It could be driven by relocation or change in personal situation or home family changes especially for rising / sun / moon around 3º Sagittarius or around 25 Nov born Sagittarius Sun. Food, nutrition, diet could come to focus.

♑️ Capricorn

This activates you — we get one full moon a year and this is yours — your half solar cycle or half birthday is the time when our identity, life priorities, physical body, recognition comes to focus as some critical changes are made. This brings you to a closure of a critical work or life path or old identity as something more expansive is in front of you. You could be very busy in self expression, sale, commercial activity, negotiations as you redefine your commitments and try to bring something home. Emotions would be high but your own mind & communication skills support you. We could choose this time to completely redefine our identity due to a new commercial idea or more expansive mindset or skill that we feel more drawn to — especially for 3º Capricorn rising / sun / moon or around 24 Dec born Capricorn Sun. You are taking a risk but its time to and your risk appetite as well as confidence would receive a boost as you wish you not hide your strength and talents anymore. It’s time to shine !

♒️ Aquarius

This activates a karmic obligation, fulfilment of duties possibly to parents or as a parent, spiritual discipline, solitude to pursue studies or a key project which is kept under wraps. You could also be taking a leadership role in charity or spiritual pursuit. This brings psychological shifts, few revelations, even secrets to surface about an old subject or ancestral secret or your own pattern which is well engrained but now you see it. This awareness brings end of suffering and healing. You face your demons with confidence. Dream life can bring some very critical ideas, creative pursuits are finalised but behind the scenes, undercover work is done of relevance without the show. In rare cases a secret enemy comes to light — only for benefit so it can stop harming you. Everything below the surface is worked with objectivity and ease as we release a cycle or bring final touches to something before launch. Uranus in early July will cause either volatility in your home and living situation or ask you to get out of your comfort zone. This is temporary calm before that.

♓️ Pisces

This activates your gains, rewards, fan base, social media, platform, social network, friends, connections vision and goals as something lucrative could come to pass especially if you have rising / sun / moon around 3º Pisces or around 22 Feb born over next two weeks. Visionary projects, legacy, reward of business risk or investment risk, dreams — comes for launch or fruition here. You are redefining your social influence, place in the group or network, your media presence or redefining your earnings / rewards / investment returns as you work on big wealth ideas during this time getting support for them. A friend or important connection or social group approval might come to pass which helps you here. We change our network, tribe, friends here as we move to next chapter, new goal or mission which contributes more socially and is more lucrative or practical. Uranus will keep your mind very busy in early July as you would have to possibly execute a unique idea.

Astrology with Charu!
Astrology with Charu!

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