24 March 2021 #Astrology #Horoscope “I Create” | Leo Moon

Astrology with Charu!
4 min readMar 24, 2021

Lights camera action, ladies and gentleman get your creative juices flowing we got Moon in our one and only diva #Leo. All that’s unique about us has got to shine out today but with a bit of control and self discipline as Saturn right at the onset tried to put a lid on this bonfire so it doesn’t become an all night rave but more of an everlasting flame that brightens people’s heart chakra.

It’s the day to give your creative flare a workout as Saturn tries to yet again along with Uranus put structure to our wild desires.

All that’s grand within should be given a good platform of expression. If charm was available on a beer trap, we all would get ourselves a glass of that Leo dose. Well we all get to ravel a bit in its shine today by loving freely, releasing a bit of child within and doing something just for the sake of it, creating a part of us that would outlive us, getting a bit more bolder in our endeavors and a bit more shinier in our relationships.

Step out of your comfort zone a bit, don’t try to rationalize your fears when they creep up & they would, do it afraid as they say, it will get easier, spotlight gets a bit friendlier once you speak the right words to yourself about you, love a bit brighter when you love who you are within, children a bit peppier when we get peppier with them, creative projects more easier to flow when we ease up on ourselves & let us flow.

Take a chance on you, who else would or should.

It’s lonely at the top and its sometimes ok to feel unsupported as that’s when we give our own internal support system a workout and find tools that would work for us when no one in our surrounding might seem like working for us.

Uranus at the apex of the fixed t-square that’s briefly formed today, like a snip snap cuts us progressively from a conventional expectation of “someone should take care of me”. Do we ever hear the Sun complain that I give and I give and I give. Cause Sun isn’t giving, its just being himself — shining as it must as is his destiny & purpose. Hiding his shine cause people receiving him are ungrateful or not applauding its existence every minute, would take him away from his purpose and well make his light dim.

We didn’t come here to fit in, we came here to give physical form to our every seemingly irrational dream and desire. We came here to create not follow.

Checkout Saturn Square Uranus aspect playing out in 2021 for your sign :

Sports, theatre, entertainment, social media, arts, music, dance, gambling, unconventional businesses, politicians and royalties outside and within us get a boost. the self starters, the entrepreneur within us, the leader, the king / queen in us, the entertainer, the creative, the magnanimous the brave within us, the risk taker in us all, the perineal gambler of life — wants to take a chance on itself — so give it a solid expression, a chance to speak, a chance to create, a chance to make its appearance.

Saturn checks our conviction in our passions, how emotionally invested are we in what we love and Uranus frees us from ourselves, our own boundaries that block us from claiming what’s ours. Yes that smile is yours, that giggle without a care that costs nothing is yours, running in the grass or prancing on the personal runway like a fiendish fireball that you are is all yours, every talented bits of you that you said no to cause they didn’t seem good enough are yours, every music that your life makes no matter who is here to listen is yours and its your unique contribution to the world.

If every great creator who wasn’t great at the start — well almost no one is — if each one of them blocked their potential cause it didn’t feel enough, we wouldn’t have so many talented contributions to enjoy.

Every time you say no to your flow of life, you disrespect the God given gifts you were born with or the fact that you and I were lucky to be incarnated in the first place.

You are a creation that’s meant to be reveled in, enjoyed fully, loved to bits & change the world with its own unique voice.

Wear your crown and take a seat on the head of the table and say boldly to you and anyone who can hear

“I Create”



Astrology with Charu!
Astrology with Charu!

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