25 March #Daily #Astrology #Horoscope : The Missed Karmic Step
Like a fork in the road, a conversation, a chance meeting in neighborhood, an enlightening thought, a read, a speak, a video, a message while being still or meditating or this podcast can open a simple fact to us — like a missing piece of a huge elaborate puzzle of life we have been trying to ace — that information, that insight just clicks right in & unravels a path unseen.
Clicks or not the information you get today, the insights you have, the conversations you are having, the contracts or documents you are working on — pay attention to them as they can be of very significant karmic relevance.
Today Mercury makes a mutable t-square with the nodes, highlighting a missed step in our journey without going through which we may not be able to walk our destiny path. In Mercury it might involve you requiring to clarify something to someone, to talk things out or could be your own mindset which needs a shift or an immediate environment which needs change so it can jive more with where you want to go or it could be an issue with a sibling which needs to be handled or it could be a simple document / learning / compilation you must go through so you can proceed.
Don’t miss this step.
It’s almost like everything is set and ready but something is very much missing. Like when a lamp is ready to go lit up but you cannot find the power cord. Something is blocking you from lighting up which Mars and north node are trying so hard to achieve. It’s not the guts, not the dare, not the brilliance, not the hard work, not brute force which is the missing ingredient. It’s something more nebulous and illusive, its almost like you cannot put your finger on it.
Mercury today throws a light, drops a hint and asks for a compromise or shift in our mindset, in our way of communication, in our way we relate to others, in the travel schedule, in our path which might become longer than we had planned but more fulfilling & beautiful if we listen to ourselves.
Mercury in Pisces seems vague but is actually pretty clever — it hides its cleverness in plain sight in the cloak of glamour and subtlety. People due to that underestimate its intelligence and its biggest intelligence is ability to adapt to any life situation.
Sword like will of Mars conjunct North node which we experience as well this week in a power oriented group sometimes needs to be camoflouged. I am not saying this is kosher — I am telling you what works in this current aspect. It hides the intensity of the will which is very much ablaze but it saves individual from many hardships. Sometimes that camouflage is in finding humor in the situation, sometimes its taking the route of sensitivity compassion to another. It’s a self protective way of meeting an intense situation or a storm as this path has many hidden enemies.
Sometimes the right way is indirect way.
There is another ingredient which Mercury in Pisces highlights today & its just the other end of the spectrum — that’s the dual nature of this archetype.
Mercury in Pisces is vague & comfortable with vague due to faith, imaginative, creative strong core — do you need some of that in life path or in the work you are creating — is belief, faith, right mindset, an element of compassion to another, selfless service to your purpose the missing nebulous ingredient to perfect what you are doing or to give you the right soul impetus so you can get going in life. It can almost seem like a distraction but Mercury highlights a part of our mind, a thought, an unattended part of our brain & our faith practice or our soul which was missed in first go and without it you cannot go further. It’s the invisible hand without which you don’t feel supported enough to go far enough. Do you need a daily faith practice, a boost, a belief booster, most successful people have that right at the start of their day, they just call it different things.
It can be purely knowing the fact that whatever we sow it directly or indirectly comes back to us so selflessly sowing something, a service in charity, a good faith act would come back many times in this karmic cycle.
Sometimes to take a short brave step today we need to have the bigger picture or broader vision more clear. Is it a matter of not knowing your place in the universe and how your contribution is helping in larger scheme of things — relevance ? Or is it just not knowing your own life purpose which is blocking effective action. Is it loss of the past that’s casting a shadow. Is it procrastination as you are not feeling what you are about to do will be enough.
May be today is a good day for you to spell out your larger purpose behind your actions — why am I doing this. Mundane becomes divine once it has a purpose behind.
Spell it out in bold words for you to see — day after day everyday.
This nugget of information, this missed step, this information / mindset plug or a selfless act would be key for the upcoming eclipses we are about to get into.