27 April to 11 May 2021 Astrology Horoscope : Full Moon in Scorpio at 7º06’

Astrology with Charu!
5 min readApr 26, 2021

“Behind your fears, rests your greatest life”

Today’s full moon is a power to be reckoned with, anyone who has ever dealt with a Scorpio knows, everything Scorpio is a power to be reckoned with. Strength of will driven by hurt, trauma and soul’s need to express itself is expressed by a Scorpio full moon.

Scorpio full moon alone was powerful enough as it triggers what the sign stands for — death and rebirth and transformation but along with its ruler Pluto standing still about to go retrograde we are getting an additional dose of truth coming to surface from way below the surface.

Yes the nefarious elements show up, its the Pandora’s box the good and the bad.

But some very deeply buried desire you have will rush back up as well because it needs to. In the past it was buried cause you didn’t feel sure enough, you didn’t feel its ok to ask or you thought its too taboo or “untraditional” to go after. Yet in vein of being honest with you and you only, it cannot be contained anymore and it needs to be expressed in your life.

That desire gives your life fuel, a sense of purpose, deeper than you have ever experienced in your life, it connects you to your own life force in the most orgasmic connection with your own soul’s power.

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Its the constant balance of trying to living on the surface and living per your soul’s desires, you have been trying to walk but something is tipping that balance towards soul and leaving surface values and traditions behind. Its almost like what was “stable” and traditional itself is self destructing under the Uranus in Taurus transit so you don’t know what you are compromising your soul’s purpose for anymore.

“What frivolous pursuits are you wasting your deep seated drive and intense motivation on.” seems to be the question soul asks.

Scorpio parts of our chart, unlike popular belief is where we do not have self confidence, tenacity & drive yes but not self confidence or assurance and a set of traumas or deep life changing experiences create a power that we were not born with but the one we created through life experiences.

Every Pluto transit strengthens that confidence and power in that part of our life and psychology. But he first opens all possible raw wounds so we can feel it all. Feelings have been branded as such a sign of weakness in our social construct. But feelings are our deepest connection to ourselves, they are the information of our soul and we have been trained by social norms to shut that down so actively that over time we become our own enemies instead of being our own best advocates. That opens the doors for our power to be taken by other people as this seemingly innocent act of suppressing what we are feeling, ignoring what isn’t sitting “right” with us, cowering down in name of taking the proverbial social high road — that first act which happens way before we are even conscious of what we are doing, that is where we hand over the reigns of our life to others.

And then in some dark night of our soul, the pain finally stops talking and starts screaming, something really small ticks it off cause its been ticking unheard all its life.

An umbical cord is cut.

What follows is a scene many dramatic traumatic novels and plays have been written about, usually an event manifests in external world thats driven from that internal screaming. Almost like spirit is trying to catch our attention, “I run the show not you”. It feels like a near death experience cause the person you knew before that junction before that moment is truly dying.

A remarkable life force takes over, as a self assured part of you arises out of this experience cause what you have now created is yours and you created it organically. You not only recreate your body, you recreate your mind. You stand a little sturdier, your tone is clearer as you talk less and listen more both to life and yourself, you radiate a charisma which is tough to define as its not soft or natural, its chiselled and crafted through work thats gone on when no one was looking.

And from that position of self worth, you will attract equally contended and self assured people who share your mindset and values. Who don’t think intensity as neither the threat nor the weakness of character. Who know that those lines on your forehead have come from straining to recreate you into who you wanted to be and not what you were born as.

You blossom in the calm of mindfulness by maintaining this connection to self through a daily practice, meditation, yoga, prayer, devotion cause they every time lead you back to your powerful core your intuition every single day.

From that mindset you attract the resources of powerful nature too, as they match how worthy you feel your life is and how powerfully you feel about the purpose you are pursuing. You do get more lonely in worldly sense cause you only want to be with people who have the capacity to understand you.

Power plays will continue in your life as mediocre will wilt in your shadow and try to play shadows games. You will see through them. Do not attempt to change them. Do not engage. Do not shrink. Do not go back. Do not ever break this connection with your own life force.

Your powerful others will find you and they would live and die with you and for you and challenge you to greater heights.

Do not ever look back from here.

There is no going back from here.



Astrology with Charu!
Astrology with Charu!

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