Aries : Mars Square Neptune & June 2021 Solar Eclipse Astrology Horoscope
Overview :
As I mentioned in my post & podcast yesterday Mars square Neptune will become exact on 9th April and would be felt most of this week. We now delve deeper by sign on how to tackle this aspect. Mars is our drive and Neptune tends to slow it down but there is a hindrance for a more effective and inspired action that this aspect is trying to highlight before we go blazing into the eclipse season.
Link to the previous podcast :
The June 10th eclipse would be starting a new chapter at the point where this aspect is happening. So understanding this aspect and actions you take as a result would be very critical for the new fated beginnings June 10th solar eclipse in Gemini would bring. As Rahu was here in Jan’21 we have experienced activation of this eclipse new beginning already at the start of this year while full physical manifestation of the same will pan out during the June eclipse. Mars right now dares us to do the right thing before we enter the physical manifestation period. With Neptune its helping us put the inspiration, a collective goal, some faith behind our actions and making sure what we go after has the right purpose behind it. Neptune dissolves social, political, religious and personal boundaries that block our collective growth and block birth of a new societal ideal. It teaches us to have faith in the unknown, love unconditionally, allow barriers to disintegrate and act out of a place of inspiration to contribute to the society versus for ego gratification. It undermines success without service to collective, nothing is done fully for altruistic purpose but Neptune demands our motivations aren’t inspired by pure ego boost or societal pressures. A very creative aspect makes us sensitive to collective needs & styles so what we create if made from a place of channeling or self transcendence is bound to touch others and serve others.
Let’s put meat on the bones now by sign — check as always your rising as key indicator and if possible sun & moon for a fuller picture.
#Aries : Communication, media, local networking & transit, commercial contract, skills (Read details below or listen on the podcast)
Your ruler in the house of mind is activating multiple commercial ideas and sale or communication linked project. It might be very tough to relax and no discussion feels ordinary but there seems too many options, too much scattered energy. With the eclipse coming up in June, you are looking to go full force in and begin a new commercial reality which leverages your brilliant mind and your communication skills. This is the time you might be laying down the ground work for that new start — either writing, putting a contract together, thinking how to commercialise it, how to advertise it, how to embellish it with more of your creative talent or may be even working on acquiring few skills that can help you make it more lucrative and impactful. You already know your options, December and January has shown you few of your options but there is some unseen fear, a boogeyman hiding screaming in the night when its just you — “what all can go wrong”. That stops all positive thinking in the tracks, makes your ruling planet Mars, your courage weak. And without courage, that indomitable self assurance that Aries are so well known for we drop into a pile of quick sand as our ideas seem like pipe dreams. Not because someone else has said anything but because our own internal complexes have shot them in the roots.
Neptune is also collective belief and fears so sometimes those fears aren’t even our own, we just have collected them on the way cause of bad house keeping of our surroundings. Neptune is also collective faith and our imagination — we are never going to know everything but if we keep moving forward despite our doubts we would discover the roads we can never see from where we stand now. But you do know one thing for sure and that’s that you want your life to matter, your words to have impact, your creations to serve & inspire — not just now but for time beyond you. Neptune lit your soul showing you your own hidden talents and desires in past few years. This hard aspect Neptune is making to your go go go Mars is asking you to take a beat, brief periods of stopping & checking in with yourself cause you are right now creating your reality with your thoughts and mind. It’s asking you to take time to cultivate your ideas, this new commercial reality on a base that’s solid with inspiration that’s kosher and coming from inside you and not from fears of others or of collective.
Inspired creations cannot come from a mind without faith.
Ever lasting productions don’t come from a place of “I”. You have a critical place in the universe, you are a fire starter, you motivate, you lead by example, you are a trail blazer not a follower — by being in your true element by handling your boogeymen within — by being in your element while integrating the sensitivity, the glam, the charm, the love for collective in your works and most importantly by having a higher purpose held right in front of your work before any “I” is key to success here. Filter your options with that lens. What would serve the collective the best, what are you here to channel and create. Once you have your inspiration in place, a purpose in place, motivation will come, words will flow, contracts opportunities connections will become easier. Listen to the signs, to hints like boulders universe is dropping — what’s the path of least resistance, the obvious thing for you to do which delivers you.
We take a much tougher route when we try to do things for ourselves without taking into consideration that we were sent here for a mission of greater impact. Bringing your talents and strength out is not just for benefit of you. The world would be less without it, it would be unfair to not show up, not say those words, not present your skills. Not doing what you are here to do is unfair to souls who weren’t chosen to be born unlike you.
Living fully is the cost of living.
Neptune is glamour, camera, creativity — you are all that and element of that in your work is a must but its also selfless love — the project you choose must draw that our of you.
Too much practical makes Aries a dull sign, not our style. Keep it interesting, keep it fresh, if its snoozing you it wouldn’t draw perfection out of you.
Few options which aren’t you would be dissolved this week. It’s essential before your new moon for us to do some of that. Once those cobwebs are clear, there is no stopping you.