Aries Mid July 2021 Astrology Horoscope

Sun Pluto Opposition & Jul/Aug Volatility

Astrology with Charu!
5 min readJul 11, 2021


As I mentioned on 10th July Sun and Moon came together at 18º02’ Cancer to plant a new seed which would influence us for the next two weeks. Influence holds for two weeks and we should normally start something new when moon is visible which is from today, so do use this time to start something new inline with the Cancer new moon energy for your sign. As I said we cannot do Leo season and August without getting the requisite support from Cancer season. All posts are provided in podcast and video formats as well if you prefer to watch or listen to the updates.

In part 1 of the post I gave overview of the transit now we go by sign

Part 1 :

You should check your rising sign, followed by Sun or Moon sign. Rising is most accurate though career perspective holds from sun sign as well. Moon sign gives more information on influence on personal life. As this compliments the Capricorn full moon — do check your zodiac specific trends in that, if you haven’t — link below.

Capricorn Full Moon for your sign :

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♈️ Aries

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Aries this infuses fresh energy into your house of home, family, place of living, emotional foundations, parenthood, parents, property urging you to sow a new seed to grow your comfort, strengthen your personal foundations. Cancer season activates our critical axis Aries so while it can feel like high pressure situation some very fruitful changes are made. Its a great time to reorganise home, making improvements in home, cleaning up, declutter, create a safe personal space, renew relationships, sell/buy/refinance/move/remodel home & real estate. Intuitive insights come with ease — listen to your gut and honor your feelings at this time especially. Make yourself comfortable, topic of intimacy/vulnerability will come up in personal relationship as you become more aware of your needs. Its the time of reorganisation of personal priorities and putting what makes you feel safe and secure at the top of the list. Over past two years might have decided to make some changes in your personal life or place of living and this would be a time to take a step towards that. At the very least we relax a bit at home, have good food and go meet our parents.

Watch in video format

Its a good time to make long term plans — as you get busy with personal activities or family obligations don’t forget that. In some ways you might be structurally rebuilding yourself and this is the time to figure out how to get back your footing if the past few years have impacted our confidence in self. Fulfilment is at the centre of the decisions taken. Open up about how you feel and ask for it, if you need support this is the time to ask for it especially from your family members. Do not try to adjust by brushing off your requirements or feelings for short term as that becomes the trend for long term. You are nourishing your foundations to support your future growth, filling your cup and it doesn’t have to be a two week process but we have to set some structure in place to make it happen. This does involve how we nourish ourself emotionally and physically where some fundamental changes are made. This is the house of deep psychology and only way to get a firm ground here is by strengthening your inner world. We accept whats over and whats ahead of us, we retain awareness of the past and how it has influenced us but we stop living in the past. This is a change of season of our emotional and psychological life.

This new start can support the volatility that you are feeling in your financial situation & sense of worth which could pan out as financial support from family or feeling more sure to take on that financial volatility in your future as you feel more emotionally stable or real estate assets or fixed assets supporting you in volatile times. But this doesn’t automatically flow, you need to ask for this support. Remember every generation leaves world with one progressive step by stepping out of traditions to create a new precedence for their future generation, your value system and means of earning is being changed — this aspect supports moving out of comfort zone.

This is an angular house so some critical life decisions might be being taken over next two weeks especially if you have rising / sun / moon around 18º Aries +/-3º or if you are around 7 April born Aries Sun +/-3 days, though all Aries have opportunity for this new start.

You are receiving a beautiful water trine 12–15 July in your water houses which makes you great in perceiving the collective trends and moods — you would experience feelings of others as yours or sometimes we reconnect with someone close like a parent who has passed on. Any level of rest, isolation, retreat, yoga, charity, working behind the scene, working on creative or psychological endeavours could reveal a masterpiece and great comfort to soul. As I said this would be challenged fairly soon — around 17 July we could see a power struggle or opposition to your personal work or decision from an authority figure or controlling figure especially for around 25º Aries or around 14 April born.

Jupiter is spending last few days in Pisces in July which supports you in any fears as well as adds more soulful comfort and creativity to you. It will bring more benefits in 2022 but around 1º Aries or around 22 March born could receive some very beneficial intuitive messaging or have a positive personal conversation around 12 July.

Both Jupiter and Neptune in July positively influencing your house of spiritual pursuits, hidden talents, hidden pursuits as well as hidden demons & enemies, psychological complexes, moksha, peace, detachment from outcome, selfless service, isolation to think & process, yoga, mediation — all the practices that reconnect us to our soul away from the day to day troubles. I described this in details in the Neptune Retrograde post (link below) — this helps this new start as Neptune and Jupiter both positively influence your personal well being.

Aries | Neptune Retrograde July to December 2021 :



Astrology with Charu!
Astrology with Charu!

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