Aries Season begins ! Mars Squares Uranus : Astrology Horoscope

Astrology with Charu!
2 min readMar 22, 2022


Sun is in Aries & we are ready to take cardinal directional actions while Mars Uranus square is telling us to let everyone take a hike. Fear is thrown out of the window — yeah we feel the collective water due to Mercury Neptune — but oh we are so so ready for individual change & to take a courageous jump for the sake of self.

This is great time to get out of inertia.

But …

We are bound to act in rebellious way — breaking things versus changing things. This is a nonconformist aspect & we rebel any kind of restrain as there is a desperate fight for air, an urgent need to cut through socially imposed restrictions — physical or moral. This is high energy but its a nervous energy needing physical outlet. Its an accident prone aspect, we along with others around us could be very easily irritated, nerved out, hurried & be unreliable. We need stimulation, excitement & crave change in fixed parts of our life. We would have it at any cost.

This aspect gives courage, fear is given up cause the cost is one’s independence & we can be very decisive, a revolutionary who challenges status quo. But this unyielding, stubborn, conflict prone aspect is more likely to move quick & break things versus change things. Same result or change can be obtained with dignity versus arrogance & there is a thin line which is crossed cause we feel we are overdue this freedom & the world somehow “owes” us. Sometimes we don’t even want the change truly but we are shaking things up for the sake of excitement or due to this perceived feeling of being caged somehow. Emotional volatility is more likely give way to words that we cannot take back & we truly do not mean. Risks are taken out of restlessness & ego in fits of temper.


There is a reason why you want this change & now you finally have the courage to pursue it but it can be done with dignity versus belligerence. We have the option to use our words softly than our physical body wants to. Drive carefully & handle sharp objects safely.

Calm the nerves & from that place make your bold move 🔥

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Astrology with Charu!
Astrology with Charu!

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