Cancer : Mars Square Neptune & June 2021 Solar Eclipse Astrology Horoscope

Astrology with Charu!
5 min readApr 9, 2021


As I mentioned in my post & podcast yesterday Mars square Neptune will become exact on 9th April and would be felt most of this week. We now delve deeper by sign on how to tackle this aspect. Mars is our drive and Neptune tends to slow it down but there is a hindrance for a more effective and inspired action that this aspect is trying to highlight before we go blazing into the eclipse season.

Link to the previous podcast :

The June 10th eclipse would be starting a new chapter at the point where this aspect is happening. So understanding this aspect and actions you take as a result would be very critical for the new fated beginnings June 10th solar eclipse in Gemini would bring. As Rahu was here in Jan’21 we have experienced activation of this eclipse new beginning already at the start of this year while full physical manifestation of the same will pan out during the June eclipse. Mars right now dares us to do the right thing before we enter the physical manifestation period. With Neptune its helping us put the inspiration, a collective goal, some faith behind our actions and making sure what we go after has the right purpose behind it. Neptune dissolves social, political, religious and personal boundaries that block our collective growth and block birth of a new societal ideal. It teaches us to have faith in the unknown, love unconditionally, allow barriers to disintegrate and act out of a place of inspiration to contribute to the society versus for ego gratification. It undermines success without service to collective, nothing is done fully for altruistic purpose but Neptune demands our motivations aren’t inspired by pure ego boost or societal pressures. A very creative aspect makes us sensitive to collective needs & styles so what we create if made from a place of channeling or self transcendence is bound to touch others and serve others.

Let’s put meat on the bones now by sign — check as always your rising as key indicator and if possible sun & moon for a fuller picture.

#Cancer : Foreign travel, spiritual creativity, hidden talents, guardian angels, sensuality, privacy, healing actions

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Cancer you might be chipping away in your privacy with hidden excitement on matters linked to creativity, pleasure, connections, foreign interactions. Energy is not channeled outward so much and its like you are conserving your momentum for something upcoming but you feel that in your soul that its coming. Your house of hidden favours, talents, affairs, interactions, peace are being activated for the 10 June 2021 Solar Eclipse and a fated event in January or end December might have initiated something out of the blue whose full physical manifestation will only pan out in June 2021. But right now behind the scene you may be laying down the groundwork for it or even enjoying it or them in your privacy.

Your little piece of fantasy, heaven, peace, spirituality, creativity out of world’s eye is blossoming sometimes without your own active eye. Might be tough to focus on practical matters as you are going through so much behind the scenes.

Your imagination is stoked though and should be very much leveraged right now to lay down the groundwork of whatever next magnum opus you are about to write or create. And this magnum opus could very much be a passionate behind the scene steamy love affair but we wouldn’t know what it is till June and there is still a hurdle to get through to the other side of it. Neptune has taken you on a spiritually enriching journey possibly through interaction with people who are different & far from you. In the process it has expanded your horizons, your imagination, creativity, higher knowledge is on fire, your outlook on life more positive and your purpose in life much more kosher & elevated.

What you create must come from that elevated place and not from your past, not surely from the psychology or philosophy of your past which used to stop you in the roots before you could gun for more.

You are in a budding phase with north node right now in your 12th house just about to enter your social house end of this year when what you are creating can go large scale to the people you want to influence and enchant and create gains for you. In that budding phase which is a state of private enrichment of the soul so you are ready spiritually for what you are about to take on, you might enter a distraction or hindrance about now. Its like an unknown source that stops you, its that unconscious fear, a pattern from the past or an actual distraction, a person who takes your attention away from your expansive goal. Isolation, time for deep research and quiet contemplation is required for you to be able to write your magnum opus so as to speak. Heights without depth are meaningless remember that in whatever work you are creating — this conflict normally shows the conflict between those two expansive sides of ourselves.

Be careful of the mentors, the foreign players coming into your life as with Neptune we idealise these influences — they are great to open you up but they aren’t your destiny.

It’s like substance use — once in a while to get a high its all great though I personally don’t condone it, but if its becoming an addiction and we are getting persuaded into thinking its more than it is we might hit a wall. Neptune is selfless love, its normally unrequited one cause its trying to teach us to love from a place of no expectations.

That love through a person, a mentor, an out of the world experience & adventure comes into your work — though the process may not be that straight forward as its a hard aspect. But it adds that depth to your heights as does faith, as does foreign experience, as does yearning and spirituality.



Astrology with Charu!
Astrology with Charu!

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