Cancer Mid July 2021 Astrology Horoscope

Sun Pluto Opposition & Jul/Aug Volatility

Astrology with Charu!
6 min readJul 12, 2021


As I mentioned on 10th July Sun and Moon came together at 18º02’ Cancer to plant a new seed which would influence us for the next two weeks. Influence holds for two weeks and we should normally start something new when moon is visible which is from today, so do use this time to start something new inline with the Cancer new moon energy for your sign. As I said we cannot do Leo season and August without getting the requisite support from Cancer season. All posts are provided in podcast and video formats as well if you prefer to watch or listen to the updates.

In part 1 of the post I gave overview of the transit now we go by sign

Part 1 :

You should check your rising sign, followed by Sun or Moon sign. Rising is most accurate though career perspective holds from sun sign as well. Moon sign gives more information on influence on personal life. As this compliments the Capricorn full moon — do check your zodiac specific trends in that, if you haven’t — link below.

Capricorn Full Moon for your sign :

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♋️ Cancer

Happy Birthday to Cancer Sun and to all of you a very happy new season.

Listen to the podcast

Cancer your beautiful new moon marks the new start in who you are — new look, new manner of expression, new physical or outer presentation to outer world as well as new faith in who you are. Apart from taking this opportunity of annual refresh to make any changes in our physical world or habit, we are prompted to do things by ourselves and for ourself. Self reliance is key here and its time to go solo as this new moon feeds the unique, the entrepreneur, the independent in us with a sextile with Uranus in your house of network. Talk about standing out.

Watch it in video format

Our new moon is the time to meet new people, have new experiences, putting ourselves out there — new influence, abundance and network impact. This is especially being prompted for 18º Cancer rising / sun / moon +/-3º or Cancer Sun born around the new moon which is around 10 Jul born +/-3 days. Though its felt by all of your sign, these degrees and dates get most triggered at this time.

Uranus, the planet of sudden changes for you Cancer is sitting in its own house of network and media — its giving you impetus to widen your identity and have different unique people in it. The conflict or volatility of July and August for you is focused on material houses — which are to do with who you are becoming — whats your vision and where is the wealth. These are fixed houses for you and it seems the only way out is a total shift which Uranus is prompting as its the solution or outlet of that volatility. Uranus prompts to sudden changes in fixed parts of our life and for you thats prompted in network, social media, vision, big wealth ideas — going independent using online media, networking with unique artistic brilliant people, widening your identity to have totally different people in it is the outlet. This prompts to having a set of people who have common vision but yet are independent and it does prompt sometimes falling out of an old group or vision or network as you move to more inspired life. It prompts to radical change in vision which you would see more unveiled as we have Leo season begin. But this volatility even though is supportive to you — is not easy. It needs support and thats what we do in Cancer season — in your season and with your new moon over next two weeks we first make solid base by giving you a priority.

As I said in Part 1 this volatility both feeds into a new start as well as is supported by this new start. The seed you sow over next two weeks, which gives you more inspired vision of what you could be requires you to present something unique on a social media or to a network or to a unique set of people who are different from ones you have worked or networked with before. Even the media you use for the same or platform needs to be different. New moon in our sign is the time to be bold, brave and try new things which is what you are being prompted to do even though it comes post a period of volatility and would be followed by a period of volatility as this new start would be challenged around 17th July cause we cannot have the new start with the same patterns of operating or responding to significant others in our life — partner, business partner, clients. The whole equation needs to change and Pluto has been prompting you to not loose your power to others for a while. So we have a test coming up right on the foot of this new start around 17th. This will play out very strongly for Cancer rising / sun / moon around 25º +/-2º especially or around 17 July born Cancer Sun +/-2 days. You have to remember that any power struggle with another is a reflection of struggle you face within where you are giving your power away to another. Its not a popular opinion but Pluto plays out our internal drama through another. This is a very challenging aspect but partnerships — personal or business that do not grow with or contribute to you any longer they do need to be released. Pluto is death rebirth and we have that playing out in your commitments, contracts, partnerships — business and personal. Change is demanded. We are pushed to self assert, our determination, self confidence is both challenged and amped up but due to friction. Pluto doesn’t like weakness, its a planet of power but those changes with this aspect only comes through others — its like the gold within is pretty much hacked through conflict and obsessive or compulsive or intense behaviour of others.

This is a period when we are reminded to trust our senses, our intuition, not let others push their rules on you and to put personal care as integral part of your identity. Being aware of your sensitivity and honoring it cause there would be people who could make you feel bad about that or even about your identity. Our ego is challenged here. Compromising oneself is very different from being sensitive and this conflict would separate any pattern from your sensitivity where you compromise yourself. Pluto retrograde mid point cause irrevocable changes in our partnerships and patterns of connecting with others in this house. Well haven’t we had two years of all this with your eclipses — well there is apparently some of the things that are left to be changed especially when it comes to assertion.

On the positive side, this new moon is so beautifully aspected at this time with the Neptune inspiration. We are inspired to take a leap as both Jupiter and Neptune are spending some time together positively aspecting your sign during all these oppositions and volatility. They bring positive influences, support from guru/mentors/teachers, they bring back a sense of adventure and some inspiring conversations especially in period of 12–15 June especially for 1º or 23º Cancer rising / sun / moon or Cancer Sun born around 23 June or 15 Jul. For all of you this helps to broaden view of life. We are shown trends or life goals which flow so much easier into who we are as a person, they prompt change. This broader scope of existence calls to us more than anything else and it inspires your new start. Neptune Jupiter are together only in July in your house of adventure and belief — they would fully come here in 2022. Neptune is very strong right now as it just went retrograde, I covered both in my blog post below.

Cancer | Neptune Retrograde July to December 2021 Astrology Horoscope | #Workingonit Astrology

I would take advantage of this time to hear whats coming to me — some call it good karma some call it voice of God but normally this aspect is very positively guiding you to a different direction and its time to tune in. Neptune is now retrograde so things which were in fog earlier are slowly coming to light and they would further but we sow the seed of it all now. Its a cliche but it doesn’t make it wrong — have faith.


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Astrology with Charu!
Astrology with Charu!

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