Capricorn Full Moon at 11º18’ Astrology Horoscope
Influence Till 17 Jul
Some losses have a reason, they are not really losses they are release — release of whats not serving us but since those things or people are structural part of our existence we are too scared to let those things go — thinking it would be a loss and most importantly we would be admitting a defeat of some sorts when we let those things go.
Capricorn South node transit usually comes with many of these structural releases or what we could think of as tangible losses. Period around 24/25 Oct 2019 could have been a particular period worth looking back to as we live under the influence of this Capricorn full moon for next two weeks.
Now I promised you optimism and I opened this full moon reading with talks of loss and release. Well Capricorn optimism is rooted in ground — in reality, in facing facts especially about what about that moment was not working out. You can only bring fresh energy in that area of your life after you recognise what needed to leave and why. Usually the area of our life Capricorn full moons deal with are building foundations of our life — usually career or job for most of us, relationship with bosses/authority, order & structure of life. For people who are actually living — it would have meant beyond career. The shift in perspective of people on jobs/career and it’s balance with personal life and values — didn’t start with pandemic. The road to that shift was paved in 2019 and you could probably look back to that time to see if you relate. With South Node in Capricorn our attachment to material progress that we achieve by blindly pursuing old way of career and life — it was loosened. It could have been by loosing any attachment to old ways of being judged for what you do vs who you are as a person.
So did we learn anything or now that life goes back to same structure — we are to become the same person. As we revert back to that time do we go back to the same jobs, same responsibilities, same ways of balancing or not balancing our life and career, our inner life does it again become slave of our outer life or our need for achievement. How does the wild, the untamed, the emotional gets reintroduced to the concept of autocracies as they seemingly gain relevance again in our life.
There is a meaning to structure, there is a value in it. The rough and the edgy in us is made beautiful and beneficial through the structure (Monica screams in my brain “rules help control the fun” 😉 those who “Friends” know).
So in this very beneficial and yes expansionary full moon under the realistic optimism of Jupiter in Taurus — we are grounded in the current moment and asked to see value in what was lost or released in Oct 2019 and replace it with something more of who we have become vs who we were. But don’t mistake a lack of structure with freedom. Sometimes freedom is in having a structure around our wild expression so we can evolve like fine wine. Capricorn full moon in its highest expression such as this produces that fine wine. It matures our wild expression through what might look like an “autocratic” process but as Monica says “Rules are good..Rules help control the fun”
It’s a full moon so not only do we see the meaning in the past we also complete something which would serve us in the future replacing the seeming loss or dysfunctional structure of 2019. It’s about creating the structure of a future grounded in values you have now created for yourself since that time. In full knowledge of who you are as a person. What you do matter — whether you work in an office or your own work, you take care of family, you contribute in any ways — it leaves a mark of your brand of leadership on the next generation. The star that shines in proximity of this degree creates leaders, people who influence with their writing, communication, presence but that very ability also creates this strong expectation to rise to the top. The people born under the influence of this star create cultures. In some ways we are asked to not root this next phase in need for skipping steps for quick access to the top — instead see what culture we are creating. What values we are leaving behind cause what you do matters beyond you. We do not need to have a formal title to be a leader, we all lead a life which either creates a positive or a negative culture. Unknowingly you are becoming someone’s example to follow. What footprint would you like to leave ?
So if you have temptation to squeeze into places you do not fit for a quick trip up top to where you thought you should have already gotten to. Know that life has a process of evolution of a person, a refinement through various phases of life. There is no delay in achievement of perfection. You want to be who you would like to bring home. So take those steps, go through that process thats considered evolutionary refinement. There is a reason Capricorns age like fine wine and no its not cause their grapes are constantly pounded on, they just go through the steps 😉
#astrology #horoscope #capricornfullmoon