Energy Read for Next two weeks : till 4 November Astrology Horoscope
If the Aries Moon could rant!
𝗜𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗔𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗙𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝗠𝗼𝗼𝗻 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘁 …
The full moon at 27º26’ Aries that we just experienced triggered a two week process of pathway to “Undaunted Faith” in pursuits of one’s ideals. Its obsessive, neurotic, fool hardy, brimming with combative energy yet braving a self assured smile. Today we talk of its energy that we would experience over next two weeks.
🎥 𝕎𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙 𝕚𝕥 :
🎙ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣 𝕚𝕥 :
📖 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕚𝕥 :
Do Check what it means for your zodiac sign along with 2022 2023 trends in readings below — timestamps are in comments
Its the nature of the beast, she doesn’t like ordinary and is pacing relentlessly bound in the water elements of Moon where she is visibly uneasy. She has the brilliant acuity of the mind but she is always just one inch away from tipping over cause she cannot stand even the moment in time which becomes vaguely fake by overliving it. So she does what seems “sensible” in that moment — skips it — Next! To someone who watches her, its tiresome to see her reinvent herself every second of life and skipping from one interest to another, but what they cannot see is her perspective is continuously changing, cause she is life force so she is living it fully, the very definition of reservoirs of energy and she was given all of it to experience it all. She was not born to beat something to death and then disseminate stale knowledge, she was meant to show we all hold within us the ability to act, to create our own happiness, to go after what fires us up! Even if that means we need to try many things and quickly recover from our many many wounds.
The sensations are so vivid there is not an inch of doubt in what she feels, the energy so uncontainable she must act, need for freedom so ingrained she has to be different — it all comes out as bad temper or bad disposition to the up-nosety parts of the world (yes she invents words as she goes). She doesn’t know why but she knows she is right — it happens so fast its tough to explain that impulse, and lets admit it, its boring to explain. We just do it cause we care for what the others think and she doesn’t so…
“… and while we are at it, good bye advice, you are not the boss of me” she says, “even if you are trying to help but help is just power and authority dressed in pretty please clothes.”
I give way to her voice for she goes on…(excuse her language she has no filters)
“I know there is a world beyond this judgment of the “I” and I aim to create it and live in it. Not cause I care for those judgments but cause they slow down my pace with people throwing their self doubts my way hoping combating with me will validate them. And I know I attract you all cause when I live in my truth, it starts calling you to yours and in your inertia and golden cages you do not like how uneasy it makes you feel. But thats the nature of the beast — thats the nature of how I was created. I am meant to lead by making that part of you that doesn’t let you brave through hurt so much that you cannot stand that inertia anymore. I am just being me, attracting all those parts of you for a fight that don’t like to push through to the other side. I irk you… not really, I just provoke to make you recognise what you are missing out by not being shamelessly in love with what you are, who you and who you are about to become. So hopelessly tantalised by the ideal that I don’t see these daily nags as “show stoppers”.
No I don’t look at how someone else failed in what way or how another person got rich or poor or happy or sad. If its been done already, it’s anyways not worth my time or space. I have an impulse and I am it — its called an original idea, try it some times cause someone has to. Slow down slow down think through think through — says the world — yes think through but someone has to be the one who would just do. I am it. I am impractical, impulsive, passionate and I am brilliant, a creator, a headstrong manifestor — I am not here to coddle you, to make you feel better in any weakness or failure, I am here to tell you sometimes you need to do things to know if they are for you or not. Sometimes you have to call your inner Aries moon to assert herself to ask for what your rightfully deserve. Sometimes you just have to decide. In war the one who takes the decisions wins instead of the one who always tries to get it right.
I come in people’s life when they are searching for strength to decide, when they have been sitting for too long on something, looking for that spark, that push out of inertia. When they are tired of keeping everyone happy yet not satisfying anyone, least of all themselves. When they forget that being at peace comes from within and not from external efforts of peace making — that being honest about who we are is the starting point of peace in relationships. Cause we cannot effectively merge with anyone else if we are not well integrated within — when we aren’t living our true nature.
Pluto planted an honest seed in me in April and I am here to blossom it. By translating my inner alignment with external positive directional action and I know they would change my relationships. I would not stand for the passive aggressive behaviour trying to put me back in the box cause I don’t fit the definition of others for I haven’t yet defined me, I am yet to be discovered and cannot hence be branded or named. I would not be weighed down by guilt of the past or indecision of the future. I don’t plan to become the oppressor from the oppressed though I know the intensity that I am bringing, I would walk that thin line. Pluto has taught me to not ignore my own temper tantrums even though others see that needing “growth” they are my impulses unattended unaddressed and every time I let them die, with them die my nerves of intuition too. Doesn’t mean I would follow each of my impulses but I wouldn’t let balance be the reason to diminish my true self and strength of my senses.
I look at life as an adventure from one spark to another so if that belief in your life that you had as a child has left you, I will irk the hell out of you to reignite it. Cause we would be grubby and impatient till we are happy and elated working towards a refreshing possibility. My dynamic restlessness is within you and I see it but I am not here to coddle your way to it, I am here to inject an arsenal of adrenal in your behind so you cannot sit till you get it. I challenge you, your guts, I dare your sense of self even ego by throwing truth bombs your way. I don’t have to say it, that’s Mercury’s job and she is sitting daintily in polite Libra who is staring me down while I light this fire in her backyard. No ones going to say to you cause they are all being their Libra self in their voices and actions. Trading true intimacy which comes from truth for longevity. But I am in you as your emotions, your intuition as that restlessness you cannot seem to quiet. I won’t let you sleep, let you rest, till you see me, feel me, chase me and go where you are meant to go. Go where others dare not step cause there is no path, no picket fences, no clean roads, no paved guidelines. It scares some that there is no roadmap to where we would go, but it excites me cause I get to write my own rules and find the shortest surest the most direct way from where I am to where I want to be. I am here to start the spark not sustain it or elevate it, my fellow fire friends Leo & Sagittarius Moons will do that and I love them for it. That’s why we are a team.
I don’t aim to form a gang, a network or even motive anyone though I know when I would be myself I would encourage many more to be the same, this adrenal is infectious. Its the reason people who won’t lift a finger in real life get a rush from seeing strangers play on screen. This fight is yours as much as the inspiration can be acquired, this is a fight you have to fight alone. Here you are not competing against anyone, this is you trying to beat your old self, raising your own standards, drawing on your resources, speaking your mind, taking a daunting call — as well as surprised how quickly it all comes along when you take that first step. But as a creator it all would be easier if you believed in your own inner strength to pull through.
Why don’t I just tell you where I am taking you ? There is no strategy here — I am not Scorpio Moon, I am not telling you cause I just do not know. This is a feeling not a fact. The feeling that you can be more, the feeling that you are meant to be elsewhere and be doing something more brave. I don’t know the rational behind these feelings, I am meant to trust them cause they rarely have failed me. There are no guarantees in life, I am telling you doing is the only way you would know where you are meant to go. I am telling you once you start you will find the resources and you would find the “right” path & destination cause I know thats how it works. I am telling you that your courage will take you to heights where your caution cannot even imagine to go. I am telling you, what you already know that till you do not follow your independent path, you would be fulfilling someone else’s destiny and I will keep making you feel bad about that. Whenever you will relinquish your chance to be yourself, your chance at finding happiness, adventure, sense of fulfilment on your own terms — whenever you go fake ass on yourself, I will keep you up at nights.
As soon as you would step into that ring where you are meant to be instead of sitting on the sidelines, you would forget all excuses, all nags of daily encumbrances, all seemingly never ending debt you owe to everyone in your life. In moments like these I would make you run your physical body to the ground with over exhaustion but it would still be exhilarating. Goals and success would inspire you, set them all over your walls and windows where you can see them and celebrate them cause you need those to keep you going. Plan for one hour later not next week next month or next year. Create an urgency a rush to get it all done. Rush would fuel the rush. Though as Pluto has taught me, I will stay off quick frivolous thrills, the move fast and break things done wrongly. But the shadow that has long casted of self doubt or fear or self imposed timidity will give way to vitality, decisiveness, resourceful and enterprising positive force which was waiting within you to be called for. Order is born from chaos not from inertia or stillness. To feel whole sometimes we need to tip the balance. To see your own unique shadow you would need to cast yourself off from a net you seemingly are stuck in. Taking that first seemingly tough step is everything and that’s why I am here. Not to take your hand before you jump in but to kick your behind into action.
Anger sometimes is better than fear, frustration from status quo sometimes better than doubts, laughing off our failed adventures is better than wallowing in our wounds, getting urge to prove yourself is better than secretly hoping someone would discover the me. Choose your own poison to draw out the heroic version of you. He or She doesn’t have to be right at the moment — he or she needs to just dare to show up.”
#astrology #horoscope #newmoon #aries #ariesmoon