For Each of 12 Zodiac Signs : November 2021 Scorpio New Moon
The Impulses & Hindrances
On 30th Oct at 5:53am E.T. Sun in Scorpio will square Saturn in Aquarius at 7º11’. This aspect would be repeated on 10th Nov with Mercury and Mars in Scorpio and is very much the part of the process involving the 4th or 5th November’s impulsive Scorpio new moon. Impulsive Scorpio…hmm thats one misnomer. Yup, thats why this process of detaching from a fixed part of our life is not going to be so easy. We have spent whole year on this push and pull where to detach from an old phase of our life which had become our reality, we have been trying to overcome our own resistance. And now that resistance comes to a head with this aspect playing off right now and then again in the aftermath of 4th/5th Nov new moon which is bound to come with some fireworks — economic, political and emotional. Change ain’t easy — not in the fixed parts of our life cause they are linked to our sustenance, they seem to be our source of sanity or so we have been telling ourself. Today after a very brief overview we would cover for each zodiac sign what is this resistance that you and me are working through before we get to that snap moment of impulse that is the Scorpio new moon.
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The next year and a half with eclipses and south node in Scorpio, we would spend pretty much detaching Scorpio patterns which have been defunct in our life and cultivate some new patterns selflessly without expecting them to bouy us up. Cause thats the process and things as old as the word bouy is they well don’t fit with who we are becoming. This is our road to drama free which comes with drama — first wave hits with us evaluating the the resistance within to become who we need to be with 30th Oct and 10th Nov and the second wave is more of a snap out of it, just do it energy which comes with 4/5th Nov and pretty much the whole period post 12th Nov which would be marked with volatility and may be even physical violence in some cases. Higher the resistance more the snap. Earlier degrees will feel the snap more as Uranus currently makes it retrograde mid cycle transit around 12º creating a situation where a way out is shown but it comes at a cost which Saturn shows around 7/8º. Early degrees of fixed signs will feel the snappiness or suddenness of more as later degrees have more support from Neptune, Pluto through the others in our life and even from Jupiter though sometimes Jupiter might make us take on too much before we are even ready which we need to be careful on 15, 20 Nov and 8 December especially fixed sign around 23–26º. That’s what these Saturn check points like we have now and on 10th are important. Resistance is a chance to be sure, criticism or even restriction from an authority or a negative reaction from another is a sign of our own doubt which is best handled now versus later when we have dived in — cause thats the thing with fixed sign changes, they come rare but they stay for a long time and are irrevocable. But over next two years we would find our own way to be stable in face of transformative changes, even ride the wave with some gains. We would proactively choose simplicity, honesty and respect over drama, intensity and neediness. Channel our intensity into practical pursuits of value. Find our still point in the chaos. Very few things will rattle us after this process of north node in Taurus and south node in Scorpio that we are about to embark upon.
This check point and upcoming lunations in November are first step to it.
Know that Scorpio new moon could be a new phase coming to replace what went down in May 2015 for you. This is a parallel of November December 2002 if you are old enough to recall though nothing is exactly the same but patterns of growth from these periods would re-emerge in November.
Don’t forget to leave me a note if you relate to it.
Let’s explore by sign which hurdle or resistance each of us are trying to transcend or learn more from before we ride the impulsive rollercoaster thats 4th Nov new moon.
♈️ #Aries : Light or dark, easy or heavy, social or karmic, friends or sexual partners
Aries the Scorpio new moon comes with a new phase of transformation, which could be in form of a purge of the past or going in deeper financially or emotionally in a connection which runs in karmic patterns for you. This is new move possibly in investments, income from inheritance / divorce / stocks / loans / insurance or a deep psychological or financial practice that needs mastery. Our life would be profoundly change with this call and it needs a lot of will power as well as spiritual faith to go in. This new moon would play out especially for ~13º Aries or around 3 April born who feel impact beyond the two weeks.
But Aries the long term dream or vision or hopes of gains we have been working on seeding all of this year would inhibit or seemingly block our ability to go in together deeper with this one. Before you can tie that knot, sign that contract, get into that investment, go ahead with a new start — a new equation with a significant other — there is something within you which is new and was just seeded which screams I deserve more and I want more. This could be a conflict with an elder, a sibling, criticism from a friend or fan or socially influential person which might be external manifestation of your own doubt on this move showing up on 30th Oct or 10 Nov. Taking on a debt or loan or a karmic liability might come in the way of the vision you have for your future. This blockage makes you stop and rethink that. Saturn Jupiter this year has seeded a new ambition, vision, goal post for you both in terms of your social influence as well as monetary gains. The contracts you sign, the give and take in partnerships cannot ignore the end goal which is your long term legacy that you are planning. This could mean we need to rework the terms of partnership, review that investment more deeply, tighten the terms of partnership so we aren’t left stranded due to the speed or excitement of things. The new balance of give and take that you are establishing needs to be based on a futuristic vision of where you life needs to go versus the old rule book. Use this delay to be sure and get the terms right.
This can also show what pattern within you which could be fear or negative thinking or past baggage which blocks you from making it big on your vision or expressing yourself fully to your tribe, your friends, on social media or gaining from your investments. A fixed way of thinking of our life, what we “deserve”, inner complexes of anger/addiction/not speaking up openly about our wants/a specific karmic pattern or knot we have with someone or our fears that block our self expression — it needs to irrevocably change. Scorpio season is one of detox for you and you might be shown what needs to be detoxed too. The resistance within of whats possible for us shows up in way of someone else blocking our gains. Realisation of our goals and vision or hopes and dreams depend on overcoming it. No more junk in food, in thoughts, in imbalance in partnerships, in rotten investments — if we are to be all we can be and all we are here to deliver socially and economically, we need to actively purge our shadows in November and move forward more powerfully and more importantly more simply and lightly, dropping some complexity of what has been, what could have been and what was especially in joint matters. What blocks you from socially merging with others, what inner complexes block your social growth, even material gains, what blocks you from asking your fair share — we do need to look into them and a conflict might show us or a restrain might. Similarly we need to be sure before we start (yet again) a karmic debt or connection.
Around 7º Aries or 28 March born Aries Sun would feel the most pressure right now though this would benefit all of us in coming months.
Previous Reading with long term transits :
♉️ #Taurus : Career or partnership, parent or partner, commitment or aspirations
The Scorpio new moon bring a transformative phase in partnership, connections, marriage, intimacy, legal contracts, financial contracts, partner’s income. This especially could play out for ~13º Taurus or around 4 May born who feel impact beyond the two weeks.
But this new phase in partnership, relationship, a contract or a commitment requires us to overcome a hurdle or inhibition. Saturn and Jupiter in your house of career this year having been sowing a new seed of long term growth in your career but that what aspirations it’s giving you or the very path you want to pursue for long term might be conflicting with a new start in relationship or commitment or the freedom you seek in your contracts. A balance needs to be had in being a supportive partner and being a career person, being a son or daughter and being a husband or a wife or a business partner, being successful in books of everyone else in the world and being successful with those who matter the most to you, between the external title you desire and long term career or social goals you have as they may not be jiving. There could be a conflict we have been avoiding which comes up in our face and how we handle this conflict, this adversary, a critic or our partner in some ways helps define our gains in outer life as well cause how we fight this battle is how we fight the rest. There could be a shift needed in how we manage our relationship with our partner, our opponents, our critics, our business one one one relationships or clients. To be the kind of success we envisage to be in our life path, this change in approach and this possible new phase in our partnership or connection or this new client might be critical. But this would run deeper than the conflict at hand as it can show you the doubts you have on the career or even personal title you seek and the kind of commitment or loss of freedom that comes with it. Apart from the obvious fight between work and life, this could be a broader conflict between your need for freedom and your need to materially progress on your life or social goals. This pressure would be especially felt by ~7º Taurus or around 28 April born. In some rare cases a change in our financial contracts or partner’s income or partner might conflict with where long term we want to go in terms of life path. Some pressures make us surer of who we want to be or whom we want to be with. Tie in your commitments with your aspirations, they do need to meet each other halfway.
Previous Reading with long term transits :
♊️ #Gemini : Mundane or adventure, practical or expansive
Gemini the Scorpio new moon brings a new start in work environment and health. This could be very transformative and healing as we start a new service, purge something for more balance in our life, create a team to support us work with us on an aspiration or rejig our team or work practices or career all together. This new moon plays out especially for ~13º Gemini or around 4 June born who feel impact beyond the two weeks.
Gemini this whole year you might have been seeding a new adventure, an expansive journey of your life which would define the next phase of your life goal, a path of self expression, the person with the unique knowledge — put it all out there. Its all done in phases and it all is very exciting but it does have a practical side. May be its time to now have the practical implementation of that expansive vision and its different isn’t it — implementation is different from the dream. So this moment comes with pressure to get down deep and in detail to make those changes but we can oh get so lost in the details and almost loose the joy of it. Hunker down — these are few moments before the excitement when real work gets done on 30th Oct and 10th Nov. Temporarily it might feel adventure is blocked or travel is blocked due to work. Higher mind can be blocked by details or problems or sometimes even health concerns. It creates sober mood but it also creates focus and productivity. Don’t let this become a source of doubt in your vision cause slow down sometimes is to be sure and not to abandon what we started. A change in work environment, more supportive coworkers, a better approach to the project or a change in place of work or team or people whom you are working with can always help as would a better daily routine to balance your work with your health. But any negative annoyances that go deeper than your annoyances right now would show your own inner doubts in your own ability to pull this through manifested in form of someone criticising or dampening your expansive vision by digging holes in it. That’s your resistance showing up externally. Holes are good, they make the boat safer in long run and ride longer. Don’t forget though no amount of scientific analysis can make everything fool proof — faith belief is still key ingredients in your success. Balance the vision with the practical — find cosmic significance in every day problems that are coming in the way to your destination. Ideological conflict with coworkers or critics or even in laws can create the strain we sometimes need to stress test before we dive in or go live with changes.
This strain which is a boon in disguise is most felt by ~7º Gemini or around 29 May born.
Previous Reading with long term transits :
♋️ #Cancer : Cost of love, passion, risk taking and all that
Cancer the new moon in Scorpio seeds a passion, a love, a new phase in life of your children or a new phase in your own child like joy, a creative venture, a business investment — all matters of the heart where you are taking an impulsive risk. This new moon especially influences ~13º Cancer or around 5 July born who feel impact beyond the two weeks.
Cancer but a new start in business venture, risk taking of the heart of business, love, children, passions, creativity all come at the cost of something. Love demands depth, children cost money, joy demands detox of junk, creativity requires facing our complexes, investment risk requires deep study. Tortured poets and begging creatives look great in stories but you have no ambition to become one, you want the returns of the risks you are taking — in life, in business and in love. So the pressure thats created right now and would be with 10th Nov is the pressure to get that equation right so our impulses don’t get the better of us — so we deal with the matters that truly matter to us like returns, sex, intimacy before we dive in. Saturn and Jupiter all of this year have been trying to seed a new equation of give and take in partnership for you — we don’t want to forgo all of that long term changes due to a moment of gratification thats tempting. Doesn’t mean we don’t dive but we use this opportunity, even delay to evaluate on 30th Oct and 10 Nov- am I getting my fair share, does the intimacy come with depth, does the investment have chances of returns, does this creative venture have promise of yield. It might seem like our flow of life or passion, love, creativity, spontaneity is being blocked in the moment. Its both — some safety measures are needed as they are your instincts telling you not settle for less. Some safety measures are defunct of old patterns that are blocking fresh infusion of energy fresh risk taking cause you are still licking old wounds. We don’t need to glamourise our self destructive patterns but yes if your spidy senses tell you something isn’t fair, pause evaluate ask discuss before jumping in.
This pressure which is a boon in decision making is felt the most by ~7º Cancer which is around 29 Jun born.
Previous Reading with long term transits :
♌️#Leo : my security vs the others, home contracts, traditions and all that
Leo the new moon in Scorpio brings new start in home, family, place of living, detox of emotional patterns or family karma or home, a phase of healing, new real estate opportunity, home business or enhancement of family property. This will especially influence ~13º Leo or around 5 August born who feel impact beyond the two weeks.
Leos are always looking for safety, security, warm food, deep connections during Scorpio season, it comes with the promise of it all but they also started building this new fort this year of a new way of creating the right boundaries with the others of their life. They started seeding a new pattern of connection, a new way of being with partners / clients / connections so they can stop draining them out and become a source of growth and even gains for long term. Wasn’t easy but you have to admit those connections & patterns have come a long way from where they were. Now how do you rest in your fortress of solitude when you have created that new give and take with the others instead of cutting them out. Our connections with others, commitment or duties or clients can come in the way of the new phase of emotional fulfilment or a new home or family or peaceful phase you want to start. You have worked hard on those partnerships, clients, connections, contracts — worked hard to get the boundaries right but now we need to show that they work when you need time for the “me”. A new phase begins in how we handle relationships especially in our personal life, how we manage our needs, how we express them, how we ask for what we need in partnerships to feel fulfilled. We start a new phase in home, family, place of living which might be far from our old comfort zone but this new equation is so much better versus where we were but we would need to cross that hurdle of first handling that partner, that contract, that commitment, that client — head on boldly when those oh so sacred rules of boundaries are impinged on. Self sacrifice is a no win situation, you cannot fill anyone’s cup if yours is empty. You are the Sun, the one source of all vitality that is — magnanimous is different from being a push over. You have learned that the hard way. Use this pressure to set a new tradition, each of us starts a new kind of family, a new kind of parenting, a new pattern of feeling at “home”. Also be sure the pattern that irks you so much in a partnership is of the current partnership and not past build up or worst you aren’t carrying an inherited pattern which is defunct — you are not your father, not your mother, you are your own person with your own complexes enough to handle so know when to put a load down which isn’t yours to carry. Know when an inherited pattern or old loss in another relationship is coming in the way of the new partnership or contract — recognise where past — your own or of your parents is colouring your future. Take your new rule book of connections or relationships or family traditions for a drive on this conflict path of 30th and 10 Nov. This could also be a contract on a real estate investment or home renovation that comes with need for detailed look or amendments or delay.
This pressure is felt the most by ~7º Leo which is around 31 Jul born.
Previous Reading with long term transits :
♍️ #Virgo : its not all in the details
Virgo the Scorpio new moon brings a new phase in your commercial life and could be through a launch of commercial project, a contract which is transformative, needs psychological strength, deep thought, intense talks or financial discussions. This influences especially ~13º Virgo or around 5 Sept born who feel impact beyond the two weeks.
But in the moment you might be feeling blocked mentally, verbally or commercially. This blockage is a slowdown or even a criticism faced on 30th Oct or 10 Nov, making what you are producing more valuable and may be they are asking you to not loose your balance which you frequently loose when speeding ahead, loosing your health and peace of mind. Saturn and Jupiter this year are forcing you to put down a new order, a new balance in your life, a new project or work life or career which would become source of your long term growth and abundance. You become a one stop shop sometimes (ah…all the time) and we cannot operate long term like that so its pushing you to set a pattern which can bring more balance in your life long term. But in the process you might be becoming even more of a detailed person, even more Virgo in your perfection, which is great but when we have something we must get out in time, isn’t it annoying to be so Virgo at the time, I know its not just me, you feel it too don’t you. It needs to be balanced right now. Use the current moment and the 10th Nov to get the details right but don’t loose sight of the plot, narrow down the ideas, the approach, remove the chaff from the wheat in your communication projects or commercial ideas or even social associations right now. But this messaging, these ideas, these thoughts have to be given physical form, we would have to overcome our inhibition to speak up, launch, go live whether everything is ready or not to the Virgo perfection. The kind of work success you are looking for requires more connections, more speaking up, changed approach in communication or media or commercialisation and new connections. We are on the verge of it all, getting the details right. May be it needs a change in approach of how we communicate with our coworkers, our project team members or our critics or how well we advertise our skills or in some cases it might need new skills. Saturn is creating pressure to make sure you get it right in commercials, in skills, in communication within the time crunch you have. So don’t let it get you mentally down, know its hunkering you down so its well done but also so its done versus just thought and thought and thought without a result. Find this balance of being commercial and being the perfectionist that you are, being of value and service to the others while not shying away from singing the songs of your own capabilities, speaking up when you have an idea in a structured way and leveraging skills of your coworkers or even critics to make what you are creating better. This is the balance of being right and getting it done, being a problem solver of the world and being commercially successful. This new phase in your life requires you to be the master of both. That’s why the pressure, which is really a discipline of the mind.
This discipline or pressure would be felt most by ~7º Virgo or around 1 Sept born.
Previous Reading with long term transits :
♎️ #Libra : Safety or passion
Libra the Scorpio new moon brings a new investment, source of income, shared resources, loans into focus as you might be about to make a bold impulsive move financially.
Libra but a new phase in abundance comes with some hesitation or inhibiting in risk taking. Is this worth it, does it come at the cost of my passions, am I leaving behind enough for my next generation, does it have longevity. There are some reconsiderations. Saturn Jupiter in your house of passions or risk taking this year have sown a new seed in how you take risk and its possible that you have been in process of a new phase this whole year when it comes to love, passion, self expression, creativity, business risk taking, creative risk taking — being forced in some ways to stand up for yourself more, be seen more, taking risk more in life, love and business. But now we have a financial opportunity or an impulsive non traditional investment, a new start in income, a new start in what feels like a new abundance or dare I say hope. But the new rule book of risk taking you have written all this year, the new boundaries you have created around passions, they block you from just doing it, going for it. There is always value in delays and inhibitions of this sort before you “just do it”. There are risk returns to be seen if this is a financial call — it may not be an asset class or asset or income source which you are not used to. Doesn’t mean we don’t go for it, but does mean we need more due diligence, more detailed look which is what these moments of overcoming resistance that we face on 30th Oct and 10 Nov are for. Sometimes the returns of investments need to be seen in different way as compared to what we are used to. If we are seeding something long term this year — for our next generations, for our love, our passions, our creativity, our children — it may come at a cost, it may come at cost of our ego, money or it might require investment in upgrading our skill or it may require us to go for sources of income which aren’t so stable or standard, it may require us to change our approach to expenses and money or it might come at cost of cost — money. Different outcomes come at different cost but they also come with very different returns. When your end goal is different the means to it cannot be standard but again use this moment to do the due diligence you need to do. This pressure or discipline is felt the most by ~7º Libra or ~1 Oct born. In some rare cases it can come with money or ego conflict with children.
Previous Reading with long term transits :
♏️ #Scorpio : Individuality versus safety
Scorpio, time has come when each of our season we would bit by bit move away from our old identity, you have been seeing it since 2018, its all meant to change and its not always kind how it happens but you know bit by bit we connect deeper to who we truly are versus whatever others believe we are meant to be. This new moon of ours is impulsive — comes with new bold phase which disconnects us from an old chapter of our life, how we look, our influence on others, our life role, our commitments or partnerships they are all changed with it. It won’t all get done at once but surely ~13º Scorpio or around 4/5 Nov born would feel the long lasting changes this brings.
In this process, this year we have had an additional complication or in nice words, growth hurdle been introduced with Saturn and Jupiter together reworking our home, family, personal life and emotional foundations. They are seeding a new source of our material growth by changing us from within, through introducing us to human psychology through personal experiences which most would not go near, they say where devil dares to go right. We gotto go there. As our home, family, place of living goes through this inner journey of complete rebirth, it seems to come in the way of the new phase of being all we can be that we wish to bring. Our duties, responsibilities, family structures, changes in place of living seem to come right when we want to launch the new version of ourself to the outer world. The break thats being put right now, which seems like responsibility to another is usually our own inner pattern which needs overcoming, new rule book on how we feel safe, how we manage our duties to others in our life, what we call as home or the actual home — that new rule book is being tested right now. Our instincts that we acquired through years of living that have kept us safe has done both — kept us safe and kept us limited. I think its time to take a call — are those fears and patterns keeping us safe or keeping us bounded or both. Tough to stop the change, but use those instincts to judge the risks into what you are about to plunge into, when we snap out of something, we truly and irrevocably snap out of it. Before its all so oh final, may be 30th Oct and 10 Nov are breakpoints to check in — if this new identity is truly me or just a way of getting away from the old me. Nothing wrong with it being an intermediary step. Nothing wrong with taking chances. But you cannot change the outer look of a building without changing its foundations, it would crumble. Whats safe, whats home, whats family changes as well as you change your life path, your external looks or your self expression — your external life. The inner change and outer change need to be in synch, hence the breaks. This resistance or check point is felt the most by ~7º Scorpio or around 31 Oct born.
Previous Reading with long term transits :
♐️ #Sagittarius : Peace or chaos, pleasure or commercial
Sagittarius before your season and your last eclipse of the decade in December, its your deep need to get some restoration, time away from the chaos, work behind the scene, manage some affairs which are hidden in the peace of it all. The Scorpio new moon brings matters linked to secrets, old love life, past life, secret enemies or patterns, psychological complexes, deep spiritual work & healing, fears, jealousy, obsessions, forgiveness of the past, healing, intimacy — all into focus.
Yet all of this year you have been seeding a new commercial reality, finding your voice, creating a new skill which would become the source of your abundance for long term and that obligation or duty towards it might be coming in the way of you taking a step back. Are you hiding, running or resting or healing though thats the question asked. Not getting enough time is a norm but its may be more than that, you feel not ready and that’s ok its the time to prep. This is past failure, fear, complexes which are deep rooted which seem to come in the ways of your usual optimism towards what you are about to achieve after a long struggle. You want universe to give you a sign that its the right way but its looking you back in the face shrugging his shoulder saying, I don’t know you are the one with the brain, I just have signs. Secluded evaluation, peace, loss of fear, faith, recognising your place in this vast existence is required for you to overcome this inhibition but seems chaos calls you. The phone that doesn’t stop ringing ( do we still have one of those ), those acquaintances who want too much, the travel, the movement, the need to get too many things done, they do not let you go deeper. It doesn’t let you close the past, end it so you can truly move on. Its screaming — a sacrifice is required for you to be commercially successful. Sometimes may be we need to just snap out of it. May be thats what we need instead of a long winded letting go, may be we need this non stop phone ringing to just quickly move to next phase. But see if you aren’t picking up, whats blocking you. This seemingly driving full speed with breaks on which you might experience now and then again on 10 Nov might be giving you a hint of what you need to acknowledge would end or has already ended but you may not have accepted to move forward. Chaos is not all bad if it pushes you to move forward versus keep reliving the past. Structured chaos is better. May be you need a moment to collect yourself before you go in. Put a break on these dates, go deeper, pause a minute and hear yourself versus the external voices — its important that you are internally ready before you are externally so. Your voice won’t have the conviction to sell anything to anyone if its not sold to you, your skills need deeper study and periods of seclusion. Its all on your own dime though as most of your life is. The pressure is of that dime right now, its telling you to not get too lost in rest restoration releasing the past or in pleasure of hidden affairs — we have work to do. Balance the chaos with being in hiding. Pressure is felt the most by ~7º Sagittarius or ~30 Nov born.
Previous Reading with long term transits :
♑️ #Capricorn : Friends or ego, Social impact or skill
Capricorn the Scorpio season and new moon always come with a nuance long term goal of your life, a vision which is unique, connections which build you up, friendships which run deep. This is your time to launch yourself in a new way to social group, connect, look at what rewards or gains you want out of your efforts, social activity and vision is the focus especially for ~13º Capricorn or ~4 Jan born who feel impact beyond the two weeks.
Yet as your vision has become different from who you were since 2018, your circle of friends has changed dramatically too as has changed your social ambition. While you continue this journey of pursuit of an ideal which you want to call your legacy and live your days in hope of the perfect tribe who wants to go there with you, Saturn Jupiter this year are creating pressure to seed long term financial abundance of material nature for you. This comes with financial pressure as well as discipline which is once in lifetime and it comes with opportunities of gains as well which are once in life time, the skills we cultivate as well as the self respect or healthy ego we cultivate serve us for long run. But that very new rule book of financial nature might be coming in the way right now of your connections, social goals, social endeavours, vision, legacy, friendships or your connection with your sibling or mentors. This can manifest in form of money troubles or ego conflicts with friends or sibling, or social goals not paying enough as you want or social evaluation of your existing skills not being enough or your value system not letting you do what needs to be done to make it work in the circles you are part of or wanting to be part of. Change in tribe comes at a cost, change in vision comes at a cost, social impact comes at a cost, gains come through investments of monetary nature, connection with the right kind of people comes from a place of more respect for self. Where we feel right now not valued enough by another, its possible that we ourself don’t value ourself enough there. Some of this resistance can be overcome by our inner reworking, but some might need change of external nature. Honing the skills to make them more valuable to have the kind of impact we want, finding the right balance of ego and connections with others, changing the audience of our talents or skills or changing the mode of social media or network or team or connections we use to earn the kind of money we want or change your investments to make our money work harder than we have so far. Use the conflict or inhibition or blockage you feel socially or financially in the moment to evaluate your tribe, your connections, your investments — see if they are getting you where you need to go or we need to change. See if we need more faith in our skills to have the kind of impact on our audience as we want. What you wish to create, show, launch is very tough to stop but it may change structural form through this evaluation of 30 Oct and 10 Nov, especially in presentation and wording. It becomes more valuable, more impactful but through pressure. This pressure is felt especially by ~7º Capricorn which is around 29 December born.
Previous Reading with long term transits :
♒️ #Aquarius : Public acceptance or being you, career or individuality
Aquarius the Scorpio new moon comes with a new bold phase in your external life, change in career, public title, reputation, relationship with authority, intense transformation of our public life. This is especially very critical for ~13º Aquarius or around 3 Feb born who feel impact beyond the two weeks.
Aquarius but this new phase in career comes at the cost of some personal freedom or freedom of self expression. Its a new bold phase yet it comes as a cost with either complying to someone or under some rules which seem to restrict your self expression or make you feel not as “free” as you would like. Saturn and Jupiter this year are seeding the source of your long term abundance and its a rebirth of your identity which is coming at a cost of personal freedom and sometimes spontaneity. Sometimes whats needed to be powerful and impactful in external life — it conflicts with who we inherently are or were. You would need to use this moment of blockage which could be restriction by an authority figure or a rule or some inhibition in self expression — to see if its the right career choice for you or not or do we need to find a new way to handle the authority figures / bosses. Cause how well we handle authority figures does become an important factor when we become authority of our own life as you are becoming. This bold phase in external life might still be blocked by your past sense of self or past way of self expression which Saturn wants you to change for your next phase in life. How we choose to show up to external world might need to change for the kind of impact we want — all maturity isn’t fake, it just means you are in a different season of life. Your looks, way of presentation, how we dress — its all part of the impact we make — is it all fake or superficial — may be not — its all part of our self expression. Use this period of slowdown or conflict or break which you might experience on 30 Oct or 10 Nov to find a new way to handle authority, know that some change in self expression is called for in this next phase of your external life & how we look to dress are part of our self expression, know that as impulsive bold brave this career move might be — it would always come with need for self discipline which you are not one to shy from. But yes sometimes it would mean we would need to change our words, our messaging — not to lie but to make our messaging more palatable for whom we wish to convince or whom we wish to earn from. There is significant drive for achievement but it comes with friction and an inner blockage which needs to overcome before we can dive in full on. This resistance or hindrance or discipline or pressure is felt the most by ~7º Aquarius or ~ 29 Jan born.
Previous Reading with long term transits :
♓️ #Pisces : Expansion or integration, heights or depth, adventure or peace
Pisces — Scorpio season comes with promise of adventure, travel, publication, foreign affairs and all the things that make you take a leap of faith and dive into that innate sense of adventure. This could be expansion through travel of the mind or body, by taking a new bold expansive step in career, teaching what you know, publishing your higher knowledge or work of impact, working in a foreign country on a foreign contract with foreign people or advertising or creating intensely provocative media content. This is especially influential for ~13º Pisces or around 3 Nov born who feel impact beyond the two weeks.
But these adventures do take you out of your depth — for those heights come at a cost of overcoming your fears, personal time, peace, comfort, sleep, time for charity work or spiritual growth, your life’s work thats being done behind the scene. Saturn Jupiter have been keeping you busy behind the scenes as you in private seed the source of your next chapter of growth and they have taken you the depths of your complexes to drain out whatever has been blocking your forward move. But whats the point of the depth if we cannot bring it to the heights to teach what we now know or practice what we have learned — whats the point of release and inner work if we cannot leap after. You would feel ready for this adventure yet something invisible blocks you and its the unhandled part of your inner complexes, fears which need to now be finally unchained or let go to move forward. Some of it are your natural instincts or intuition telling you — be sure before you hop in — they are putting the breaks in form of slow down on 30th Oct and 10 Nov because may be we need to consider the things clearly, or work a bit more in isolation to get things ready, deal with private matters to get clarity, balance our altruistic side with our adventurous side. Its a bit of faith in the dark time yet we must use the opportunity and discipline we are given to separate fear from intuition, guidance from baggage of the past, not dive into a shallow adventure that doesn’t fill us up or worst takes us away from our life’s work. We use those moments to evaluate, add depths to heights, unchain ourselves from past patterns but doesn’t mean we won’t dive. May be though after the work has been done, the adventure, the publication, the connection, the foreign assignment, the relocation, the foreign visa process, the country we are moving to or foreign association or contract we are about to go into — may be it would look different or our conviction in it would be different. In some cases we see more than what others see — we see far beyond just the leap — this resistance gives us the discipline to put that idea into paper, complete that book, write that publication, create that media output, beef up our conviction in the idea or that paper work for relocation or legal matter. Use this to get as real as possible versus it just becoming a whim of leap, make it substantial, open the eyes of those who only see mundane — show them the realities of world beyond “logical” thinking that you are able to see. This discipline of the mind would be felt very strongly by ~7º Pisces or around 27 Feb born.
Previous Reading with long term transits :
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