Full Moon & Activation of Two Eclipses
End February Early March 2022 Astrology Horoscope
Full Moon in Leo was inconjunct not just Pluto but also Mercury — we are more likely to read into communication versus what exists leading to seemingly “bold” actions. Moon Pluto Inconjunction intensified emotions.
Referred news snippet : https://sputniknews.com/20220217/ukrainian-armed-forces-fire-mortar-shells-grenades-on-4-lpr-localities-1093099627.html
Remember we are now in the phase of activation of two lunar eclipses — one which was Taurus Lunar eclipse conjunct fixed star Algol and other which is Scorpio lunar eclipse yet to happen in May 2022. This period to early March as I mentioned will be marked with fated events especially economically.
Activation of Nov’21 Taurus lunar eclipse happened 15/16 Feb and we would see further influence of that pan out as North Node remains conjunct fixed star Algol for 4 whole days which is very very rare from 21 Feb to 25 Feb at the time when Mercury will square Uranus bringing sudden information or news or volatility in communication and stock market.
Algol as I have mentioned in my Nov’21 eclipse note, is unfortunately known to be the most evil star associated with voilence. As much as we have capacity at individual level to use its energy for best as it does come with immense potential or power to drain whats not of value in our life possibly starting back from Nov’21 leading to a regeneration of something more valuable. Its a sign of mutation, shifting form, transformation, female kundalini release. At global level though it has always been linked with incidences which do link to voilence. Last this aspect and these set of activation of eclipses appeared were back in 2003 during Iraq invasion based on supposed “WMDs”. I had also linked this activation of an event in India & Pakistan associated with a loss in my eclipse reading “War or Olympics”. Back in July 2003 India unfortunately had experienced a series of bomb blasts during these aspects.
“War or Olympics” : https://youtu.be/iS7m3LyzoWA
2003 also started the oil price bubble or called the energy crisis. This is indicated by Scorpio lunar eclipse activation in early March. So we can expect both oil price to further cause losses especially losses in debt linked to south node in Scorpio. This is not financial advice.
All aspects aren’t the same but we are shown indicative prospects from history of these eclipses. Second eclipse activated which is May 2022 eclipse is a south node eclipse in Scorpio — another lunar eclipse — this comes with secrets being revealed and it deals with valuable things under the surface which includes oil, debt, hidden loans, taxes, karmic connections. Its a great opportunity at personal level to release a burden but remember this brings a loss through debt. We could see that at global level leading to May 2022 — a fated event around early March when this eclipse activates leading to credit default as an example. Its our prompt to release debt, patterns that hold us down especially use of substance or negative thoughts and foods we consume or company or karmic connections that drag us down. All this in personal capacity points to dropping a dysfunctional pattern that reduces our sense of worth & our financial abundance as these two eclipsed activate to early March. Mercury is right now a morning star in its “trickster” mode — know that trickery will be rampant, bold and out in open.
In personal capacity the Leo full moon we are under the influence of for next two weeks is happening at the point of eclipse of August 2017 — remember the solar eclipse which Trump looked right at. It was called the “Great American Eclipse”. Now we bring a matter to closure from that time especially. If a pattern started in American back in 2017 we would see results of that now and it comes in the year of Pluto return of US at its strongest. Its peak transformation through a initiation in 2017. Remember who were started off to be back in 2017 as it was a new beginning a new start — remember it cause you might need some bold endeavour to bring a tough goal or ambition or dream home that you might have seeded at the time. This is a fixed T square full moon — it needs loads of persistence and you might feel you are stuck in a rock and a hard place — an immovable situation which might seem like never changing. But also remember the same amount of effort is required to maintain a dysfunctional status quo as is required to get to a better place so push towards the right side of things. Jupiter is sextile Uranus today — we are rewarded to move to the new — provided we try. Mars is conjunct Venus for next one month — we can try and receive great rewards from our efforts. This full moon has a Inconjunction to Pluto which represents global events and intensity — its guiding us to continue our journey despite and sometimes even driven by the global intensity. So delete the below news and move to what you possibly wanted and wishes and desired to create back in 2017 but were possibly derailed as life happened. As this full moon forms inconjunction to Pluto in Capricorn — remember that sometimes to get what we love, are passionate about, to actualize our uniqueness in physical form — sometimes we would need to compromise or give up what’s “successful” in traditional sense of titles, authority & abundance. It doesn’t mean it won’t be lucrative but in the moment — it’s possible that we might need to bet on something we in our heart know is our calling or gift or creativity or passion or our love.
It’s a missed step. Sometimes ability to take a risk on our selves which is a way to value ourself is what leads to external abundance. Sometimes being happy in the moment with those whom you love leads to a frame of mind in which we can create something of value. Don’t do it as a revenge. That’s the downfall of Regulus — the star this full moon is conjunct. Do it as a product of love, an extension of you that reflects your love for you and your gifts. Do it differently than 2017.
Much love,