Full Moon in Libra : The Lopsided Choices
Influence till 30 April 2022 Astrology Horoscope
𝗙𝘂𝗹𝗹 𝗠𝗼𝗼𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝗟𝗶𝗯𝗿𝗮 : 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗟𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗖𝗵𝗼𝗶𝗰𝗲𝘀
𝕋𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝟛𝟘 𝔸𝕡𝕣𝕚𝕝
As we are entering the eclipse season starting with the first solar eclipse of this year on 30th April with a Taurus new moon at 10º28’ Taurus — road to it would be colored by the full moon at 26º46’ Libra which happening on 16/17 April influencing us for next two weeks. The two Venus ruled lunar events would ofcourse bring both matters of heart and finance to key focus. Bringing our choices to focus — as Venus is yes about beauty, vanity, love, fashion, money but more than anything its about choice. Choices we make which pave the way forward for our life — in Taurus the ones which would change the path of our life for long term and in Libra the choices which would be compelling to make in the now and here. Choices which would be compelling cause there is so much conviction behind them.
This balanced full moon is oh so lopsided, so directional that we would experience its undeniable cardinal force from 17 April to 30th. It would bring sudden information which would bring clarity and this lopsided clarity would make it compelling to close on or totally end a commitment. We have just lived the two weeks of Aries initiation which was a Chiron journey’s initiation — an initiation of healing your own initiative before you can help the world or handle your partnerships. The pioneer needed to fight for himself before he could go out and fight for anyone or anything else. Fight for yourself despite the odds was the message of that initiation, don’t let how tough it is to breakthrough bog you down or give up the fight cause the first one always paves the way and finds unforeseen hindrances which no one else has experienced. It brought over wounds of the past to focus but mostly to own it, fight for yourself despite the wounds, past failures to launch and opinions of others. Its followed by this Libra full moon which is normally supposed to bring focus to the significant others of our life but the Pluto T-square brings so much lopsided convinction and clarity in a choice and the Uranus hitting up Mercury on Monday can bring those sudden insights, messages, news to focus from 18th to 24th April which can be fated in nature — we need to hear them before we get to the eclipse initiation after 30th April. You cannot have a new beginning without a directional irrevocable ending.
A choice is made and its fairly irrevocable, we would see this evidently in global events in the coming week itself starting Sunday/Monday with Mercury Uranus conjunction. (This full moon falls on Sun of Kamala Harris affecting or shifting her career title and is an eclipse for Germany leading to the July Uranus North Node conjunction on its natal Mars indicating financial and physical war or weapons linked sudden shifts beyond what we have already seen)
The polarised parts of us — the eagle and the dove — they merge, spiritual will and love merge, a choice is fervently perused by merging two opposing parts of ourself. Considering its in Libra, chances are you are not pursuing this alone or we are atleast urged to not pursue this journey alone — there are alliances. You want to be right or you want to be happy question might emerge in these “lets walk together” situations. A choice is made in a partnership, a commitment at this degree of “adeptness” at which the eagle and dove merge, sheer will of spirit and love principles merge. A choice is made driven by a Venusian desire of beauty, love, creativity, wish to display your talents, wish to step into an imaginative role, a choice is made to step out of the shadows, its bold raw and unpretentious yet not hidden or dark. Light and dark merge. There is depth in the creative self expression, there is conviction in the matters of heart which would normally be shallow or purely intellectual calls, there is self belief in ability to transform a tough situation. Pain becomes art. Fear gives way to love — it has to — it becomes a necessity. We would need to choose what motivates us — fear or love — based on that a choice is made.
Saturn at the apex of a fixed T-square with the nodes indicate that we are being collectively forced or pushed to do the things right by others, do whats right for the “long term” whatever “long term” means in this short life, do what can be tangibly defined as “contribution” for our prosperity and growth, pay our dues or karmic duties to someone or a set of people we feel we karmically owe something to. With Saturn in this aspect for a couple of weeks now, we seem to be paying some sort of debt of the past as an investment in our future. Like cleaning environmental mistakes of the past to make investment into next generation’s future. Similarly you can see in your personal situation where you might be seemingly in a dog house paying debt of the past — seemingly or truthfully what you feel is the debt of the past mistakes or shortcomings to amend as an investment in future for yourself or your future generation. Either ways air feels compressed between past and future with this aspect with the world seemingly not living the present — standing still. This compression or oppression or restrain will implode once we have Pluto in Aquarius next year on — we would especially see that in China. But this oppression standing still is important for the eclipses ahead of us — its the missed step that needed to be experienced before all the changes especially the financial changes the upcoming eclipses will bring. We would hear more about the oppression, constraints around 24th April in name of rules and constraints. Personally we would feel our self worth or ego or finances being diminished by someone or by our need to do right by others or by doing whats required to right for “long term” or by a boss/rule/administrative constraint. Yet this delay and constrain are helpful — we just do not know it yet. Its the only thing separating us from external chaos to be able to take the tough choice we are about to make. Sometimes lack of progress has a purpose, with Saturn it always does. There are long term implications financially especially which we may not be considering. 24th will bring that to focus.
Pluto in Capricorn on the other hand is making a cardinal T-square with this full moon which is the strongest aspect of this full moon, more so as Pluto now is standing still. Cardinal T-square is all about taking a direction call and going towards it with laser focus and egoic conviction in the choice we have chosen. None of the choices are wrong but we have a lopsided conviction in our choices and everyone seems so sure of their choices — its jarring and ego conflicts can come up if we are not careful and they have been coming in Aries season as Pluto hit Mercury in Aries last week on 10th as well so you know what I am talking of — in name of ego being invested in a choice we are making. You have talked of it, discussed it around 10th April. You thought you were justifying another person about it but you were convincing yourself and preparing yourself cause no one else was blocking anything, this was your own inner conviction which needed more convincing. Pluto stresses out a weak arguement which we are having with ourself. It bursts pipes, exposes plumbing issues and raises gunk from the bottom up to surface for us to see and not ignore. We would experience more of that from Monday as more hidden information comes out to surface. It also exposes where in name of anarchy and need for freedom we are actually compromising real progress. Truth at all cost.
This is financial truth for United States. This full moon falls on the Sun of Kamala Harris making it significant for her job title and next lunar eclipse in Scorpio mid May would be on Sun of Biden. — this was activated in Feb/March as I mentioned at the time it would come with losses and revelations of financial nexus nature. This as Pluto stands still turning retrograde on the natal Pluto of United States in second house of money, resources, values. Who says there are no winners in a war… well I will move on as we don’t want to get polarised here. A full moon comes with ending, results, revelations, truth — I will leave that at it. Its a lunar eclipse for Germany with south node (loss/release) leading to the July/August Mars Uranus North Node conjunction we have spoken of on Mars of Germany, its important to consider the information coming in focus in coming week from Germany as Mercury Uranus meet close to the July August conjunction.
So here we are in the current moment with our air suppressed, world seemingly standing still in denial against the backdrop of all the Uranian chaos of sudden events, having a conviction in one choice which we would very soon go back and forth on, as the retrograde fun begins after 29th April. Pluto doesn’t like our choices to be anything about but ourself but ego makes us involve other people in our choices. How would it look to my close ones, who would I be admired as or looked down as., what does my partner, my mother, my neighbour think about it — Pluto cannot stand it. Repulsion to fake though comes actively in retrograde journey because while moving forward we feel we have something to show and prove. So this lopsided choice would be colored by ego and concern about how it “looks”, its the nature of human choices. Do I look weak at world scale by letting one of my major warships get sunk by a seemingly small country and in his mind insignificant country for example for someone. A lopsided extreme choice is made and there is a sudden bout of ego and a sudden news or information that comes with it come Monday so there is an element of out of the blue about it. It would be a financial news likely on world scale.
We tend to derive value from our external titles more than from our individual truth. So am I making a wrong choice in this moment ? I don’t think so, unless you are one of those very few living under the rock without even a single planet or point in cardinal signs — you have at one or other point since 2008 experienced Pluto in Capricorn transit upclose and personal where you were introduced to your truth and personal power through a dramatic loss leading to psychological transformation. Its the job of Pluto in Capricorn — make us own our own title in life irrespective of who we bow to in name of boss externally — own your time on this planet earth while you are here and make it count. So no I think we know what we are about and choice is not what may be wrong but we continue to carry a fake external reality with us despite making a conscious choice. Pluto retrograde of 29th April — always annually brings an event which brings an abrupt separation from a part of that fake persona that we insist on continuing to live cause as humans we care about what others think. There is always a disintegration comes which is dramatic in nature as Pluto turns retrograde and we would see that through a truth reveal and sudden news in next 2 weeks.
In global events terms thats usually to do with government, administrations, politicians, CEOs, Presidents, rules we collectively live by where we can see a disintegration due to a news or revelation of truth or a financial event which bring it up. In personal situation, this could be a conflict or bout of ego or need to see your own value in greater terms which pushes you towards a Plutonic death of an archaic part of you. But egos run high here, we feel we are oh so right and this lopsided choice in which we have so much conviction — we do not have the psychological or physiological tools to be able to live that choice. So know that retrograde fun is about to begin, you would give Plutonic death to a part of you which you may not yet be ready to live without and you will feel like a baby being thrown out of bath water but it’s the essential step cause sometimes we do not learn to swim by drowning a bit. But if you accept that during the retrograde cycle you would somehow find the right stroke, that initially you wouldn’t know how to breath and you would feel out of breath, if you can have that balanced perspective about your lopsided choice and you can accept the faith infusion you would get from Venus Neptune conjunction at 24º Pisces on 27/28 April right before the Pluto retrograde which would give you faith in the unknown. If you can convince yourself of your ability to walk for a bit this fine line between being right and being happy in your partnerships, if you could have this slightly more balanced perspective of your lopsided choice that you would find the resources you need psychologically and physically by July — may be just may be you would jump into that pool you do not know how to swim with a bit more conviction and give it more of your lopsided attention and efforts.
Libra full moon always comes with a balancing act — we cannot deny that — balancing the part of us thats fiercely independent and the one that craves for peace and love. The “adeptness” degree of this full moon would require us to get over ourself and make the two opposite ends meet. Uniting the opposites within us cause this is very personal. That constantly debating two ways of life needs to be united in a single key and sung harmoniously. Once you would find this harmony of your two ends within you — you would see the external world also present to you a solution of combining these two opposites like a partnership or a career choice that promotes both freedom and independence you seek as well as the balance & fairness in commitments you seek. But you and me would have to get over ourself. This extreme display of belief in lopsided choices, in one way of life being correct making the other wrong driven by need to establish a fake ego concept to everyone else while we live in disbelief of our own life choices would have to be given up.
Libras are acting out of character you say. Its true. They have been hit by Uranus in 8th house making them come out with the colors and conviction and ego or pride or jealously they didn’t know they had, they are facing the emotions they didn’t know they hold. Some say its not out of character but may be first time in life they are being real. Its very person specific we cannot generalise this as kundalini release as its called is very unique to oneself. So the Libra side of you is facing what it has never faced — its balancing act is being challenged by its will to be true to oneself as its facing its once in lifetime release from bondage in one way or other. So the anarchy within oneself cannot be underestimated here thats why its so personal. You just came out of Chiron Aries moon which reignited the need to heal your “I am” — the wound of our identity being unique and not so well accepted and now we are being asked to perform a balancing act in an unfair relationship or contract where something within us is screaming to be true to self. Pluto squares burst pipes — psychologically and physically as well sometimes — hello plumbing issues. Gunk comes up in this beautiful, sophisticated, normally neutral Libra clean full moon and we have to somehow find a way to be adept and make a tough choice. But if you ride it out with confidence you would find resources to do this effortlessly by July.
Don’t forget the Venusian R&R that this full moon demands ❤️
Much love,
#astrology #horoscope #fullmoon #LibraMoon