Full Moon in Sagittarius Astrology Horoscope till 6 June 2024
Do not even think about overthinking this
While most of the Sagittarius full moons come with an extra dose of faith — this one can make the unbeliever also faithful in coincidences and signs filling them with innocence of expectations of time to come.
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Sun is in Gemini at early degrees specifically at the very degree of innocence — a childlike belief in possibilities of things to come. It seems that in order to receive the new blessings from the spiritual realms above we would require mostly faith and purity of heart. It’s shown in Sabian symbol as “Santa Clause furtively filing stockings hanging in front of the fireplace”. In our innocence we lay down the groundwork for the blessings to come & magic to appear in our life of things that we simply cannot make happen on our own accord. At the same time, this degree very much warns of the analysis paralysis of the “gifts”. Cause Pluto is making us to do that and may be taking a bit of magic out of the moment. Its said that even if we have the ability to “see” more than current moment or see the magic that universe is weaving in our life through various people coming, going, coincidences, spiritual gifts wrapped in sudden changes — its said “cast sideways glances at it, since the sharply focused mind would make the apparition vanish”.
So essentially we move from our Gemini logically analysing reading self driven mind to Sagittarius moon higher mind in order for things beyond our imagination, beyond our scope & ability to come in our life. Jupiter Neptune tightly weaves those dreams together expanding our faith in unseen, the spiritual, the ethereal, helping us see the positive in people and situations if we apply ourselves to do so. Sextile is a choice, a growth to be tapped into which isn’t possible without the decision to have faith in unknown and let yourself walk amongst the clouds even if for a bit without analysis for the moment why this feels good. It just does.
Jupiter in Taurus at its last degree leaves gifts on our door steps as it leaves — there is a concrete consummation of efforts — some sort of solid concrete output of efforts put in so far which validates us and our efforts in some ways. And even if for a short minute it makes us feel worthy, we could use that sense to build further with support of Neptune on what more we can do with it.
Sagittarius full moons are always about ideologies, ideals, our grand faith & plans in life — it’s supposed to stimulate our higher thinking. It points to a shift in our thinking with Neptune giving a gentle nudge. Sabian symbols show this degree of full moon as wind which through its gentle yet repeated rhythmic intensity changes the deeper course of seas. The interplay of wind and sea is beautiful, enticing even inspiring with one not even realising how gently yet deeply they are being changed with their course shifting as it’s tough to resist the rhythm of the wind. Through interplay of wind or ideologies beyond ourselves — meaning through an external experience or person or idealogy that we might find irresistible thereby exposing ourselves to the regular rhythm of them — we could find something deeper within us change. White capped waves display the power of wind over the sea. This is a subtle yet very powerful shift in mindset and ideology which in turn changes the higher goals, principles, ideals and hence the course of our life towards a higher realm which our logical minds cannot right now comprehend.
Love, Charu ♥️