Gemini : Mars Square Neptune & June 2021 Solar Eclipse Astrology Horoscope
As I mentioned in my post & podcast yesterday Mars square Neptune will become exact on 9th April and would be felt most of this week. We now delve deeper by sign on how to tackle this aspect. Mars is our drive and Neptune tends to slow it down but there is a hindrance for a more effective and inspired action that this aspect is trying to highlight before we go blazing into the eclipse season.
Link to the previous podcast :
The June 10th eclipse would be starting a new chapter at the point where this aspect is happening. So understanding this aspect and actions you take as a result would be very critical for the new fated beginnings June 10th solar eclipse in Gemini would bring. As Rahu was here in Jan’21 we have experienced activation of this eclipse new beginning already at the start of this year while full physical manifestation of the same will pan out during the June eclipse. Mars right now dares us to do the right thing before we enter the physical manifestation period. With Neptune its helping us put the inspiration, a collective goal, some faith behind our actions and making sure what we go after has the right purpose behind it. Neptune dissolves social, political, religious and personal boundaries that block our collective growth and block birth of a new societal ideal. It teaches us to have faith in the unknown, love unconditionally, allow barriers to disintegrate and act out of a place of inspiration to contribute to the society versus for ego gratification. It undermines success without service to collective, nothing is done fully for altruistic purpose but Neptune demands our motivations aren’t inspired by pure ego boost or societal pressures. A very creative aspect makes us sensitive to collective needs & styles so what we create if made from a place of channeling or self transcendence is bound to touch others and serve others.
Let’s put meat on the bones now by sign — check as always your rising as key indicator and if possible sun & moon for a fuller picture.
#Gemini : Being you
Mars the planet of action and courage is in your sign since 3rd March and will stay there till 23rd April. Its been prompting you to go after your goals, working you to the bones, giving your courage and strength to stand for your own self and your ventures. We get this kind of fire once in two years and with north node in your sign that fire has been amplified to help you walk your fated road which happens once in 18–19 years. You are daring yourself to do something on your own, going in solo without reliance on others, going after what you want. But sometimes our path is conditioned and we don’t know its conditioned. We know thats going on when its motivated but not inspired.
Neptune this week might have created some lack of motivation, even downright confusion on what you what or how to go about getting what you want. Misplaced action is usually a sign somethings amiss. Neptune in your house of career is a long transit extending from 2011 to 2026 and its dissolving everything thats not real in your life path and encouraging you seek a more inspired path. Easier said than done. Just because there is temporary confusion doesn’t mean we aren’t going somewhere. Dissolving what you were as a title or a person to the world and completely reinventing oneself isn’t an easy task but one that you are not just equipped to do but inspired to do. So this temporary bump is to remind you may be you are missing something — possible an adjective to be added to your work before your big new start with solar eclipse of June 2021. There is a barrier you are facing in external acceptance of what you are trying to do and possibly how you are going about it. Neptune always asks us to soften our approach, add more flair even glam, creativity to our approach. More importantly its asking us to release old way of going about business as may be some elements of the old are obstructing the new.
Every life lived leaves its elements in our personality and may be the new path you are walking on doesn’t need those rough edges.
May be it needs a softer approach especially when you are convincing people about what you want, may be it needs to have an element of soul / spirituality / philanthropy / social element embedded in it.
Sometimes we forget to dress the new life differently even though we know inside our soul that we are different. Make sure your exterior reflects who you are becoming and not who you were.
Neptune in career house makes media personalities & influencers and while the technical media part comes easy to most, most of us usually forget to add the part where we are supposed to reach out to the other people per their needs. The “I” needs to change to collective need and style of whom you are preparing the media for. If your profession aims to help others, improve the lot of collective in some ways, is creative, sensitive to collective needs and fashioned to serve others, you would find the zing back in full swing like the last piece of a puzzle, it would click.
Sometimes its the small things, softer brush which does it.