Leo : Mars Square Neptune & June 2021 Solar Eclipse Astrology Horoscope
As I mentioned in my post & podcast yesterday Mars square Neptune will become exact on 9th April and would be felt most of this week. We now delve deeper by sign on how to tackle this aspect. Mars is our drive and Neptune tends to slow it down but there is a hindrance for a more effective and inspired action that this aspect is trying to highlight before we go blazing into the eclipse season.
Link to the previous podcast
The June 10th eclipse would be starting a new chapter at the point where this aspect is happening. So understanding this aspect and actions you take as a result would be very critical for the new fated beginnings June 10th solar eclipse in Gemini would bring. As Rahu was here in Jan’21 we have experienced activation of this eclipse new beginning already at the start of this year while full physical manifestation of the same will pan out during the June eclipse. Mars right now dares us to do the right thing before we enter the physical manifestation period. With Neptune its helping us put the inspiration, a collective goal, some faith behind our actions and making sure what we go after has the right purpose behind it. Neptune dissolves social, political, religious and personal boundaries that block our collective growth and block birth of a new societal ideal. It teaches us to have faith in the unknown, love unconditionally, allow barriers to disintegrate and act out of a place of inspiration to contribute to the society versus for ego gratification. It undermines success without service to collective, nothing is done fully for altruistic purpose but Neptune demands our motivations aren’t inspired by pure ego boost or societal pressures. A very creative aspect makes us sensitive to collective needs & styles so what we create if made from a place of channeling or self transcendence is bound to touch others and serve others.
Let’s put meat on the bones now by sign — check as always your rising as key indicator and if possible sun & moon for a fuller picture.
#Leo : Social network, fraternity, elite group, skilled friends, vision and gains
Leo we are about to enter a new phase in your social status and connections with the solar eclipse coming up in June 2021, a phase whose seeds were already sown possibly through an event in Jan’21 / Dec’20 either consciously or unconsciously. This is new platform, new fan base, a new connection, a new influential or elite friend, a social or humanitarian new goal or vision that you along with your friend or tribe are looking to launch or set up. Its gainful and influential but more importantly it takes you and your friends or group to a fun journey. Its the right time to make those connections, set up the ground work in terms of social media & content, right time to take on a more expansive vision of where you are going and who all are going with you on this journey.
A lot of energy would be going in to people, connections and making an impact with Mars sometimes it not the pleasant journey. Avoid ego right now to come in between doing whats right. Working as a team with your friend and tribe is important. You have an important role to play socially and if not to a whole to your close friends at the very least.
A Leo elevates the group, brings that verve that fire thats needed to get people excited about the future but the price is always that their calendar is full of other people’s tasks.
Be careful of not loosing focus on your goals as you try to create the right impact on a group, a social cause or a friend.Neptune blurs your boundaries with others and some unfair give & take is always involved with others here which might seem like karmic connections. Mars wants to go after your personal goals and Neptune opens floodgates to others. These two conflict and you might feel you are not able to have a fresh start in your vision or just not able to open up to new connections.
Make friends, stand up for the underdog, take a stance on social issues, fight for your friends but know your natural boundaries which were encroached upon in the past, learn from it. Every person has their karma, trying to be a “saviour” can interrupt that process.
Neptune is trying to open you up to higher form of love, of intimacy, of trust and sharing but its also trying to dissolve the old patterns of togetherness and blind partnerships. Don’t forget lessons of the past, not to be jaded by them but so you can create more long lasting relationships without those confusions & overhangs, no one wants to be a martyr but no one wants to be loved by a martyr as well.
Some financial confusion on what you are worth or deserve to be paid for your services, on a loan, a joint financial matter, tax matter, past financial issue, inheritance matter, will, insurance matter, loan confusion might be coming in the way to have a new start in your financial gains and vision for future or even becoming a sore point in a friendship or with elder brother. This tension while might be real but the blockage is largely psychological and within you. Neptune is not letting you clearly ask your fair share or be open about the give & take or why you cannot trust someone in joint financial matters. Don’t mix love or friendship and finances, also avoid mixing sex and friendship, they don’t mesh.
On a much broader scale, you have an elevated view of the society and what impact you would like to create on others but the people and their complexes are part of that very society you are trying to elevate or have a vision for.
Highly charged emotions about people, their complexes, their darkness can inhibit the ease with which you relate to society, your friends, media, network and your social impact & influence that you are trying to create.
Loving the people warts and all is a tall ask and our own deep seeded complexes or our past experience very much come in the way of that but you clearly want to overcome that so you can create the social change, the community impact, the new beginning in your friendship & social sector and thats a source of growth and gains for you.
Start fresh but remember this week financial matters are very confusing for you, don’t go overboard in helping out financially — you might find yourself on the short end of things when the fog clears.