Leo New Moon : 4 to 19 August 2024 Astrology Horoscope
The indulgent detour
𝗠𝗼𝗼𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝗟𝗲𝗼 : 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗜𝗻𝗱𝘂𝗹𝗴𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗗𝗲𝘁𝗼𝘂𝗿
On 4th August Sun and Moon come together at 12º34’ Leo to form a new moon, the once a year new start in Leo part of our life that we get every year and this is one beautifully aspected new moon even though its happening right after Venus Uranus volatility. It’s like the ground beneath our feet is unsteady and Leo New Moon is providing a warm anchor. This is big heart energy which encourages us to act out of self love when we are not able to trust love from another or anyone. There is a reason Leo is ruled by one and only Sun, you have to initiate things in Leo moon out of your own light, your own love for self, your own God given or natural gifts to honor them and without the care of who is watching cause you are watching you and more importantly cause its fun!
𝗥𝗲𝘁𝗿𝗼 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗠𝗼𝗼𝗻
With all the Pluto influences during the Leo season we forgot the Leo season is meant to be fun, its the season to create something that brings you joy and radiates so bright that it can light up more than you and brings warmth to anyone who sees it. Creativity is self indulgent for some and it can seem so that things we initiate in Leo season can feel self indulgent especially with Venus and Mercury together walking in Virgo, we would look for “value” in fun, in things we do for love, why we take the risks we take when we bet on our own self, what kind of risks are those and what are repercussions for it. The Leo and Virgo energies are getting very enmeshed this year with Mercury retrograde first walking into Virgo and then realising I am creating something of value and utility with no light, no fun, no soul possibly so we got back to get some fire back. This process would be August as we enter Mercury retrograde with this new moon. New moons which come with Mercury retrograde hold more value for me as I feel there is a big step which is being taken which requires a lot of thought process, change of perspective and delicate work — in this case across what its serving in practical ways, can we perfect it, can we make it commercially viable to will this be work of heart, will it have the excitement fun I crave, will it light me up. This kind of work comes before a masterwork is produced to its finality as Mercury will go direct on 28 August. During this period we would also be working on Yod activation with apex across end degree of Leo and start degree of Virgo. These are detours we seemingly go through in life, which take us through a longer route cause they would like us to see things which would possibly change our end destination. It seems something is being delayed and even denied but rather you are being taken to a longer route to make you see what you truly both need and want. End result is very different from what you started to go towards with Yod activations. People with activation do not get how they got there cause they never planned it, its something that seems fated and well planned in hindsight but its very disconcerting when we are going through it and require immense amount of mental flexibility to live through.
𝗠𝗮𝗿 𝗝𝘂𝗽𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗿 : 𝗕𝗶𝗴 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝗔𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻
Mars Jupiter conjunction middle of this month which does influence us most of this month in Gemini helps us actively work on big ideas projects which require a lot of thoughts, interactions with people and more importantly commercial, word, communication work which is encouraged and enhanced in this influence. Big words, sometimes very forceful are spoken so be careful of that, be careful of wasting your energy, your breath. Mars Jupiter conjunction is in sextile with this new moon energy — words, commercial ideas, advertisement, short travels, hanging out with young people, working on our real practical money making skills, working on communicating our needs — what we want — it yields results but as its mercury retrograde we would need extra deliberation in doing that. Speaking up is an act of self love here — whether speaking up for what you want in relationships or speaking up what you want when it comes to your creativity or work of love and passion you are working on. You can tap into positive words, positive communication both with self and another, positive interactions with people and keep those interactions objective, fact based, data backed, real, forward looking vs blame finding or gossip derive or endless without any outcome. Clean it up during retrograde but communication serves us in this Leo initiation and working on communication — externalising, socialising our Leo projects before their formal launch to embellish them works well. Sometimes its the reverse, working on self love, our personal joy, our creativity, gaining more confidence in self in our ability to open our gifts — it helps in our external, social life and commercial activities.
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝘁𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀 𝗔𝗯𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱
This new moon trines north node in Aries. This initiation helps in bringing out both your individuality to light but also your ability to show yourself that you can do things driven out of your own instincts, your drive, your own belief in self and not because of someone else. There is a very instinctual quality to this new moon and this initiation. To many critical eyes it would feel like self indulgent as I mentioned, you would have to get over the care of what the world thinks of you in going ahead on this act of self love — whether its about taking chance on yourself, your creative interests, your children, taking time to have fun or indulging in what world thinks of luxury of life. Its not selfish, its not self indulgent — its you honoring the unique gifts you have and keeping them in, is literally burning your insides as you can possibly feel in form of inflammation that many Leo dominant face when they do not let their light or fire shine. I talk of health and inflammation as so many injunctions formed during August point me to health issues driven by imbalance, driven by inflexibility to embrace two dissonant parts of ourselves, driven by our tendency to swing from extreme of optimism and pessimism, fear and conviction, control and total surrender, dark and ethereal, need for money/power/control and need for selfless service, heaven and hell of our own mind’s creations. Inconjunctions are with Pluto and Neptune to the Leo planets so the imbalances are felt in doubting everything and then trusting everything. Inconjunctions are looked at as detour — one astrologer described as a person trying to get to a building for a critical job interview but blocked by some construction work in front — had to take a longer route to that building but on the way walked into a beautiful shop where they encountered an influential book say on astrology which totally changed their perception of what they truly want to do in their life. This detour changes destination. It’s very hallmark of Mercury retrograde with two inconjunctions to do that. Delay changes the end destination, the goal itself.
The inconjunctions are with Neptune and Pluto. Neptune inconjunction — Yes it might be deception as it all sounds too good to be true but I also have to accept its softening my ego, showing me larger than life vision some of which I would like to and would make true, its opening me to possibilities I never imagined existing within me and letting me walk in faith which I would never be able to do before but I have to be careful to not sell myself for someone else’s dream or scheme. Find balance and flexibility to navigate this. Also know self pity with this aspect or any absolutely destroys vitality the most in this energy. Pluto inconjunction — Yes this might kill me, I would have to give up things I at one point thought I couldn’t live without but evolution would bring a me forth which is required for tomorrow and isn’t living a past that doesnt exist right now. I do not need to know every step for that change and no I do not need control over others and their behaviour to feel powerful — there is power in letting everyone evolve at their own pace. Flexibility is not the hallmark of Leo initiations but this time we are being asked for just that so something that has not even touched our imagination yet as a possibility can be allowed to come in our life instead of a preplanned predecided outcome. Deception and power struggles or power grabs with some form of mental or actual poisoning of the minds can be the total imbalance character of these inconjunctions. Stay guard to the doors of your mind if you are being conditioned to take a certain self destructive step in this journey. Stay above the fray and follow your own instincts here, do not underestimate the 29º Neptune Inconjunction to Leo and Virgo planets. Walk before you run and hold back your cash. Do not underestimate the Pluto manipulation or your own need to feel powerful or need for ego boost which could be driving you to outcomes that are far from Regulus. Do not be driven by spirit of revenge in Regulus — the fixed star at apex of these Yods and inconjunctions. Revenge is the downfall of this royal star which otherwise can produce life changing outcomes for you and collective.
Stay above the fray, stay the royal Leo fire way. Yet allow the events to evolve your mind as it tries to merge the light and the dark, evolve your self expression, your ability to communicate what you are experiencing as a higher vision which evolves over next two weeks with this new moon and mercury retrograde. The seeming drama of it all, all life is a stage element of it, it wouldn’t be boring atleast.
❤️ Charu