Mars Ingress Cancer till 11 June : Details by Zodiac Sign
Mars starts its journey through Cancer today & with that our drive would ebb and flow through the waves of Cancer till 11 June. We would be motivated by what we feel passionately about!
Key Dates
23 April — 11 June Mars in Cancer
11 May Mars Square Chiron 11º15’ Aries
15 May Mars Quincunx Saturn 13º28’ Aquarius
31 May Mars Trine Neptune
5 June Mars Opposite Pluto 26º28’
Mars roams outside the earth’s orbit trying to spontaneously release energy in the direction our spirit desire. Its expression gets moody & emotional when it wears the Cancer cloak. It still gets the work done but now under the female sign, in a woman archetype style you have to decipher the “meaning” of what people are doing versus the act itself.
Reminds me of that scene in Friends when Chandler tries to convince Joey that he’s letting Janine (his new female flat mate) make him and the apartment too girly (Episode 6.08)
“Chandler: Now I’ve upset you? What did I say?
Joey: It’s not what you said, it’s just the way you said it. Oh my god! I’m a woman!”
Ah well Mars might feel like Joey. He was having a wild ride networking with people, having numerous flings, many business talks with zero hang ups. He is who Rudhyar defined as “he who leads outward” and “he who goes forth”. Now suddenly each of his meetings become about “meaningful” conversations, he feels like wearing an apron wanting to mother the hell out of everyone and sex becomes “love making”. Instead of fighting out in words, he tries to brood and make a few utensils slip to make a bang to indicate that he is angry or upset. He still gets his way but instead of going after them, he creates a scenario in which things appear to come to him or atleast he behaves like things should come to him instead of him going after them. Looking like he doesn’t care he would only grab what he wants when no one is looking. Or linger around the object of his desire provided the he or she or it doesn’t bite him and with shy eyes indirectly ask her if she or he or it would like his company(or his lunch box).
Welcome to fire planet moving into water.
It’s not just that he has changed his ways, now that he wears the women’s cloak (with no insult meant to my diverse readers), people now expect him to behave differently too to get things from them. So it seems the way to make things happen gets more indirect too, don’t confuse this with strategic, thats Scorpio Mars and thats something else all together. Ah you mean angry fights don’t lead to fantastic sex… No it’s not a straight darted line that Mars warrior normally takes in Cancer as he is shy to ask, fights indirectly and cares too much as well as bruises too fast. Thats why my conservative Indian gurus would say Mars is in its “fall” as in traditional sense it functions “poorly”(after screaming at me for not using sidereal zodiac ofcourse).
I personally don’t believe in “fall”, every vessel is perfectly made, you just need to skill to drive it.
For centuries people have underestimated ability for women to be the one “who leads outward” and “who goes forth”, time to show them something! It’s a cardinal sign Cancer so contrary to popular believe far from passive but its activation button is in the heart or sometimes stomach.
So what do we need to navigate what we want while all our warriors are getting submerged in the ebb and flow of Cancer. Sign specific tips also below, read on:
§ Accept that our drive will ebb and flow and thats ok, ride with it
§ Know that it would make us a better business person for a Cancer Mars knows how to “feel” out how to get what they want
§ Feel out the best way to approach people on a personal basis
§ When our feelings are being aroused know we are coming into ourself for it would drive us to do things (flow)
§ Passion is our stimulant
§ Causes, crusades, love will drive us
§ Our feelings would be intensified but they also feed us
§ There would be times we would need to withdraw as emotions would overwhelm (ebb)
§ Our emotional intensity will drive few people off — its natural filter of myriad pursuits and contacts made during Gemini Mars
§ Men or women would woo more by showing their sensitive feeling side instead of the chase
§ Cook a meal, care for, help out people we love and those who need
§ Home life would get more activated, some harsh words could be spoken
§ Listen more to your intuition — what do you need to feel more comfortable & safe — go create it or ask from a place of love
§ Even while working out listen to your intuition, body talks to us during this time, telling us what it needs
§ Accept that we might cry when we are angry or frustrated versus fight back — its a more elegant expression versus say violence
§ Our actions can very easily be directed into caring and kindness for people
§ Pour those emotions into creative works or listen to soothing music
§ We all have potential and capacity to heal others and ourselves by not being afraid to confront our emotions and issues involved with it
§ We will have bottled up frustration till it almost bursts (normally into tears) so we need to check into our Venus, our self care more actively
§ Use the Scorpio full moon of 27th to drain our negative emotions that we confront, disconnect with dysfunction, heal, move forward with positive passion
§ Get some kind of structure to your day and actions, as we ebb and flow it would help us to be on track
§ Change the tune of your alarm clock to something soothing versus jarring, trust me you will thank me later
§ Get a good home project that needs physical energy, don’t take war of emotions to the kitchen, the garden or the bedroom
§ As we take on a nurturing role, don’t forget to nurture yourself
§ We would be fiercely protective, I spent yesterday on that. Let the mamma bear in you rest once in a while….”Mother knows the best” syndrome
§ There will be no “chill” when someone messes up with someone or something you love, again thats where I spent my yesterday
§ We will see lower expressions like passive aggressive, holding grudges, hiding anger till state of explosion, we cannot be all at our best behaviours all the time…
§ Nationalism would play out in the global events but its also expressed as pride and compassion for country men
§ On the good side, normally in the area of our life we are shy or even passive we could use this energy to be more assertive or push through using our emotions & passions, we will see that in by sign specific post
Key Dates :
§ Use 27th April full moon to emotionally rejuvenate, drop a baggage
§ 11th and 15th May can be frustrating dates but it would be ask if our wounds become a trigger to get our act together, which is what we should use those dates for
§ Period between last week of May and first ten days of June especially 5th June we need to be more careful — words can be taken in very personal manner, misunderstanding & misjudged actions
These are our personal faculties which we do have control over.
Whenever we feel we are taking things personally, take a minute to respond. Its a free world, everyone has a right to feel whatever they want about us.
Affirmation : I am safe and nurtured. My passions keep me motivated for more
Sign Specific tips
Aries : Take care of home, family. Be direct with mom or family but not confrontational. Make home a more comfortable place for you, your ruler is submerged but Mars Leo is only around the corner! Be careful of wanting to speed when you need to slow down, so nicks, cuts.
Taurus : Lot of running around, dare to act on your ideas, speak up. Be assertive but not argumentative with coworkers and neighbours. Mental explorations galore.
Gemini : Take charge of your finances, personal assets and reign in emotional spending. Demonstrate your self worth. Ego fights are possible but you got to stand up for yourself despite that.
Cancer : Dare to be you, go after what you want, go solo without relying or waiting for someone to give you the seat. Assertive but staying off family disputes & arguments. Carefully of small nicks, cuts and speeding or driving under the influence of emotions.
Leo : Focus your energies on your inner life, you are fighting some demons below the surface, learning to direct your energy to yourself versus outward, completing unfinished business, taking responsibility of past actions and working on future but behind the surface. Hidden treasures are found as you work away from everyone’s eyes.
Virgo : Get socially active, connect with your soul tribe, your friends, take a stance on social issues. Remember you are a nurturing leader not an authoritarian, you lead from a place of love and they are willing to follow
Libra : Get your profession and work life in order, ambitions are heightened as you look for what you are passionate about and what brings that rise in you. Connect with authorities on common passions versus ego hassles. They want to nurture you and you want a supportive work environment to flourish
Scorpio : Write, publish, teach, activate your higher mind as your friendly water energy is activated. Even though your ruler is submerged but its in all too familiar waters that you know how to navigate. Take a stance on your future growth basis your passions, your beliefs and your confidence in your path being more expansive. Take a tangible step to expand your future path, through an expansive course, an expansive role, taking a trip, meeting people who are different / foreign, writing speaking about your knowledge.
Sagittarius : Get your fair share in give and take in partnerships. Sexual energy would be powerful but its more soulful than physical. Work together versus solo but learn to have right boundaries when going in “together”, don’t loose your interest. Get finances in order especially joint, taxes, will, insurance and investment linked. Cut a habit.
Capricorn : Relationships, clients, connections are activated, some might be pure reactivated some just irksome as they demand more of you. Be direct in dealing with others, stand up for yourself, don’t be afraid to be who you are in partnerships. You nurture them and its time for them also to show you some love ! You can feel challenged at times, careful of confrontation and some nicks, cuts and speeding.
Aquarius : Work, work, work, then work out work out work out. Busy time but its perfect time to get some stuff done and dusted as its time to bring order to life. Might need to be assertive with coworkers or people working for you, avoid emotional confrontation but don’t avoid saying what needs to be said. Set order.
Pisces : Beautiful passionate energy is unleashed as this water placement energises you. Initiate work project which are creative, call to your heart and passion, give time to your hobbies and interests, give to your love interests ! You are a passionate leader and people can do with your positive vibes so act from there — share your ideas as you feel more sure of them and feel more assertive to.