Mercury Retrograde Themes till 21 May
First part of Mercury retrograde is in Gemini retracing first 4° of Gemini. These are degrees of discovery which Mercury slowly walked over past two weeks since its ingress in Gemini on 29 April.
We would end up having Sun & Mercury meet in inferior conjunction at 0° Gemini on 21 May. This is new Mercury phase of new thought, new mind after this period of uneasy introspection that our mind will be engaged in till 21 May including the dramatic Scorpio eclipse of 16th May. This period till 21 May could be marked by rethinking our ideas, thoughts, modes of communication with others, devices getting out of order, reevaluating our company, evaluating where the flexibility or lightness of life was lost over time. For many it would be reevaluating terms or details of commercial transactions we agreed on — like a certain billionaire agreeing to buy a communication platform with no real means to pay for it. Fibs we tell ourselves & sometimes others in jest or in manner of speech not realising others take that as commitment or contracts. Lot of he said she said. Bipolar behaviours & influence on day to day life due to it. Dualities of human nature. Media, tabloids, fibs told in them. Reversal of public opinion formed through tabloids or fibs told by someone. Rules of communication, freedom of speech, business, commerce, where joy of learning was lost & how to bring some of it back, why joy of lightly debating two perspective on subjects was lost to ego & needing to be right, meeting reconnecting with old friends. Honor two sides of the coin — relearning flexibility. Remembering the joy of taking trips on a whim, remembering what free air feels like, what power a free breath holds in name of ideation & influence on ingenuity of mind, importance of two way discourse & socialising on the society. Importance of moving our body, pacing, walking even if to explore just a neighbourhood, importance of dabbling in many skills & texts without getting too bogged by it. Airing our mind, throat, movement. Airing problems in old relationships relieving the heaviness in them. Broken promises, lost documents, faulty machines, misleading information screaming for attention asking us to slow the hell down cause we are trying to change way too much way too fast. Clarity, breath, joy of doing it cause it excites our mind, cause it gives us the movement our mind & body craves. Do we need to speak a different language, are we too long winded to have a commercial impact like my Mercury In Pisces self. Gemini Mercury is all memes & quick clear impactful yet smart intelligent content while remaining light & fun — which end of pool are we trending more towards — too shallow or too deep, too broad too specific, too easy too complex. The unexamined busyness of life crowd jamming our creative thinking screams for a relook to declutter our mind, ideas, speech & associations. How many devices & media does one person need without short circuiting one’s brain or worst brainwashing it out of any original thought. Original thought — remember that — the time before social media scroll troll. I spoke to Taurus theme we would no doubt look at — Mercury will move back there after 21/22 May no doubt. But before that we need to go through this amusingly frustrating journey of our mind.
Then on 21 May after a period of reckoning, we finally get the clarity to plant new seed usually commercial, skilful, involving our ability to express & connect with others but at the degree of “A New Dimension of Reality” we discover a new form of that idea after some deliberation. Then usually comes the question of practicality of it all — money, means, sustenance — you know all the things that brings air to earth and makes an idea a long term lucrative reality. In this transition global economic environment & personal shifts of fated nature are experienced as we are in eclipse season so we need to know our operating environment before taking long term calls.
As this year we would be transitioning the element of Mercury retrograde from air to earth — our ideas refined over past year would be tested against the test of reality, longevity & gains and refined to make them real in physical & commercial senses. This is similar to 2016 especially April May 2016 — the last time Mercury went retrograde in Taurus (close to allegations & divorce of Depp-Heard for anyone who is following). Unfinished matters from April May 2016 are bound to come back up, though specifically this ideation period of Mercury retrograde can bring unfinished business, people, associations or even emails or communication from May June 2015 specifically around 11 June 2015. Did you take a step to change your skills, way you present your skills or ingenuity to others, did you attempt to shift to a more social chapter of your life. Simple yet ingenue ideas shift life directions. It’s worth looking at your emails messages photos of that time — I promise it’s worth it — something very relevant to current time pops up which you need to see or read ( I personally use before after function in gmail app).
Mars will be retrograde end of this year (30 Oct’22 to 12 Jan’23) spending 6 months overall in Gemini — 20 Aug’22 to 25 Mar’23. It will be implementation time then. Before that Mars Uranus North Node conjunction will bring peak volatility around 31 July.
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