Pisces Mid July 2021 Astrology Horoscope
Sun Pluto Opposition & Jul/Aug Volatility
As I mentioned on 10th July Sun and Moon came together at 18º02’ Cancer to plant a new seed which would influence us for the next two weeks. Influence holds for two weeks and we should normally start something new when moon is visible which is from today, so do use this time to start something new inline with the Cancer new moon energy for your sign. All posts are provided in podcast and video formats as well if you prefer to watch or listen to the updates.
In part 1 of the post I gave overview of the transit now we go by sign
Part 1 : http://emailabuddy.com/blog/?p=1363
You should check your rising sign, followed by Sun or Moon sign. Rising is most accurate though career perspective holds from sun sign as well. Moon sign gives more information on influence on personal life. As this compliments the Capricorn full moon — do check your zodiac specific trends in that, if you haven’t — link below.
Capricorn Full Moon for your sign : http://emailabuddy.com/blog/?p=1281
Archive of all my posts : http://emailabuddy.com/blog/
Ways to support my work : http://emailabuddy.com/blog/?page_id=1261
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♓️ Pisces
Pisces this season is our season of joy, passions, children, love, creativity — its the time when we need to let our creative self expression free and do things just for fun. The Cancer new moon infuses fresh energy in your joy and it urges you over these two weeks to take a risk in life — on you — your individuality, love, passions, heart for your comfort and for better connection with self. This manifests in form of creative genius, self expression of new ideas and creative juices, new romance, passion project or business, giving birth to something thats an extension of self love like a child or a business thats like a child to you or a creative output which you have made with care and love. Carefree freedom of expression, play, joy, fun activities, pleasure from your creative impact, may be even partying with friends or family is called for as you radiate confidence by being more in touch with the child within and letting it play.
This is especially felt positively by Pisces rising / sun / moon around 18º Pisces +/-3º or around 8 Mar born Pisces Sun +/-3 Days — it would be a good time to take a bold step.
This comes after a period of volatility and would be followed by a period of volatility in August though this volatility adds to you, pushes you to think out of the box, speak your mind, express your ahead of time ideas and even gives you rare moment of detached clarity. Your “Cadent” houses or growth houses are at conflict with each other — like they cannot decide the direction of future growth or the step you need to take to prepare for a positive future. Is it through formal service, is it through self less service or creative fields. The mundane conflicts with the ideal. The pragmatic, logical side of you is at odds with the all embracing idealistic, creative and spiritual side of you. There can even be conflicts in ways of healing if there is any health issue you are trying to work through. This conflict comes with the year long restlessness from mundane that you are feeling with the Saturn Square Uranus in 2021 which is key theme of this year as highlighted and detailed in your 2021 reading — linked below.
The solution is out of the box thinking, free thinking, changing your immediate environment or neighbourhood, changing your existing contracts to allow more freedom, using unconventional modes of communication but most importantly not letting your fears or complexes block your self expression as that can be most unhelpful to your health. Your mind and voice are vibrating at a higher frequency and your immediate environment needs to reflect that else you feel dissonance physically. You would feel restless, high strung — all people who have ahead of time ideas in their mind do. Albert Einstein was born with it — so do you have your Eureka moment or you are getting ready for it? Cancer season and this new start we work on these two weeks both feeds off this unique mind and thinking of yours and also feeds into it as when you are more joyful, free, confident in you — you are able to articulate your insights, hold negotiations in effective manner, draft unconventional terms of contracts. Your quick learning curve and quick thinking is very beneficial in taking some of the business risks which might be on the block for considerations. Thinking is non linear though — you may not have patience or means to walk people through the steps your mind has gone through to explain the conclusion you come to and its ok as long as it “sits” well with you. This is where sometimes we know things and we do not know why or don’t know how to explain it.
This is one of those rare months when both your rulers — Jupiter and Neptune are in your sign — it would only next happen in 2022. I spoke of it in your Neptune and Jupiter retrograde notes — linked below.
Pisces | Neptune Retrograde July to December 2021 Astrology Horoscope | #Workingonit Astrology
Pisces | Jupiter Retrograde Astrology Horoscope 20 June to 18 Oct 2021 | #Workingonit Astrology
Take advantage of this time as they both make a positive aspect building you up — directing you to take your passions and creative output to next level of growth — thats where sometimes hobbies become livelihoods, passion become identity and life flows. Jupiter and Neptune are currently walking 1º and 23º of Pisces so Pisces rising / sun / moon around 1º or 23º Pisces +/-2º or Pisces Sun born around 21 Feb or 13 March +/-2 days could benefit the most from this. This is the most artistic or idealistic or expansive or inspirational aspect we can experience and I would urge you to use this time to communicate, think beyond current moment on what you want to do and most importantly let your natural talents flow. There is a natural flow or ease in outwardly expression of who you are — you can do that creatively, in children, in business impact, in creative impact, in humanitarian impact, in love. Nothing is off limits here. This new beginning in your creative pursuits, love, children, hobbies, passions needs to flow naturally though, its not forced — its almost fated or involuntarily expression of you.
But ofcourse there is always a but, as I mentioned in part 1 we would face opposition to this — whenever we dare to do anything there would be critics and there are bound to be people in our network or friends or over social media or people in your professional network who could oppose what you are looking to do. We can experience that around 17 July and 25 July — you might have seen a preview of it around 23 June — felt most strongly by around 25º Pisces rising / sun / moon +/2º or around 15 Mar born Pisces Sun +/-2 days could experience this opposition the most. Its the balance of what you want and what others expect of you. Pluto in your house of associations and friends can bring some very transformative yet controlling influences in your life. But sometimes we carry forward way too long with the associations that have outlived their purpose. Usually a gap is highlighted in our connection to others or where we give our faith in ourself or in our work away driven by other people and their control over our mind.
Any external conflict is a reflection of an internal well seeded pattern of connecting to others that needs to transform and this would be a turning point in that change. It adds to you — you can use this conflict for your advantage to create more depth in your work, to create more conviction in the new “I” that you are creating. Its a play field to show how much faith you have in your work and you. When we put our work out there, there would always be people who would want to control the output. You might also be shown that possibly the audience you are showing your work to or the tribe you are part of or the network you are part of — is not conducive to creating what you want to create. A falling out with a friend, a network partner, a person of influence in your social group, a supplier is possible. Mostly cause it has outlived its purpose. Sometimes we continue to live the visions, goals that are not truly ours but mostly inspired by the others we grew up with , our sibling or our friends and associates. There is truth and power in this moment of clarity to see what vision empowers you and what makes you feel not you. What comes out of this gives you a firmer grasp on what you want and who you want it with. This is required to go through before we can do Leo season when things are set in stone for long term and fixed parts of your life are shifted.
Only when we know and accept what we truly want — can we go all in.
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