Pluto Inconjunct Quincunx : In Natal Chart or Through Transit July August 2022 Astrology Horoscope
Life’s turning points
Happy Fathers Day, week or month to all the awesome amazing fathers out there & the single mothers who deserve every day to be their day. Mine is smiling from heavens & he would love a laugh on this day ❤️ Lets dig into this critical yet often misunderstood or worst underestimated aspect. We love the misunderstood and the underestimated here. So lets dig in!
Sun is Quincunx/Inconjunct Pluto at 28°. It’s first of these aspects this year since early Jan & we will have many weeks of planets inconjunct to each other in July and August. It’s when two unrelated irreconcilable & disconnected parts of our personalities need to be brought in balance together for us to move forward. With Sun & Pluto — it’s the light and the dark — everything in life cannot be black or white — we are asked to embrace the middle ground in some ways. As we might have had period of swinging through extremes of happy-sad, optimism-pessimism, shining-downer, work-inner introspection, creating-destroying, frolicking-focusing, light-intensity. Each side of our personality needs attention & we need to bring the strength we find in period of darkness, rebirth, inner introspection to what we do out in the light. It’s when inner strength & focus needs to be let out to shine into physical manifestations & extremes need to be balanced by trying to not go there yet. Mental demons seem to doom the current moment. Mental demons would be full at work mid July when Mercury will make this aspect with Pluto as would be power struggles through words — leading to turning point.
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Quincunx/Inconjunctions do bring turning points in our life. Extreme detours which change the very destination of our life. Leos & Geminis know that well. They have been experiencing this over periods of 3 years at one or another time since 2007 depending on when Pluto aspected their Sun or other key points / planets. Right now Pluto is at 28° so around 28° Leo & Gemini would have this aspect directly on their Sun (~18 Jun/19 Aug born) or other critical points / planets around 28° Gemini or Leo for 2–3 year period. For all of us it’s a short lived transit we will collectively experience through multiple transits to August but for them it’s a prolonged turning point.
Those 2–3 years are points of great detour in life, when our life’s direction takes an unexpected turn. Initially we think its a distraction, a delay in us reaching our pre-decided pre-agreed destiny but life just keeps taking us away from that destiny — there are mountains, sceneries, new vista we never thought we would see on those detours but with Pluto it comes with dose of loss, karmic addictions, karmic relationships, abuse, demons, gunk hidden below the surface from our past, actual plumbing issues. But what starts as being a painful “spanner” in things, becomes a journey we needed to take only to discover that our pre-decided pre-agreed destiny was a farce we were living. Its a journey that changes the destination. Life becomes more “real”
This is a tough transit & most Geminis have been through it when Pluto was exact inconjunct to their Sun. It triggers a turning point & is generally a 2–3 year transit just as all Pluto transits to personal planets are. For Depp it was 2016–2018 — the period from the allegations, divorce to Op-Ed — he is 18° Gemini. For BoJo it’s 2021–2023 — he is 28° Gemini. For Trump it was mid 2018–2020 from mid year election on — he is 23° Gemini. Angelina Jolie from 2013–2015 with her op-ed revealing her preventive double mastectomy . And so on.
The thing is you only come to know — why the detour post the transit. That’s why it calls for flexibility to enjoy the detour, take in the scenery & see what life brings you through it while trying to not loose oneself to one or other extreme — it’s no less than near death as it’s Pluto. With Sun our physical self, career, external identity goes through this crisis period.
For Sun in Leo who also have received this aspect since 2007 at one or other point depending on their degrees, it’s tougher cause they have no latitude to give. I am sorry they are shiny and boy their heart is pure gold but they are stubborn, fixated that its their birth right to be just, right and shine. Only Leo I have seen bend in a thousand ways is Kim Cattrall (aka Samantha) in SATC but you know I am not talking of that kind of bending — and you know how that Leo refused to bend in real life offscreen. Its one of the many things for which Leos are both adored admired as well as … well despised. Its their birth right to behold what they think is right with a Golden shiny play card in their hand with a giant f you written all over. Sun in Gemini would hold their frolicking between options, their freedom, their priority to their mind and Sun in Leo will hold their priority of self respect, self love and whats “right” against the Pluto power structures, manipulations, abuse, their own inner fears / angst / addictions, their own inner desire to rise in property, ranks and power. But Gemini being mutable knows how to bend the rules, how to bend the flow and how to combine the notes of these two sides of themselves much better than Leos. Leos can carry this difference to their grave unreconciled. But Neptune is wearing them down now and we will see how that changes. Love changes Leos not logic and ofcourse the screen, the shiny galore of being on the screen which they know they cannot stay away from — life always puts them in middle of a stage with all lights on. Ready or not.
Yod activation will invariably put Leos in path of an important societal change whether they like it or not by 2026 and we are in the progression of that esp for third decan Leos — ~23º-30º even first one or two degrees of Virgos (Depp’s Mars Uranus, Trump’s Mars AC) — this is Regulus people — they anyways were meant to have a royal life mission (it’s my Mars, Jupiter, North Node as well but my royal self hasn’t kicked in yet 😂) But this prolonged Yod with Neptune Pluto and planets is Leo is just going to make it very evident that their personal irreconcilable issue would become a pivotal shift for the society. Its when you do not wish to be there but you invariably become a person as a pivot of a social change while you were just trying to solve your personal problem so as to speak or just trying to …well live. This Yod in my view is already initiated but it becomes exact in 2026. So Leos — this is a longer journey & probably tougher one but it has a purpose for sure.
I didn’t intend this to be so long. But as we enter July August — which will no doubt be extremely volatile months — brace for left wing detours that will hit us collectively but they would ask for flexibility in where we thought was our destination. Cause Quincunx is a journey that shifts the destination.
Much love ❤️