Pluto Mars Venus Conjunction : “At All Cost”
𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘀 𝗩𝗲𝗻𝘂𝘀 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗷𝘂𝗻𝗰𝘁 𝗧𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗡𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗵 𝗡𝗼𝗱𝗲 𝗮𝘁 𝗔𝗹𝗴𝗼𝗹
Originally posted on FB link below
We are in a historic week with Pluto Mars Venus conjunct at 27º50’ Capricorn all trine north node in Taurus in close proximity to fixed star Algol as the second lunar eclipse of 16 May 2022 gets activated. Do note that while north node right now is transiting fixed star Algol which as I described in detail is known for voilence, beheading but also stands for female kundalini release and draining of poison at high cost. On 16 May 2022 during the Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse at 25º18’ Scorpio Sun would also be joining Algol. I have mentioned it before events of this week are a precursor or trigger to May 2022 eclipse as activation of the eclipse is happening before the physical eclipse. Sun joins Algol every year around May but this year is different due to presence and trigger of total lunar eclipse which makes the transit fated in nature. We are in our personal capacity given immense capacity to detach from something dysfunctional especially if its a debt, substance, poison holding us down but it would come at a cost — this aspect holds immense capacity of rebirth and renewal though path to it is brutal in nature as it requires severance of something of past value in fixed corners of our life which will like to hold on for dear life. We are given opportunity and possibly an event this week to release something fairly dysfunctional or a drain on our finances / resources / health which can become worst if we continue to live with it. The Pisces new moon which influences us for next 2 weeks, gives us the inituition and dare I say foresight to know what is possible for us if we release the substance or person or pattern — it gives us an opportunity to seed a dream beyond current moment.
Pluto Mars conjunction is exact now in its once in two year conjunction and last in our lifetime conjunction in Capricorn (last happened in March 2020 — nothing comes to mind which was significant that happened..right ?) and standalone its a conjunction that brings powerful transforming actions in Capricorn part of our life — a resolve thats unshakable to take a directional step that changes the season of our life. Its an ambitious aspect but goals sometimes are achieved through not so kosher actions with it with voilence, manipulation and ruthlessness of ego at the centre of it. Its excellent to achieve something tough especially physically transformative but it comes with ego conflicts and we need to consciously direct our energies away from conflict to achievement. Its an aspect which grows ego but as long as we use the ego & drive to not harm others but to make sure our interest is taken care of — this can be used positively for very powerful gutsy actions.
But yes globally we cannot ensure that and this is the first time Pluto is walking these degrees since 1776 so in global events we are in unchartered territory. 1776 was ofcourse time of great conflict with America’s Declaration of Independence few months ahead in July 1776 when Pluto went retrograde at these degrees and Pluto stood at this point exactly back in March 1776. Pluto sits in second house of economy, currency, values, pride, honor in birth chart of United States opposing its house of debt and karma. I attribute dominance of Dollar as a currency and country’s historical economic dominance or pride in its existence to it along with its ability to manipulate global power paradigm using its financial / debt tools. Pluto return in my view over this year for US resets that and also exposes all that sits below in financial ties and shifts values of the country and its resources / commodities for long run. Its a rebirth of resources, value, finances, ego, pride and values of people of the country.
Nothing about this is “transitory” as Pluto shifts are irrevocable. Its not a one day event — Pluto transits as you know start being felt over one or two year before the exact transit which is now and are felt one to two years after the transit though like all transits applying aspect is most influential so we are in that period of peak influence this year.
Coming back to current moment — actions are taken in my view to defend that financial or ego position in global events for US with Mars coming with Pluto return to this point in America’s birth chart. Ofcourse this is not specific to US as Mars Pluto is a transit felt by all especially if we have any planets or points around 28º Capricorn like for President Zelenskyy it activates a Yod which places him in center of historical turning point whether he asked for it not.
Mars Pluto angers our interiors through a psychological warfare our mind and body goes through as it resists any ounce of powerlessness it feels. It sometimes makes us act in anger and for some it comes as strategic manipulation — ego is inflated and we become the centre of the universe who needs what we need at any cost. At any cost… its the ruthlessness of this aspect which is normally what makes it notorious for physical violence as this aspect is sometimes brave in the wrong way that it knows no limits and ambition is just on fire and drunk on power. Each aspect has capacity to be used well — this one specially does to make a bold step which can transform our physical body, physical material reality. Make a resolve and know you with every fibre of your being won’t be able to go back on it. We are driven to do materially well.
With Venus in the mix — we have spent past months with time specifically in December / January recognising that we need to stop feeling apologetic for our ambition and wants. So no its not tame your inner shrew time but yes directing it to your desires while knowing that every other person is trying to do the same… though also not being naive in not knowing that everyone is trying to do the same “at all cost”. There is a lot of pretence to this year. I had told you last year. Jupiter Neptune conjunction year produces the biggest influencers — ones who move you through the sensitivity of your compassion and your expectation of positivity / growth. They can inspire you to be the best versions of you but they also can take you to misguided path. Neptune is not about following someone else’s idea of your life and path — its about growing your own inner intuition to know how you are the contributing part of the collective.
For Cardinal signs — the current aspect provokes us into action through friction. To me this aspect feels like the last push to achieve what Pluto in Capricorn was meant to achieve for us in our individual capacity especially in our life path, external life and physical identity. Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 and we have been in process of death rebirth to take full ownership of our existence and time through the process it has taken us through. Mars will not meet Pluto in Capricorn during our life time or our next generation’s life time. This presents a rare opportunity to make the cardinal change — to change the season especially of your external life — the practical output of our life. I spoke of Pluto in Capricorn process for your sign in reading below — timestamp “Pluto Direct 2021–2023” — if you would like to revisit.
Check Pluto in Capricorn influence for your zodiac till 2024 :
We have Venus Pluto conjunct as well in this moment which as I mentioned in Venus retrograde reading brings marriages of convenience and the question of who dominates the resources to focus and we have been in that cycle since December. This is third and last Venus conjunction to Pluto as Venus comes out of shadow completing the objective of creating marriages of conveniences and dominance with focus specifically on cartels, few who dominate the resources. Pluto rules oil (not Saturn which Vedic astrologers would like to say — it would have if oil price wasn’t ruled by Cartels). Who are the allies who help us move forward — marriages of prosperity and ambitions are created. Belt and road was birthed in last Venus retrograde cycle in Capricorn with China and Russia shaking hands along with other countries as I mentioned in my 2021 reading on Venus retrograde.
Pluto Venus makes for obsession over what we love and who we love or what we desire — this rare transit of all three (Mars Venus Pluto) coming together as I said is a signature of “at all cost” — we can run our body to the ground and need to be careful of that — breathe. You have spent past few months identifying what you love and value in your external life — accept that truth and direct this “at all cost” aspect to take a bold step in that direction.
I went back in history to find exact conjunction (within 2º orb) of Pluto Mars Venus and it has not happened to my knowledge since August 1955 when it happened in Leo. Aspect screams unprecedented intensity and making of it was Warsaw Pact which was signed by Soviet Union and Eastern European block in reaction to West Germany’s integration into NATO which lead to West German military. The events of 1955 contributed to the Cold War.
This rare conjunction sits opposite the full moon in Cancer of 17 Jan 2022 which influenced us for last half of Jan 2022 and it encouraged us through friction to make some long term changes in our personal life and in how we manage our emotions or inner life or personal life. Having been through fortification of the fortress process that it was now our focus needs to come back to external manifestation from that place of hopefully more stable inner core. Mars-Pluto-Venus can achieve anything we set eyes on but with a lot of dual energy of Pisces we would need to consciously focus it.
Transit Pluto is forming an Inconjunction with Mercury-Venus-Jupiter of Ukraine — which normally transforms a country through death and sacrifice. But Inconjunction alone doesn’t bring about events. It shows the intent and nature of events — intent being hidden wealth or financially important resources. As Pluto recently triggered Jupiter / Mercury of Ukraine — its possible that the motive was recently discovered or some sort of information which we are not privy to with respect to resources of the country or finances were uncovered which could have been motive of whats going on beyond the historical reasons of this conflict. Saturn is right now at 19º Aquarius and Moon of Ukraine is at 22º Aquarius with President Zelenskyy’s moon at 18º Leo (+-2º due to question on accuracy of birth time) opposite Saturn — so the Saturn transit to Moon is not done for Ukraine. As we pray for the people of the country I am afraid till Saturn is out of orb in early 2023, the pressure might remain high. The other trigger that I could look at is 4th April Mars Saturn Conjunction at 22º Aquarius conjunct Moon of Ukraine as transit Saturn would be exact conjunct it. This is conjunct the 7th house cusp of Russia and squares its (hard aspect, challenges) Russia’s Venus conjunct Pluto at 22º Scorpio which makes it the controller of oil resources of the world. Mars Saturn conjunctions are common in situations of warfare and have been traditionally used in situations of war to be indicator of oppression getting worst but as the aspects show higher the oppression greater the economic impact on Russia and more pressure on its traditional position as controller of resources (oil).
𝗦𝘂𝗻 𝗝𝘂𝗽𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟱 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 & 𝗦𝘂𝗻 𝗡𝗲𝗽𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗲 𝟭𝟯 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗷𝘂𝗻𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻
These aspects are the very definition of idealism and optimism — growth cycle is reset and expectations are raised of a positive year ahead. Compassion is at its peak and under the influence of New Moon in Pisces which we just had and which would influence us for the next two weeks — a collective dream is born, an ideal is born. Every new moon is an opportunity to set new intentions & sow new seeds. A new moon in Pisces refuses to accept things as they are — it comes with its fair share of optimism even romance. It inspires us to rise beyond the rubble and beyond darkness of the mind — just plain pessimism or realism of mind and words / news which the rest of the transits are bringing.
Things are about to look too good to be true as we approach 13 March Sun Neptune annual conjunction at 22º52’ Pisces and if they look too good to be true — they are with this aspect. Fascists don’t overnight become saints and frogs do not turn out to be prince. We are walking towards the beautiful and dreamy yet illusive Jupiter Neptune conjunction in April. Neptune is coming back to the point it was back in May 2021 and then went retrograde to spend time till August 2021 — fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me (For context that was time of US-Russia summit on Ukraine and other topics of disagreement). Normally that time would have showed us the cost of a dream and you know now if you are ready to pay the price for it or not…
But sometimes despite knowing the cost we need to move forward in faith — look back to Feb / March 2010 if you are able to look back and see if you had to take a step of blind faith in 2010 and it paid off in ways different than you had imagined. If it paid off in love, in spiritual growth and meeting someone or something or a place of your dream even though you went in blind or may be because you went in blind in faith. You would have normally consciously not chosen this but life got you there as you allowed yourself to go in the flow of the life. I cannot get over President Zelenskyy’s face when the reporter asked him still trying to work out diplomatic route even when the opponent just hours before that tried to have him assassinated. He said “We will see”. The cost of not having faith is so high that its better to have faith. Because without faith you wouldn’t try the way you would if you had. And sometimes with positive faith you achieve things you didn’t even set out to get — though it may come at a heavy price.
Dreamers are born from Jupiter Neptune conjunction, ideals are declared and clearly publicly known. Everything and anything is given up to go to the other side of the threshold of this dream. The 12th house significator of Pisces is life of moksha, release, rising above physical life to give oneself to life of higher ideals beyond it. A mission is lived beyond life and we stand on the gateway of one with this new moon and we would be making a commitment to cross the gateway to move to the “afterlife”with the Jupiter Neptune conjunction in coming days leading to exact conjunction of 12 April. Some will pretend to live it behind the smoke of screens and some will give up everything they ever knew to be true to live it. And you will not know the difference and we shouldn’t bother to cause each person lives our own karma in life and we are being taught to have compassion when its tough to have for all sides. Because there are people on both sides who would need compassion. Much will need to be given up for the faith and belief in a dream. So as you and me stand with this new moon at 12º Pisces at the degree of “Qualification” — the degree of “Ever repeated challenge presented to the individual by the group in which he has claimed acceptance”, as you and me stand at the degree of “challenge to prove himself and his ability to assume responsibility effectively” — it might become evident that we cannot have the “dream” without paying a price. Standing up or opening up or initiating your “dream” publicly will come at a price. We are no longer seeking for we have found our place — there is a visceral knowing of what this “dream” is but having found our place — we would need to prove that we are able to fulfil the higher responsibility that function brings. We are no longer “free” as an individual in this dream for this is a dream which brings some responsibility to the collective.
This “dream” could be beyond the practical external life shifts Pluto in Capricorn is trying to achieve for you but the two feed into each other and have capacity to immensely support each other especially as we approach the 5 May Jupiter in Pisces sextile to Pluto in Capricorn at 28º36’.
Earth and water working together is one of the gifts of 2022 — the two work together to manifest both the spiritual / creative / ideal goal as well as the material earth shifts. We have capacity to tap into both. I spoke of Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Pisces transit for your sign below — if you would like to review the source of this spiritual / creative “dream” or ideal.
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