Sagittarius Mid July 2021 Astrology Horoscope

Sun Pluto Opposition & Jul/Aug Volatility

Astrology with Charu!
8 min readJul 14, 2021


As I mentioned on 10th July Sun and Moon came together at 18º02’ Cancer to plant a new seed which would influence us for the next two weeks. Influence holds for two weeks and we should normally start something new when moon is visible which is from today, so do use this time to start something new inline with the Cancer new moon energy for your sign. All posts are provided in podcast and video formats as well if you prefer to watch or listen to the updates.

In part 1 of the post I gave overview of the transit now we go by sign

Part 1 :

You should check your rising sign, followed by Sun or Moon sign. Rising is most accurate though career perspective holds from sun sign as well. Moon sign gives more information on influence on personal life. As this compliments the Capricorn full moon — do check your zodiac specific trends in that, if you haven’t — link below.

Capricorn Full Moon for your sign :

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♐️ Sagittarius

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Sagittarius Cancer season doesn’t really jive with you, you much rather skip and move to the 🔥 Leo season which starts after 22 July and fully in August as it focuses on adventure, travel, expansion — all the things you stand for and jive with. But as I mentioned in part 1 — we cannot do Leo season and the adventures it brings for you without doing Cancer season which for you deals with weeding out what has outlived its purpose and balancing the give & take or proceeds of partnerships — financially, emotionally and in intimacy. Cancer new moon infuses fresh energy impelling a rebirth of sorts which comes through transforming the give & take in personal partnerships and business partnerships, finally cutting the cord with what has outlived its purpose, dealing with any financial obligations — debt, alimony, inheritance, insurance, taxes as well as any emotional baggage or obligation to others which could involve taking care of a loved one. None of this is fun and it requires a lot of patience and empathy but you leave this season lighter physically and emotionally having detoxed the toxins holding you back. This is period of emotional transformation and deeper topics which we normally do not engage in day to day life as well as topics of healing, death rebirth, psychology, sexuality could come to focus for discussion and new start.

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This also impels us to look for new sources of finances away from norm, away from regular income through investments, property, family business, commissions, sponsorships etc.

Matters related to intimacy can intensify during this time, joint financial matters could be more of a sensitive topic, family secrets or even dysfunction can be revealed, family money matters usually come for resolution and new start — new dynamic in give and take in partnerships in business and personal life. New terms. This is especially true for around 18º Sagittarius rising / sun / moon +/-3º or around 9 December born Sagittarius Sun +/-3 days. Its the period of rebirth and transformation and it could be an emotional one which is normally not your style but life could have taken sudden change and now is the time to embrace the new life it brings you even though it might have come through ending or a crisis. End result is more healing in emotional and personal life which might have come after an ending possibly in Jan 2020 initiated in April 2019 — for some it could be separation from someone, for some it could be a severance of a business tie but we are weeding out and moving on with better terms and returns from partnership. Even if the partnerships continue this is the time when new terms are negotiated and established in money, joint finances — personal or business and in intimacy. We could initiate study of some deeper topics which we haven’t engaged in before — they use your intuition and ability to sense vibe of the moment whether its in financial matters or in creative matters — we dig way below the surface to come up with ideas here. This is a different side of you — that you are exploring and it can be very empowering time as this period of two weeks would help you get rid of the invisible limitations that existed before especially in your ability to assert yourself.

As you gain more solid footing in your personal life or place of living or within yourself with both Jupiter Neptune supporting you on that in July with both having the rare moment of being in your house of home, family and place of living strengthening your , emotional foundations. We spoke of it in Neptune and Jupiter retrograde notes — link below.

Sagittarius | Neptune Retrograde July to December 2021 Astrology Horoscope | #Workingonit Astrology

Sagittarius | Jupiter Retrograde Astrology Horoscope 20 June to 18 Oct 2021 | #Workingonit Astrology

You might feel more sure to take a chance at what makes you tick and what needs to go, what are your deeper motivations — they allow you to connect with what are your desires — what kind of returns you want from others in your life and you would voice them as now Mercury is here too — we balance out of the give and take in our partnerships by being on a firmer footing. This is a new phase starting in what you get our of your partnerships and its best to set things in balance from the very start both financially and emotionally. With currently both Neptune and Jupiter supporting the growth in proceeds of partnerships — its easier for you to ask for what you want or to share your desires with another person. As much as home environment is sensitive potentially right now we have an opportunity to base everything in honesty right now as there is a raw vulnerable feeling to it all. It makes you feel out of your element, a little disarmed yet it could make for a positive interpersonal experience especially for 1º or 23º Sagittarius +/-2º which is around 23 Nov or 14 December born Sagittarius Sun +/-2 days. This isn’t easy yet its very transformative, empowering and through a crisis comes authenticity, healing and balance. So we can enjoy the adventures of the fire season ahead which jives better with you. This is great time for detox and weeding out health habits / foods / addictions / things that weigh you down emotionally and in turn impact your health. This is a strong health aspect so there might be a new detox or healing which is started or should be started.

This weeding out, setting order in joint finances, getting your investments and family finances in order could be driven by the need for freedom you feel in your work as Uranus prompts you to move beyond the 9–5 or do something unique in terms of projects within that 9–5. We spoke of it in your 2021 reading in detail — link below.

The early June conflict as well as Leo season towards end July and early August would bring back the need for freedom, doing something away from norm in your work driving you to take a leap of faith. Unconventional approach to health matters, to projects , to work environment is called for which means routine wouldn’t interest you and its when we look for sources of income out of norm. As I mentioned in part 1 — the new start in proceeds of partnerships / finances and healing we have in these two weeks both supports the volatility you feel as well as is driven by the volatility you feel in your work and health. Your need to do something different drives the hunt for new pots of gold that you are digging which is away from conventional sources of income and your need for more depth in the subject matter you work, your need to show your full strength and power in joint situations could impel change in careers or work dynamics. At the same time some sudden events at work and in work environment could be driving this crisis in finances or need to resolve the financial situation. Similarly on the health side — you might embark on a very unique healing journey where alternative forms of healing become the focus — sometimes we might be looking for sources of income which are unique driven by our unique healing skills or medical skills — alternate, new age medicine, diets, healing methods and exercises they can become source of revenue as well as support for your own healing journey.

Unusual pets can support your healing in some cases but they can also be source of expenses.

While we are on this deep journey hoping to be done with it over these two weeks so the adventures can begin, we would have a conflict on 17 July and possibly 25 July to deal with. Its possible that you experienced this last month in your personal life as well on finances especially around 23 June but now it would be very vivid and its normally an external conflict with a person on finances or ego / self respect matters. You would be possible pushed to stand up for yourself here. You might need to fight for your rightful ownership of property or assets as some sort of financial reorganisation might be in process. It might require a property to be broken down like a family property or asset as its being divided or shared. There could be an expenditure which challenges your assets. Though conflict is the external manifestation but this Pluto retrograde mid points of 17 July will show you a pattern of self worth, imbalance in your partnerships, even possible an expenditure thats taking your power away and compromising you. This could be a turning point in your financial life as a realisation is made and clarity of the issue comes to surface so we can move forward from this conflict but it would come through a conflict. Pluto transit has two purpose — one truth and other transformation — both would be aimed in your self worth and networth. Whats shown to you helps you move forward. Its all needed to be settled before we take any leap of faith in August.


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Astrology with Charu!
Astrology with Charu!

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