Sun Meets Uranus : Surprises & Shifts for each Zodiac Sign
May 2022 Astrology Horoscope
𝗦𝘂𝗻 𝗠𝗲𝗲𝘁𝘀 𝗨𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘂𝘀 : 𝗦𝘂𝗿𝗽𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗲𝘀 & 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁 : 𝗕𝘆 𝗭𝗼𝗱𝗶𝗮𝗰 𝗦𝗶𝗴𝗻
Uranus the planet of sudden changes, freedom, volatility and surprises is meeting Sun on 5th May at 14º45’ Taurus. Through shocks, surprises, emotional restlessness and a bit of anarchy & rebellion it helps us move away from some fixed and at one time valuable part of our life. This aspect is key to the new start thats to come as a result of the solar eclipse we just had on 30 Apr / 1 May at 10º28’ Taurus which will only fully manifest by Jan 2023 (details of eclipse linked below).
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Emotional change comes before physical change with the external planets. Emotional changes as I mentioned began back in 2018 when Uranus first came in Taurus and this new start in my view accelerated since 2020–2021. Now we are being finally asked or even pushed to decide — will we physically commercially take that step ? Mars — the planet of action makes positive aspect to Sun giving us the option to act in this new direction but we need to actively choose to work on that versus letting our brain get flood by the collective emotions. My aim of this post is to bring your attention back to this new direction for your sign cause in eclipse season especially with a strong Scorpio eclipse there is too much collective waves of emotions which make us forget what we need to do for our own practical wellbeing.
In 2021 Uranus made a hard aspect with Jupiter followed by Saturn. I mentioned back then, that these two synods bring about accelerated shifts in progression of human existence usually through scientific and technical breakthroughs. Hard aspect indicates there will be huge resistance, dissonance which would be offered to these accelerated changes creating friction. Hard aspects also show division in society. We crave absolute freedom and different people would have at it in different manner. Uranus brings sudden shifts that are essential for us to live a life of authenticity to ourselves. Let’s see which area of our life we should look for this shift.
Think out of box in these areas, radical confidence is created to do things you have never done before and see what you need to be true to yourself in these areas of your life, expect sudden shifts aimed towards setting you free through these aspects. Degrees activated at 10º & 14º for new start so end of month to first 5 days born would normally be influenced the most, these degrees also need to be physically careful as we can be careless in haste. Lets dig in!
𝗕𝘆 𝗭𝗼𝗱𝗶𝗮𝗰 𝗦𝗶𝗴𝗻
♈️ #Aries : Material value, money, income, assets, self worth
Money needs to come from unique independent sources possibly through technology, innovation, free lancing, platforms, welfare focussed activities. More importantly how we value assets needs to change. Money is means to freedom and not what should tie us down. As its said many of us, or may be most of us are trading time for money while our time is much more valuable and scarce resource. Assets wouldn’t be fixed and income would be volatile and we are learning to be comfortable with riding that wave cause it comes with the sweet benefit of freedom. You would be best placed to develop unique ways of earning resources — ways that are more authentic to who you are and you would see your efforts expand at a speed. We might go through a few trial and errors of how the exact structure of how its supposed to look like but the trial needs to start. Do it proactively, find skills that offer you independence and if you already have them put them to action to start generating what you need from a new source of security. But as I said the biggest psychological shift this aspect is to bring to us, is that safety is overrated and playing “safe” isn’t what we were made for and we need to value ourselves away from traditional value systems / scales.
That psychological shift is what would truly set us free both in our personal life and professional.
♉️ #Taurus : Whole external self!
How we show up to the world is in for a shift. Appearance, self expression, our official title, how we own our truth when we show up in relationships — is in for a radical shift. It’s all been bubbling up and in making internally for past year and now you would see material outlet for it all. Some might say you are an agent of provocation but you are just not hiding your light anymore. We are all here to establish and express our own truth — it wouldn’t be everyone else’s truth and it doesn’t have to be. Don’t look for agreement you may not find it. It’s time to agree with yourself. Time to give an outlet for your own inventive, unique, original self. Lead and not follow, revel in your brilliance, in your findings, in your inventions as brain wave upon brain wave hit your existence and don’t resist the changes. Don’t live a lie and if you need to say your truth just warn your loved ones that its going to be different here on. You will feel wired, you will feel like going on a speed through life you haven’t experienced before. Conventions that are held so dear and core to Taurus archetype seem to fly out of the window as archetype changes when Uranus transits are upon us. It may not happen all in one swoop but this would be pivotal year especially in determining who you are and who in your career, external reality, as a person of authority — who you want to be and who you are in your core. It’s a year to unleash you and you would see this just a beginning. Good luck to everyone around you!
♊️ #Gemini : Secrets, subconscious, your place in the universe
Gemini doesn’t seem like the sign that hides anything, but sometimes they hide things from themselves. It’s not intentional, its just somethings aren’t so entertaining to the liking of Gemini. These things buried deep in the subconscious, way way below the surface become the speed breakers of our life. Normally these are deeper questions of life, deeper losses even, some fears which we have swiftly put away. Sometimes these are even hidden talents which aren’t in plain sign. Uranus is about to release a whole lot of all that together. Yes I would be honest with you, its the Pandora’s box so the good will not without a whole lot of unaddressed issues and even secrets which would come to surface. But without this ride through the subconconcious you wouldn’t be able to feel at peace and rest — its like there is something you aren’t able to see and this is about to unveil this brain fog. Realizations, downloads, exposures are swift and it can help immensely beyond your imagination in establishing a much larger question that you invariably are asking yourself with Rahu in your sign — Why am I here ? This is a voyage within yourself and you would engage in different practices to get there — from acupuncture, to meditation, yoga, reconnection through various methods with your past life or past trauma. Let yourself go there and experience what you normally don’t go for. Sleep might not come so easy cause its like you are digging for gold in your dreams. Be receptive to what you are receiving — don’t fight it and see what universe shows you in these regressions to past, in your dreams, in moments of silence or yoga or acupuncture. I know its not you but it is you — just you don’t normally see this you. In the process huge about of untapped resources, talents, courage, knowledges, insights would be set free beyond your current imagination. Healing is end result which would completely change your external existence.
♋️ #Cancer : Network, friends, vision, gains
A little girl woke up in the morning, she swiftly turned on an electronic entrapment she knew nothing about, she sang her heart out into it and then not knowing how, she knew where to send it onto. She just knew she had a talent, something to share and she knew it was of value to people beyond herself. That little girl is all of you. This is the artist unleashed on a large scale and its dying to come out and share what it wants to share. Sharing is key here cause your identity is to widen to have people very different from your “normal” tribe become a part of you. Don’t try to hold them tight, don’t expect consistency from them — they aren’t there to make your life hot and heavy — they are here to shift who you are. People would set you free. People who fall from the sky and then disappear in thin air but they change your vision in life and teach you how to connect to whom you need to connect to get your message out. They aren’t here to “Hang” they are here to help you create something materially valuable, genius and unique which was all along in you. They are here to create gains and accolades of truly creating value with you and they would teach you like never before to be together yet a loner. They would teach you to how be friend and yet not crave the consistency and constancy that you so desire. They will teach you to crave that in your unique vision which you all would so beautifully create and deliver on. We cant wait to see it !
♌️ #Leo : Career, leadership, father/paternal/authority figure
There is only one king/queen of the jungle and it is you. This transits aim is to ensure that your career existence and persona reflects that authentic king or queen thats you. This wouldn’t come without matching you with the right career shift and right shift in how you show up as an authority figure both in your personal and professional life. But more importantly this would accelerate your need to be what you have always wanted to be but either your inertial or need for consistency / stability has paused you from roaring into it all. Uranus is here to recreate your external identity especially in your role as an authority figure. When a lion starts eating grass someone has got to give them a taste of that blood and that’s usually enough but this is some long run conditioning which is being undone here. There would be things a bit out of control which would show up when it comes to career, jobs, bosses, parenthood, authoritative parents in your life. It’s all to make space. Space for your brilliant, inventive, idealistic, royal side to show up. Sudden position changes, sudden job / authority shifts, title changes, unique professions or unique way of performing traditional roles are all external things which would show up to change you internally in how you show your authority and how to channel your unique ideas. Media, tech, humanitarian activities, freelancing, unique careers, independence in job or from boss are all part of how you physically conduct your role and would be a must. The more ordinary you would want to be — the more extraordinary external circumstances would become. More you run from actually delivering what you came here to delivery — something unique, brilliant, of material value — more you try conservative — more external circumstances will make sure it isn’t so. Taste that blood — you are no sheep !
♍️ #Virgo : Knowledge, foreign culture, travel, philosophy, life path
This is the house of higher mind and Uranus activates higher knowledge when its active in this house, it makes Virgo the guru, the teacher, the radical unique ideological breakthrough guru of our times. Mahatma Gandhi had this in his natal chart and he changed world for some forever with his unique philosophy leading to freedom for others. But he didn’t expect everyone to follow, they followed cause they saw something which was always missing. Don’t try to convince, those who are ready will come along the ride and the rest need time to get there. But let your views know. Let the knowledge through without insistence for people to have same belief as you. Conservative groups wouldn’t be your cup of tea, you are seeking freedom and not just for yourself. You will go after unique knowledge and information linked ideas which can be very lucrative. Ideas can be out of social norm and you surely wouldn’t follow anyone else’s life path. Insights you have, concepts you are using, adventures you are on would be ahead of time and you can feel misunderstood by those who aren’t yet there. Try to connect with people who are foreign to where you are through digital means and on digital matters. You know the pulse of society before the society knows it. This is house of faith, some ideas would need to be executed on faith. Future is never created on ideologies of present time but just don’t shut down those who aren’t there yet. Everyone will get there in their own time, doesn’t mean they aren’t for you, they just have to follow their own journey. Meanwhile expose yourself to as many “foreign” elements as you can as you are right now in ideation mode where unique ideas are flying off every interaction you have with people different from you in background, education, culture, upbringing. They will all add to this collective innovation. It’s the house of divine plan, let it play out!
♎️ #Libra : Resources from others, power, desires, deep transformation
Uranus is a rebel, a pariah, it only cares for you want and you desire and somehow here in this position, it makes it all possible and even ok to go after your desires. There is a freedom in being able to ask what you truly want deep within versus what’s acceptable or what’s kosher. There is no judgement here, you are in this process which used to be described as kundalini release. It’s not that complicated or near as risqué as the word makes out to be. It’s coiled serpent which holds the power of who you truly are and what you desire but somehow social conventions have put such a bad connotation to desire that we would rather loose it at risk of offending others. But what we don’t realize it we loose our power with our desires — suppression is total. So when this kundalini release progresses — not just the desires, your power, you need to stand ground in joint situation, your need to satisfy your passions comes to surface as well. There is no going back from there. Experimentation of sexual, physical, powerful nature or even financial nature would be part of the game as you try to come to a place of being as you should be — financially, physically, emotionally. We could go between extremes during this time, you have to realize that as you come into a position known for lack of balance, something Librans aren’t known for — there is nothing in common that this position has with you as the world knows you but its still a part of you. You would discover parts of you that excite you, drive you that you didn’t know existed. Most people go through situations in life during this transit are put in sudden situations where they need to act in position of power, control to get what they truly desire. Nuclear reactions are product of this house transit — sudden events that escalate and you are put in situation where you need to be in power and that opens a world of opportunity for you. Sudden financial prospects, joint resources shift, sudden dramatic shifts in life that help you meet with your true desires no matter how disruptive on surface they might look like. Partnerships need to be unconventional and your role — who owns the power — in joint situations will switch. It’s best to take advice on joint financial matters, loans, credit as you would get some sudden shifts. But you would also get some sudden ideas on how to earn resources from others, from stock markets, from commissions etc. The gentle sweet exteriors of Libra gives very little away about what’s underneath — sometimes it hides from them too, but now it cannot and it shouldn’t. When yielded well, power could be magical.
♏️ #Scorpio : Partnership, contracts, clients, one on one relationships
When you crave all that’s deep yet don’t want to be tied down. It’s the controversy of this transit of Scorpio and to some extend of their life. Crave depth, power, dynamism yet gravitating to convention, safe, stable, consistent. Don’t worry Uranus has got you. It’s going to evolve how you connect with others and possibly change every committed relationship you have, changing you with it. We would attract unconventional partners and ways of connecting with our clients, our close relationship. Wanting authenticity, freedom, excitement — all in one. Sometimes balance would be tilted towards wanting more freedom and in that we would attract some unreliable partners and might already have been. But they would all very swiftly shift you irreversibly, set you free from any convention. This can make us feel like a loner as we learn to not be lonely in unconventional relationships. Relationships that have room for us to be unapologetically us while retaining the elements of excitement and freshness. Our contracts, nature our engagement with our business clients would reflect use of unique technologies, unique talents, very innovative subjects of connection and yes possibly waves of sudden inflows and outflows. We could seek uncommitted relationships and contracts during this time as we are in the process of self discovery through another and one person, job, contract might not do it for us at the time. As long as we are truthful its just something we have to be through during this time to find ourselves. Open exchange and honesty in relationships and contracts would be desired cause you would want freedom and either you or circumstances would create it for you. This is also house of our material contribution to others and they would be very unique, inventive, one of a kind, lucrative insights and breakthroughs which this aspect would help us provide to others. You would have to work extra hard though to make sure you deliver it to others as consistency with others might lack during this time so might need to get help in that area with another. Seek what’s original, dynamic, inventive, charismatic in others — don’t expect stability and consistency though in the same package. Connecting with others has to be for more than comfort and warmth — others would wake you up to who you are and sometimes in shocking ways. Don’t run from one on one connections due to this lack of stability — go through them as the waves would thrash out what’s not needed in you too.
♐️ #Sagittarius : Work, duties, health, diet
As much as Sagittarius seem always ready to take on the world with their next best idea, they like their daily life to have some consistency and stability, their work environment to have some traditionally valuable output. Uranus in this house of routine, makes it a bit tough to have a routine work environment or routine of any sort. It’s almost like life becomes allergic to any kind of stability or consistency or you could also say — life stops being boring. It’s a perspective shift to get from this feeling of non stop restlessness to accepting that life doesn’t want us to do anything ordinary in our daily life. Work has to be engaging, full of variety and projects need to be unique state of the art. 9–5 or consistent place of working wouldn’t work out with this transit and its not just due to the pandemic this is a transit all the way to 2026 but it would create an urgency to create something unique, creating opportunities and circumstances to work on unique new subjects with steep learning curves. You would need the freedom to set your own schedule and working in a fixed place with fixed coworkers wouldn’t work well. You would have already experienced this to some extend but this need would become larger and output of this more tangible with a structure this year. This is not your comfort zone, working on new projects is but not having a consistent place of working or having a team or just not having stability in work is not your comfort zone so it could feel like suddenly small problems in daily life are popping up or daily life isn’t that stable. Sometimes disruptions are created to get something unconventional out of us. Though do take active steps to manage this frequent disruption generating nervous energy or even stress through unconventional health routines. This is house of daily activities involving you health as well so you have opportunity to discover new cures, new health routines, workouts not tried before. Mind body connection is strong during this time so lot of physical health would be liked with how you take care of your mind through finding an anchor in meditation, yoga, acupuncture or unconventional health routine or even unusual pets. You could suddenly leave a health habit which blocks your progress or well being. This need for freedom to move and be in daily life would create a concrete structure of a unique work / project / work environment thats more authentic to who you are and who you need to be to realize the things you always wanted to do but didn’t seem “free” to do. Sometimes in madness of it all — something very unique brilliant and unconventional is given birth to and it sometimes happens in our daily routine, right when its being seemingly being disrupted.
♑️ #Capricorn : Fun, hobbies, self expression, love, passion, children
I feel this is the most fun placement of Uranus, its how true passionate wild freedom feels like and its a sensation not so well known to cautious pragmatic Capricorn. It’s the giggle of a carefree child who has just discovered a new corner or toy or antic and does it for the sake of joy it brings. This the house of doing things so we can reconnect with the child within for whom anything was possible and everything was fun. Uranus brings freedom to be that child. It releases a person like Elvis Presley to do his unconventional “moves” and make that his signature. It’s where people discover their love, their passion, their uniqueness in moments of pure bliss. Confidence and faith in ones uniqueness is restored by the radical freedom of belief this transit creates and it radiates out matched by equally dynamic hobbies, love interests, children. We become more risk taking when it comes to financial investments & personal investments and there could be volatility in returns but it would put us in a place where we would more sure of taking a chance on ourselves. Gains will not be consistent and somehow this placement makes us comfortable with that while in the past we might not have been. We do it do for the rush and we do it cause we want to take a chance on life. Self expression is set free and many unique hobbies, interests, creative ventures are initiated. Love affairs become unpredictable and love more exciting versus traditional / conventional. Children show unique talents too and sudden pregnancy is possible during exact aspects to your degrees. Individuality love joy shines through and no one else can do with more of this than your sign after the heavy hits in past few years. Let this transit open you up for new experiences, outcomes would be unpredictable but you would have lived more and loved more than ever.
♒️ #Aquarius : Home, family, place of living, comfort zone
Aquarius with both Jupiter and Saturn in your sign you are ofcourse front and center this year with your external reality in terms of what you do for a living and how you do it go through a total shift and rebirth, Uranus will shift your roots. Your domestic life, your place of living, your comfort zone is subjected to shifts to match all that needs to be created in your work and external reality. It could feel a bit disruptive almost like it distracts you from your focus on what you have been working on or towards all this while and it might seem like almost the wrong time but its never the wrong time. It’s just you have asked for both — you asked for material success, abundance, concrete long term growth in personal and professional life and also freedom, excitement while doing it all. The shifts in home and family and even in what you find your comfort in is needed for you to go to next level of growth that your ruler Saturn in your sign demands. Your two rulers Saturn and Uranus would be in conflict with each other — this is an internal conflict. As you try to become authority or own next level of growth of your life, you would find yourself seeking shifts or seeing shifts in your home and family life at the same time. Some of it is driven by your own desire to have an entity different from your past comfort zone, some of it is driven by the fact that shifts are needed in your personal life for more authenticity. Relocation, change in family structure, sometimes separation from family in some ways bring out the core of what you feel and need to reconnect to yourself and your comfort zone. It’s like sometime we eat when we are truly hungry for something else and Uranus just snaps the food out of our hand and flicks our forehead to open our eyes to what we were truly craving and we were just too “busy” to see. So whatever we might be stuffing ourselves with which is not what we really need to feel at “home”, we might be uprooted from that falsity. We might feel like a kite with a string stuck somewhere and it needs to be cut off for us to go where we need to go and that thread has been stretching for a while. You would see it snap this year and its needed and you wont realize till it happens that you were even stuck. Sometimes what is home, what is comfort, what is real isn’t what is everyone else’s reality. Sometimes “family” isn’t what we are born into.
♓️ #Pisces : Communication, skills, ideas, marketing, words, voice, thinking
This is Einstein’s Eureka moment transit whereby innovative ideas flow through the mind when we least expect them and they move us to a totally different reality. Innovative thinking is the hallmark of this transit and with some friction & effort as Saturn makes three squares to Uranus this year you would be able to put those ideas into concrete actionable lucrative touch it feel it things which can benefit a lot of people. You words, your ideas, your mind, your skills especially skills of communication can bring progressive ideas, teachings, of practical value to many. You would need to learn to channel these ideas in gradual step by step way as they seem to comein flash of genius and might have lost impetus in the past due to lack of consistent action which with Saturn aspect this year you would almost be forced to make it happen. Media involvement, communication skills, steep learning curve, communication using state of the art technologies, lot of interactions with people in your immediate neighborhood — local network would be essential for the success. You get more out of feeling an environment versus trying to force an idea — sort of detached clarity which can be unique, rational, ahead of time — like you are connecting the dots which others are so obviously missing somehow. Uranus transit here makes the mind very restless, almost like an idea, a flash a second so you would learn to harness this which Saturn would impose. There is a need to be very careful when it comes to contracts or contracts could have very unique clauses or can break suddenly so you would want to keep an eye on written contracts. This is the house of learning and experimentation so whatever opportunities you can give yourself to learn practical skills which can come useful commercially especially linked to social media, communication, talking, writing, expressing yourself, selling would be helpful and you would pick those up very quickly. It might be tough to have long drawn courses or formal education during this time. It’s time to move around and experience different things and thinking would be more non linear versus conventional. Lot of short trips and use of local transits — lot of sudden interactions with people in neighbourhood or sudden changes in neighbourhood or coming in of unique people in your immediate vicinity which would excite new ideas or changes in your life is possible. Relationship dynamics with younger siblings go through shifts sometimes. The best thing I love about this transit and which as a water sign isn’t foreign to you — is knowing something suddenly and not knowing why you know what you know so well. It’s the fast mind — yet a restless not able to stay in one place kind of a brilliant mind. Can’t wait to see your next brain wave!
#Astrology #Horoscope