Taurus Mid July 2021 Astrology Horoscope

Sun Pluto Opposition & Jul/Aug Volatility

Astrology with Charu!
5 min readJul 12, 2021


As I mentioned on 10th July Sun and Moon came together at 18º02’ Cancer to plant a new seed which would influence us for the next two weeks. Influence holds for two weeks and we should normally start something new when moon is visible which is from today, so do use this time to start something new inline with the Cancer new moon energy for your sign. As I said we cannot do Leo season and August without getting the requisite support from Cancer season. All posts are provided in podcast and video formats as well if you prefer to watch or listen to the updates.

In part 1 of the post I gave overview of the transit now we go by sign

Part 1 : http://emailabuddy.com/blog/?p=1363

You should check your rising sign, followed by Sun or Moon sign. Rising is most accurate though career perspective holds from sun sign as well. Moon sign gives more information on influence on personal life. As this compliments the Capricorn full moon — do check your zodiac specific trends in that, if you haven’t — link below.

Capricorn Full Moon for your sign : http://emailabuddy.com/blog/?p=1281

Archive of all my posts : http://emailabuddy.com/blog/

Ways to support my work : http://emailabuddy.com/blog/?page_id=1261

Receive transit posts in mailbox: https://charuchandna.substack.com


♉️ Taurus

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Taurus this infuses fresh energy into your house of mind, communication and commercial skills. We are awaken to opportunities in our immediate environment and its a great time to communicate with people in your community physically or online community cause it opens the opportunities of growth. This is the house of connection and learning — it can impel us to take on a course as we are looking to enhance our commercial skills. There is a need to gather information and skills to grow. Its also house of connections including your sibling and networking and it supports a new phase starting in these connections by you putting yourself out there more by expressing, writing, speaking, selling, marketing, engaging in social interactions more. We explore our neighbourhood, take a little adventure locally, enjoy intellectual talks, share ideas, investigate new things.

Watch in Video format

But your explorations, interactions and investigations aren’t shallow — they are creative, deep, warm. This is a great time to express it in words through writing, singing, journaling, painting, composing. Your work can have profound mental impact on others. Creativity is very intuitively driven for you — you do not need a physical insulation, it comes through thoughts and converts into physical form. Your emotional intelligence can come very handy in business communication as well as you can easily gauge the needs of others and help them in commercial transactions. This period can be very busy, lots of communication and mind can feel overloaded — there could be a lot of documentation or contracts to get through. Emotions can color our thinking but having a productive outlet in writing, reading, painting can help you focus this energy. This is in positive aspect with you so it can used to create physical expression of your intuition and thoughts.

A new commercial contract or skill, new marketing strategy, a new practical skill which can help you in self made wealth, a new connection, travel of significance, new communication device, a positive step in self development or education, a new work of emotional creative self expression, a new neighbourhood are the possibilities during this time especially if you have Taurus rising/sun/moon around 18º Taurus +/-3º or around 8 May born Taurus Sun.

This new start is very much supported by Neptune in your house of networking, which means your commercial and communication endeavour could be well supported by a platform, social media, social network or well received by your fan base or audience. This creates an ease in relating to large set of people or influential set of people and you have an intuitive knack of knowing what your audience wants. We can speak or create art or compose music about our vision and social change. This gives your voice and words an influence over others which indicated bringing people together to promote a social change or bringing them together over the line on a progressive idea.

This is especially reflected between 12–15 July when both Jupiter and Neptune make a positive aspect to planets in your communication and commercial houses at 1º Taurus and 23º Taurus which can create a great opportunity to connect and communicate especially for around 21 April or 13 May born Taurus Sun and Taurus rising/moon/sun around 1º or 23º Taurus. I went deeper into support offered by Neptune and Jupiter in July in your Neptune retrograde note below :


This new start forms part of the solution to this need for change you are experiencing with Uranus in your sign so it could be a very unique and independent expression of you like some kind of “first” of its kind work. It favours going solo or independent of an organisational set up in commercial and creative works. It can be a brilliant outlet as well as an output of this need for change and volatility within you.

As I mentioned in part 1, we would face an opposition or power struggle over our endeavour on or around 17th July -it could be a conflict with a mentor, a senior, father figure or foreign person. This is external manifestation of a thinking pattern within us which would be irrevocably changed from here on. Its challenging us to not limit our work, challenging us to have a more adventurous goal versus purely practical and immediate. This is your higher thinking and practical thinking fighting it out — your higher education possibly fighting with your commercially viable but simple expression. Our need to make things complex fighting with our need to live a simple life. Our need to travel to far off places fighting with our need to discover & enjoy whats here and now. Our need to do commercially well fighting with our need to do something meaningful or elite. Your previous influences may not like the new direction you are taking as your belief system and what you want is changing so the mentors, father figure, educators who have brought us to this point may not like our new direction. Your belief system is changing and you are changing your skills — everything about you needs to reflect that — your friends, immediate environment, self expression, terms of contracts, your self marketing plan.

Be careful about word power plays and legal power plays — if signing contracts be careful of the legal terms especially if you have Taurus rising/moon/sun around 25º Taurus or around 15 May born Taurus Sun. You would be dared to act on your ideas, you would be assertive in your communication, just stay clear of arguments — both the opposing planets support you so you can get something meaningful out of this provided we stay flexible and not try to control the whole narrative. As soon as you ease up — words and knowledge would flow much easier.


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Astrology with Charu!
Astrology with Charu!

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