Taurus Season begins !
Today while you were asleep, quietly Mercury crossed over the Sun and moving ahead of it, both making an ingression into Taurus. As a new season begins.
Mercury the symbol of our mind, post this brief counsel with Sun, the symbol of reality is entering its Epimethean phase, the phase of reaping results as we observe “Full Mercury”, critical check point of our thoughts, ideas and mind. Full perspective on the results of this cycle will come around 17th May when we reach greatest elongation, followed by Mercury retrograde (29 May — 22 June) when we would review those results to plan for next cycle. From now to 17th we are in completion of action stage, maturity of projects, ideas and actions. We will continue to move forward but less recklessly than before as we reap what we have sown globally and personally since 8th February when new seeds were planted.
Key Dates :
8 February — 19 April : Experimentation, risk taking, new initiations
19 April — 17 May : Reaping results, completion
17 May : Gaining perspective on outcomes
29 May — 22 June : Reworking based on outcomes
Our creative ideas will get more checked against practicality as we enter this phase as our mind takes more rational, logical, organised and pragmatic approach even to experimental subjects of our life. This is natural cycle of every idea and project.
The meeting of Sun and Mercury happen at 29º Aries, marking that due to some clarity few of the ideas need to be left at the door. It’s the compromise I mentioned in my last past and podcast as well driven by Mars inconjunct Pluto at the same time.
We spawn multiple brilliant options but only the ones that would thrive make it to the Taurus season of focus, abundance, stability and longevity.
None of those ideas are bad, its just not their time to prosper the way you would like it to. At the degree of “Music of the Spheres”, we have to attune to the voice of the times and use our intuition to line up our tune in line with the truth of the moment. It intuitively tells us that its the right time to seize a specific opportunity in this time — in line with cultural and political events. The idea doesn’t need taming, its great for it to stand out but yes of the myriad options we have spawn we need to focus on the one that is in line with the music of the spheres.
Good preparation meets right timing and focus equals success essentially.
We may not have full perspective right now, there are many surprises and information to be revealed around 22nd April on as I have mentioned in my past posts as Uranus the planet of sudden shifts comes into play leading up to a very intense full moon in Scorpio of 26 April. End of April will be a game changer especially in the financial markets so you do not have to decide now till you have full information.
Lets talk of the beautiful Taurus energy thats taking over all of us with three of our personal planets in Taurus, imparting all of us with its calm, creative, caring, sensuous, wise energy. Moving from cardinal energy to fixed helps us stabilise many of our up in the air ideas, all the pioneering our mind did in Aries season which we would continue to work on but with a lens of our needs and wants in view as well as focus of “bull’s eye”.
It’s time to give substance to our dreams.
Uranus has thrown a lot of traditional archetypes of Taurus out of the window as its meant to evolve the sign to its next level of brilliance and in that all of our collective values, what we call stability, what we need, our tastes in food / money / fashion is progressively evolving.
Yet till 20 May, all of our personal faculties will focus on :
§ nurturing our needs,
§ communicating our new values,
§ researching progressive ways of monetising our new talents,
§ investigating into new models of sex & relationships that satisfy our true needs,
§ going unabashed into our creative artistic outputs,
§ finding beauty in every inch of ourself,
§ using our keen eye for beauty to sort out the new fashions & styles suit who we are becoming not who we were,
§ making our explorations more practical,
§ recognising that our heart is pretty wise in making “right” choices for us,
§ valuing ourselves more and our physical body more,
§ showing that love for ourselves in tangible steps like by taking care of our physical body and our needs,
§ challenging our previous concepts of self worth and archaic values,
§ making tangible progress in music, beauty, fashion, arts, creative ventures, finding value from and giving value to our creative works,
§ adding value to our talents by taking practical steps or acquiring valuable talents in line with the evolving times,
§ adding value to our assets by making long term investments, taking active steps towards financial independence using progressive investments, yet adding sensibility and long term perspective to our investments (no betting the farm),
§ getting obsessed by that one project we know will create value,
§ giving air to our sensual side as its not weakness, its a feminine power we have all been gifted with,
§ seducing the hell out of what we want and need in our life by actively preparing ourselves to receive it or them instead of sitting in a waiting room,
§ showing the strength of our convictions by pushing away any darkness that clouds us in this chrysalis moment of our lives as we keep our eye on the prize,
§ reducing the complexity of our life and taking our projects and goals bitesized,
§ boosting our self esteem and self worth by completing simple down to earth steps each day showing tangible progress to our goals each day,
§ reducing the external drama of our life by calming our insides,
§ let our heart chakra indulge our five senses and from that place of peace spread outwards more compassion and love,
§ actively choosing respect and honesty over drama and neediness,
§ understanding that universe is abundant in love, resources and creativity and we can all have a piece of it.
And from that mindset of love, compassion, peace, abundance we will channel our desires into practical and positive actions. We will do that intentionally and not let the volatility of the moment drive us like a feather lost in the winds of the moment.
Everything will not go as we plan but we will exercise self control, have a sense of perspective, understand that no situation is insurmountable with our convictions and not let the chaos of the moment distract us from my bull’s eye while we continue to let the global evolution enrich our life paths.
Affirmation : I will reach my highest possible potential