This Week till 18/19 August Astrology Horoscope : Driving With Brakes On!
We have this week Mars in Conjuncton with Jupiter squared by Saturn around 16–17º of Gemini — the actional degrees of our minds, where instincts are converted into concrete ideas and external experiences. We are still in first half of Mercury retrograde so it might seem our mind is very much focused on analysis of the past and analysing our old patterns of thinking. We are living in the basement of our mind while being asked to socialise our ideas or at the very least externally put them down on a paper or even visualise how we would like to experience them in physical world. We might need to live like two people in this duality of Mars in Gemini and Mercury retrograde in Virgo to Leo this week, whereby we continue to act on whatever “facts” are available to us as of now, being out with the people of our life while we rethinking how to synthesize and organise whats coming at us in spades. This can feel very bipolar, very much going from dark to light & light to dark, optimism to pessimism, expansion to constrain, introvert to extrovert — quick flips between our two parts. Seems action is more efficient — just doing it objectively seems to bring out somehow our instincts in concrete form, writing helps, journaling helps, putting ideas on a paper helps, moving helps, working out helps, being physically active settles us in weird ways, meeting people as reluctant we might feel especially old colleagues, friends, people who were useful instrumental in our life at one point — it all seems reluctant to do but it helps as its all giving us the signals we need which our own brain is not giving us. Doesn’t mean we are getting colored by their opinion but they are a catalyst in some ways, its not a lets sit at home and think deeply kind of mercury retrograde. Just try to hold your words a bit when interacting this week as Saturn wants us to conserve energy as we spend it — yes I know it’s like driving with brakes on but less is more. Listen more versus speaking. In listening to another you will understand yourself more too. Choices get narrowed as we move forward in this way and our self expression is matured in ways we couldn’t have done any other way. We are learning when to speak and when to stay quiet in a social situation and relationship. We are learning the art of focus when we narrow our wondering mind down to the “right” or productive choices of our life. Self expression can be wild, it can go in many useless directions and interactions, Saturn wants us to narrow it down in style, in people who we spend our energy and words on and pursuits which will yield us the results versus being the Neptunian lets flow and may be go nowhere style. We did all that — this imbalance is not for Virgo season ahead. Sit within yourself even if you are in a crowd and do not avoid people cause there will be temptation to. People will be catalyst of ideas.
This is second go at Yod activation with Mercury at 29º Leo and 0º Virgo being inconjunct with Neptune and Pluto. Flexibility is called for in inconjunction. It’s a detour which will change the destination, seems like a waste of time but it would change your mind and approach taking you to a direction you originally didn’t even think of especially if you have planets or points touched by this Yod — around 29º Leo/0º Virgo, 0º Aquarius, 29º Pisces and of course the activation point ~29º Aquarius. The upcoming full moon of 19 August brings the activation of this Yod being close to this activation point, happening at 27º Aquarius. Be ready for stubborn parts of your life to be changed — stay flexible as you would be taken a bit out of your comfort zone here especially as this full moon is a fixed T-square with Uranus as apex — sudden turn of events with the weekend ahead. Right now we mentally prepare for it through trying to create concrete ideas and expressions of what seems like our instincts, our higher intelligence as we receive ideas, thoughts which do not seem ours yet need to be somehow be made ours or be worked on as ours in future. The distance you find between those ideas and your current reality is mental — its a mind distance which needs to be travelled and other people, their openness sometimes or even resistance to it (through friction) can act as a catalyst to cover that distance between where you are where instincts are telling you, that you should be. Some of this distance needs to be travelled physically by going somewhere, meeting someone, talking about it, writing about it, visualising through saying words to existence about it, reading about it, learning about it, collecting information about it, gathering skills through relearning something old refreshing an old skill or knowledge about it. You can and will master the skills required to cover this gap, it’s not even a question but have patience with yourself and do the Saturn thing of not trying to run before you can walk. Take small steps even if temptation is to go big or go home. Take a measured approach right now, it will slow you down enough to recognise if you are listening to yourself or just doing what others are doing or doing something just case you feel you are too late in life to get there. In hurry and in going big you will open the avenues you do not have the energy to bring to concrete closures — you will create relationships you cannot live, you will create dependencies you cannot fend for, you will create promises you cannot keep. So hold the temptation of saying big things or making big promises. First tell yourself — what is right by me to do, what is right by me to be able to walk what I really want to walk. As much as people are catalyst and we are amongst them, do not let the needs of another drive your choices right now. Mercury retrograde is about choosing what within you is right per your higher intelligence. So be with people but listen more than talk.
Love ❤️, Charu