Total Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse Astrology Horoscope : Focus Area of Release for each Zodiac
After covering the Eclipse in details in Part 1 of this post, now we look at area of release for each Zodiac sign. Check for your rising / sun / moon.
Part 1 Covering Details of the Eclipse
#Aries #Horoscope for #LunarEclipse
Focus on adventure, travel, expansion, relocation, publication, education, media. Only high ideals will motivate you. You were born a warrior & no journey is worth it unless its epic. Keep your faith alive & don’t shrink cause its taking time
#Taurus #Horoscope for #LunarEclipse
Let go opinions of what other people value. Release power of others over you by paying off karmic or financial debt. Weed out. Release the “Obligatory” mindset. Take back control of your life, don’t be part of someone else’s reality. Balance!
#Gemini #Horoscope for #LunarEclipse
Its time to go solo, cultivate your own talents, trust your own destiny, release relationship dependency. You come first, appreciate yourself first. Others will disappoint. It’s time for leap in personal power not of overadjustment. Honor YOU
#Cancer #Horoscope for #LunarEclipse
Release pain, karmic burdens, detach from troubles — legal/job/health linked. Vivid dreams. In conflict take higher road, lighter, compassionate role. Release control, judgement, problem solving mode. Connect to something bigger than yourself
#Leo #Horoscope for #LunarEclipse
Honor your God given talents, they are needed. Holding onto your creative products or ideas & not sharing them can be selfish. Boldly set free the child within. Children, creativity, love, friends, spirituality is in focus. Let them receive you!
#Virgo #Horoscope for #LunarEclipse
Focus on family, place of living & balance with career shifts. Break from the familiar, home, cultural boundaries might be needed to succeed in career & socially. Don’t let your desire for safety stop you. Detach from past parental influence
#Libra #Horoscope for #LunarEclipse
Share your knowledge, speak up. Don’t wait to know everything. Release what blocks your faith in your skills & expertise. It could be thinking or influences or just procrastination or purely question of raising life purpose. Stay open flexible
#Scorpio #Horoscope for #LunarEclipse
Shift in money matters in focus. Need to detach from material assets or gains from spiritual pursuits. Open yourself to reliance on others. You do not have to do it all alone. Basis of self worth shifts. Ego is released for something bigger
#Sagittarius #Horoscope for #LunarEclipse
Old phase of life is coming to an end, this is reset of who you are & your belief of who you are supposed to be. As you open your life to others, your gains come from partnerships & clients. Key New skill to acquire -Creative delegation
#Capricorn #Horoscope for #LunarEclipse
Hidden information/enemy/self sabotaging pattern comes to light for release. Life is hectic you crave peace, time on the sea, places far away. Privacy, imagination, soul’s comfort, healing is in order so your optimistic side can revive💜
#Aquarius #Horoscope for #LunarEclipse
Groups, platforms, media, friends, social engagements come for review & release. Old projects & visions are completed.
It’s your year to not get lost in group activities, large platforms- rather cultivate + showcase your own unique talents
#Pisces #Horoscope for #LunarEclipse
Meaning of success & recognition is shifting for you as you release your old external identity. Career, project, authority is released to follow your soul’s desires. More your path becomes about others, the more success it will attract 🌸