Weekly Astrology Horoscope (10–16 Jul)
Powerful Conflicts & Choices
This week we will see preview of the Cardinal Grand Cross which would be formed fully next week once North Node moves into Aries after 17 July. The Grand cross is different parts of our life or psyche at conflict with each other pulling us in very different directions leaving us either in a state of indecision or procrastination but cardinal nature of this one would force us to choose & act. It comes with the annual power packed Sun Pluto opposition on 21 July which would be the last of the kind with Pluto in Capricorn during our life time. So whats this last frontier of conflict we are facing ?
Well we get a preview at start of this week itself with a possible verbal conflict or a shift in our inner or external dialogue which may be the missing piece.
Let’s dig in!
Mercury and Pluto opposes each other at the last degree of Cancer and Capricorn at the start of this week on 10/11 Jul. Last degree of cardinal signs proactively drives us to put an end to things that are acting as seeming hindrance on our path forward and that realisation can come through a conflict of words & ego. Know thyself seems to be a key message of this transit. What helps you stand in your power and what makes you feel powerless ? What takes your strength away and what brings back strength physically and emotionally to you ? What thinking serves you what doesn’t ? Words have power — what words adjectives you attach to yourself and who you are and are they serving you ? Is the power in lowering yourself in a screaming match or standing in your strength of knowing yourself ? What are you made of ? Is it emotional strength or emotional mush ?
Mercury is at the degree of “The Intuitive weighing of alternatives” which can be a frustrating endeavor as we hesitate to make a choice. Seems though intellect is not running this train. Something a much deeper and knowing vs the conscious intellect might be at work and more we oppose its voice, the bigger conflict we seem to encounter. Sometimes whats lost in the process is the knowledge that choice is a luxury — its the “Greek muse weighing newborn twins in golden scales”. It’s a privileged position to even be able to have the choice and that shouldn’t go unappreciated in the pressure of this moment. Yet a choice has to be made & changing our inner dialogue and subsequently how we voice things externally seems like a key missing piece of equation that we might learn from this moment of conflict.
Pluto at the last degree of Capricorn is closing the knots that have been undone since the start of the transit in 2008 with the Great Financial crisis or another kind of transformation each one of us embarked upon especially in our career, personal formal titles (e.g. marriage) or leadership style / position with that transit beginning. At the degree of “A woman reading tea leaves” Pluto here provides us with uncanny insights if we can bear to take them on how we yield personal power in situations requiring us to lead vs follow. As it connects the intricacies of our unconscious mind with the conscious and concrete — see what you are driven to move towards, see how we might self sabotage our position of strength by giving into emotional weakness, see where we do not use our emotions as strength vs weakness, see where our inner dialogue kills our external tangible progress. Your natural choice may not be the popular one yet the resources we might find within ourselves in making a tough choice is the true gift of this transit. Hence the pressure and conflict of the current moment. This can manifest in form of a conflict of wills with another, power struggle especially with a female, our emotional struggle to stand in position of strength in a debilitating situation, our egoistic need to try to control what cannot be controlled. Can you find missing parts of yourself through this possibly verbal conflict ? Do we get more in touch with our unconscious mind when we are seemingly being “destroyed” by another. Do we become problem solvers vs sobbing mess of self sorry when challenged in ways we never thought we would be ? Does honesty come easy when hurt ? Can we find strength in letting go control ?
This moment of Pluto opposition offers honesty — truth about what our ego is resisting and not accepting. It’s tough to take that message cause Pluto makes it feel like life or death of our personal or professional life or our formal title or our life status or our pride in some ways. Yet the moment we let the need to control the moment go we regain strength. We gain clarity of choice which we would need to finalise as we approach the Cardinal Grand Cross of 21 July.
There are elements of support in this transit as Neptune supports Mercury and Mars supports North Node which means our thinking has element of faith in the future despite the current moment. We are able to envisage a potential dream even if it’s not the current moment — we are able to dream up a better future and more importantly with Mars the more we diligently act the nearer we get to it. Putting in the actual work vs thinking in the moment seems to help us get closer to making the right choice for us. Mars in Virgo says when in doubt work and see what work is most useful and tangible — take a step in earnest no matter how small. We will learn this more in North Node in Aries that making a choice is better than not making one. None of the choices will be perfect but making a choice is better than not making one.
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