Weekly #Astrology #Horoscope : Matters of Heart
First quarter moon of Cancer makes us eager to grow and receive more as we stand between new moon and full moon — between new start and completion. With the moon growing we grow too, our intentions to receive more grow. Whatever we seeded last week, we look to enhance that. In Cancer the personal life focus comes into attention today, the time to bond, cook, eat, heal, have a bit of peace and quiet before it all begins. Happy Sunday everyone.
Venus makes its move into Aries staying till 14th April and its about to meet Sun on 26th March in superior conjunction. Venus representative of what we love, value & desire is undergoing a shift this week from being a morning star for past 9 months to transitioning to an evening star toward early May.
This transition process would be a time to reap rewards, benefits or results of our Venusian efforts of past 9 months when we might have taken initiatives to shift things in our relationship patterns, beauty, love, finances and creativity.
Venus in Aries is a go getter but we would have to actively focus its go getting towards ourselves versus the outer world as it transitions. Love is spontaneous, often, impulsive, direct, bold and pure in Aries as are our desires. They are expressed more directly, strongly and spontaneous. Eternal romantic Venus in Aries looks for the child like fervent exciting pure love all their life, gets hurt & disappointed but moves pretty quickly to the next avenue of expression of its passions. Those passions as evening star invisible Venus would need to be used on ourselves more than others for its expression to be authentic and of value to us. Feeling of self worth and self esteem are crucial to loving others and seeing them clearly.
With Chiron conjunction and Libra full moon opposition in coming week, our love language will undergo change as would our creative expression. We would find our Instinctual Venus confronting our Social Venus.
The gap between the two are created right from the time of birth in our developmental years. Infact Venus is one of the rare planets that get activated right at birth — not even Sun is fully activated at birth but Venus is. It’s our urge to cherish, love, merge, value, create, style and its our filter sifting what’s pleasing to our senses. But that filter gets polluted in early age creating this gap between Social venus and Instinctual Venus. Separation of the two starts happening when in our developmental years we go against our core instincts and behave in a way which is known to be false to ourselves yet we are applauded by others for it. Venus tells us what’s right, what’s wrong and its the lense with which we view society and its values. Being coloured early on about our values and what society values starts diminishing our instinct our own internal radar, sifter of values. Our arbiter of taste is tainted by what’s expected of us.
Venus in Aries doesn’t like to be tainted — not only is it the child state of love — its one of 5 signs which in our life time are going to repeatedly undergo venus retrograde creating a slow regression review of that zodiac for many many years. Purifying those acquired societal patterns which have diminished our instinctual venus are very much theme of each time Aries venus retrograde happens. Last time we had Venus retrograde in Aries was in March 2017 when we covered first 13º of Aries and we would cover the first 10º of Aries again in 2025. At this mid point — Venus is being shown light of Sun our intellect bringing that gap to light yet again. But with upcoming Chiron conjunction we have more than enough chances to find the healing to that gap. Chiron in Aries heals though without wallowing — I love that about Chiron in Aries — they are the war babies Chiron in Aries generation but they sometimes heal too quickly without enough introspection cause they want to dust it off and move forward. Repeated back and forth of Chiron on these initial degrees of Aries is bringing back those hurt not addressed those health issues not addressed and we try to find root cause and cure for it. Chiron diseases hurt issues in Aries are usually linked to us not accepting our own uniqueness and giving our individuality air.
So this Aries venus season — we learn to get in touch with our own brand of feminine values, our inner Venus crying out for expression to be herself as a person rather than be a standard of measure of external accomplishment. Sometimes we hold back our self love due to it not being reciprocated outside, we hold back our creativity for lack of external clicks and likes, we hold back our taste as its too stand-offish / pariah to others, we hold back our way of making money / dealing with finances cause we wont make what others think we should be making by now. This Aries Venus we relearn to respond to our instinctual nature — it was given to us for a purpose like everything as a child — to serve us and protect us.
Also posting from past post on upcoming Mars North Node :
End of March — Mars Conjunct North Node
Mars will be in Gemini for 6 months next year when it would be making a hard aspect to both Jupiter and Neptune. Infact Mars would in conjunction with North Node end of March on 26th March. Words would be said. Last time Mars in Gemini Conjunct North Node was in Jan 2002 — Axis of Evil speech. So time after 21st March when Mars comes close to Rahu or north node and it goes out of bound, it would give us immense energy to get over our fears, its fearless strength which helps us go beyond our bounds but it also makes us go beyond our bounds in words — we can get a bit impulsive reckless and hurtful — be careful of that around 26th March and we would see that pan out in public sphere. World’s most famous whistle blower — Edward Snowden was born with this aspect so you know what I am talking about — we will hear about it in news. But I do expect another Axis of Evil speech from US on Russia with this aspect possibly. Words have power and force and they can be used for intellect at work or imbalance in world.
As I said all dual signs have super power of ability to create heaven or hell — for Gemini that super power is in words. Channel this immense superpower wisely during this time.
Aspects : Moon in Cancer, Mars Trine Saturn, Mercury Sextile Uranus, Venus in Aries