Weekly Astrology Horoscope till 25 July 2022 : Sun Pluto Opposition, Chiron Retro, Leo Season Begins
Intense Week ends with Jupiter Benefits !
Weekly Astrology Horoscope Till 24 July 2022
This is your weekly horoscope though we would cover much more than that today. I see many of you are new here and joined while I was away, welcome I am grateful for you and the fruits of art of doing nothing but selfcare & nesting which I guess should have been the ideal vibe of Cancer season all along. Hope your summer is going great despite that heat with our friends in Europe experiencing this heat wave and hope a nice fireplace warms the friends down under.
Let’s dig in!
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𝗦𝘂𝗻 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗷𝘂𝗻𝗰𝘁 𝗠𝗲𝗿𝗰𝘂𝗿𝘆 𝗶𝗻 𝗖𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗿 𝗢𝗽𝗽𝗼𝘀𝗲𝘀 𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼
As the week progresses we would see the Leo energy take over the Cancer energy which adds to physical vitality and it would create an impulse to get out of our shell and strut our stuff. Summer continues but with a different vibe. Initiations are finalised in August, set in stone. While those initiations are “provoked” in July with this week being a key impulse in that direction considering we approach the annual Sun Pluto opposition mid week which would have its own very dominant initiation & realisation vibe. Sun Pluto oppositions bring absolute breakdowns or move forward resolves through something coming to a head and normally through a conflict or power struggle. We have to move forward from sitting on the fence or stop patching up things as ambition and need for power moves up. We would also see this intensity in global events, finances and diplomacy. Politics of who owns the resources and dominates them, breakdown of any farce with some pretty aggressive actions taken by opponents would start or aggravate conflicts. As Venus would join this opposition on 9th August post Mars-Uranus-NN conjunction in Taurus we would see this intensity play out financially and in personal life situations. Whats unsaid is said and manipulation of financial assets or artificial pricing of assets or fake assets go through stress and are revealed. No more patchwork — financially, economically, emotionally.
Pluto retrogrades are strictly periods of finding inner resources and we are all in the process of that — cause you cannot enforce external change which is powerful or more lucrative or has more standing in the society without us feeling that way within. Sun Pluto opposition of mid week is a major mind freaking epiphany. Sun clearly shines the light on all thats beneath the surface of our psyche — the good the bad, whatever within us makes us feel small or big. Calling them our inner complexes is an understatement cause it literally runs our life. You wouldn’t reach a higher goal in life, in health, in love if your inner complexes tell you — you are not that. So these very inner dynamics pretty much run the barometer of “success” in our life — the measure of how well utilised we are.
I have said it before and it bears repeating — Pluto in Capricorn makes us own our time here on earth — our living breath needs to matter and Pluto keeps giving death to what doesn’t get us there. Whether its a thought, a person, an emotion, an addiction, an inner complex — whatever impedes our ability to fully utilise our physical self — Pluto is truly the end of it. And being in cardinal sign — it through emotional reworking makes us only pick up the shovel and hack away those “inefficient” parts of our life. Apart from optimal utilisation of time — its aim is containment of power in a usable form instead of wasting it away in unfruitful endeavours and ego games. Maturing the ego so it can be used as a resource for creation and not of self destruction. So fake ego identity in form of whatever title has been giving us a false sense of entitlement is normally taken away cause without that we would never truly see who we are devoid of external appreciation and build up. Without being called the titles that boost our ego self we wouldn’t be able to see what we want to be called and by definition who we thought we wanted to be before the external gratification became the sole goal. But its a weakening transit at first impact — cause when something that has been structurally building us up for many years is taken away we feel powerless. Transit of Pluto doesn’t feel oh so empowering in that moment, it feels like sheer loss and its meant to in some ways. But that very ending of a structural “prop” at the moment first time Pluto transits our personal planets is the starting point of building the resources within. The resources that do not let us go into panic mode whenever we loose some sort of material support — cause how can you take real risks in life without such kind of a loss ever. The resources that let us appreciate the quality instead of quantity in people, things, projects and success itself cause you truly discover your value system in this time — what you truly value and who truly values you devoid of the external star ratings and titles. The resources that change our priorities in life without feeling we have lost the “plot” cause they are surely against the current of the proverbial times. The resources that enable us to stay true to ourselves and not live a shallow life.
Opposition of Sun and Pluto which we observe this week — is the point normally when the first realisation of existence of these resources within us appears. You see what you have been building within for past couple of months since the loss in April 2022 and for some of us where its second year of Pluto transit to natal planets — the loss was probably from last year April. Tough as nails and how we have become that by push and pull of power struggles, conflicts, death of the “weak” & “fake” within & outside of us is made evident through a conflict normally with someone powerful or someone trying to control us. This time the opposition is playing at 27º21’ Capricorn specifically influencing cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn with planets & points around 27º21’ or around 17 April/19 July/20 Oct/18 Jan born. This an opposition so there is an external party through which we play out a truth within us that we have been denying. There are sometimes physical opposition from someone in power or someone seemingly manipulative. Its the time to flex that muscle of resilience as we are through a situation, forced to stand up for who we are. With Sun in Cancer being opposed by Capricorn Pluto here — we are forced out of our comfort zone or shell here. Oppositions of this kind — forces a change — its usually an illuminating time especially this time as we have Sun & Mercury meet bringing a new thought a new mind a new idea a new communication technique where we vocalise our needs. A certain fundamental thinking of ourselves and how we define comfort, home, ease is questioned and a new mind set is born and experimented with. Cause sometimes we feel its more comfortable to not be visible, not show up, not own our talents, not be ambitious, not aim higher, not go out & play full on in physical commercial life as it would come at cost of our softness, our home, our family, our comfort, the self imposed limitations of “who I am”. Cause it breaks the cultural upbringing of not being a badass or not being too much or not being “proud” of who we are. There are a million reasons that we have within us to stop ourselves in the tracks but we only need one reason to move forward — cause I want to. Human will and hidden desire of who you want to be, becomes more dominant & pull us out. If fear and self imposed restrictions of your own flight up was not a factor — what would you do. Usually such kind of snap out of goo of self pity and mush happens through an external encounter which you might have already experienced or are about it. Its not pleasant to the ego but its necessary. Its the jolt we need and must take on full on.
I also find this annual opposition which has been happening every year in Cancer season since 2008, as the time in the year when something very essential shifts in our personal life, in our emotional patterns and our sense of self love to make space for a bigger external life. Like if the foundations of your house cannot help support the ten story building you plan to put on top of it — this is usually the time that you would make the foundations stronger. Who you are about to become and want or desire strongly to become in your external life — if you inner wiring, family structure, home, physical location, sense of self — doesn’t support that identity, its usually the time when you would realise some fundamental changes need to be made. It would usually happen through a push and pull with you trying to balance two parts of your life — personal & professional, emotional state of you & external presentation of you, wanting to nurture support & wanting to grow deliver succeed, child within seeking emotional comfort throwing a tantrum & adult professional expectations, our role in personal life & our desire for an external life, early conditioning & current life’s expectations from who you are now becoming, wanting to shield stay home & needing to go out making a mark . The bigger the gap is between who you need to become to be true to yourself and where you stand now — the bigger the conflict or even aggression we can experience right now — like something trying to speed up the process of us owning our emotional states and hold ourselves internally in a more powerful state to play full on in external life. It doesn’t have to be career where you are required to play full on — it could be your title & place in your personal life.
This is coming at the time when Capricorn full moon the biggest super moon of 2022 is playing out and bringing us back to Apr-Jul’19 prompting us to change our emotional response from that time. This usually means we would need to finish, complete, deliver something substantial and also release exit something structurally marked by a physical change not just emotional. But physical change only follows emotional. You cannot, will not, do not, should not expect to see change in your external life without the inner changes cause without solid foundations, the ten story building even if you build with sheer will — will crumble in no time. So if you become a target of someone’s games, if you engage in the discussion that seems to make you see something about yourself you have been avoiding, if you feel this pressure which is technically focus forced on us — don’t look to issues or trouble on the other side. Smile a bit (not like a sociopath 😂you know what I mean — strictly inner dialogue 😉 ) — know its your inner resources being called upon which are maturing full circle with this encounter. Pluto encounters are much more about ourselves vs another. The other is just a messenger of change — don’t shoot it, don’t try to waste energy on it, don’t engage in aggression but do not ignore as its vital information someone is offering at their own cost of inner peace, unknowingly. I have already done it, shot the messenger — thankfully messenger was dear and near to me so didn’t leave. I am not sure if you have too. But whether he or she has arrived or not — hopefully my note helps you dig deeper into the message and takes the focus away from the messenger. Oppositions are not easy but they are clear triggers for change — especially if we have been wasting emotions (Cancer) on unproductive themes instead of what would materially bring progress (Capricorn).
𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲 : 𝗙𝗲𝗯 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟮-𝗡𝗼𝘄-𝗗𝗲𝗰’𝟮𝟮
Last opposition was in July 2021 which you can refer back to for your personal individual interpretation as well — though that was at 25º34’ Capricorn so its not the same. This specific degree of Pluto though of 27º24’ Capricorn where we now experience the opposition was only first visited on 15 Feb 2022. Thats other reference I would more likely think you would relate to if this degree touches your personal chart. Usually in the first contact (15 Feb’22) an event which is abrupt is experienced — it can be empowering one as well but there is usually a separation involved. Second contact which is now — would normally throw some light of honesty on it. We normally sow seed in this moment which is surely empowering and life transforming esp. if our planets or points are aspected by 27º24’ Capricorn. Third and final pass would be around 23 Dec 2022 when we should see some results. First pass is usually distressful yet something distressful ends(Feb’22), second pass in retrograde is normally time of realisations on what internally needs to change for external to change — usually happens through a conflict though could be pure epiphany post a period of stress (Now) and last pass (Dec’22) is time of fruits of labor when we make choices from a position of power & not weakness — it will coincide with Capricorn new moon and Chiron going direct (a cycle of healing completes).
Russia-Ukraine conflict started in Feb 2022. United States who is having Pluto return in its house of finances, national debt, value system, currency had its national debt reach $30T first time in Feb 2022. Euro as a currency is having Pluto currently transit back and forth over its Venus & ECB raised the first alarm of currency weakness in Feb 2022. Turkey — Kurdish conflict came to a head in Feb 2022. We see all of these themes revisited for further information no matter how tough to take in but the honesty of the situation — we also unfortunately see more power struggles in control of resources/land as well as physical aggression. We all in our personal capacity should also be careful of as Sun Pluto opposition sometimes comes with physical acts of violence and aggression as well as mechanical breakdown of weak machinery. These are some of the themes I can think of from Feb 2022.
This is not financial, political or health advice purely parallels drawn based on astrological analysis.
𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗼𝗻 𝗧𝘂𝗿𝗻𝘀 𝗥𝗲𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗲
With Chiron turning retrograde on 19th July — we are all nursing an identity wound in the moment as well — our “I am” so still very shaky to take this kind of abuse. Turning retro at 16º26’ Aries if you specially have points or planets at this point, you are in an extremely sore healing period where wounds of identity are too green and exposed. Stay off any possibility of physical harm cause this Sun-Pluto opposition sometimes does come with physical harm and with Chiron strong — it can come with a collective wound that we experience and seem to be collectively suffering from that we need to heal from. As Chiron turns retrograde — it becomes time to heal ourselves before we can heal or help others till Dec’22. We could see healers, teachers turning inward with it & healing methods revisited in terms of their effectiveness.
𝗟𝗲𝗼 𝗦𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗕𝗲𝗴𝗶𝗻𝘀 !
Happy Brand New Season to all Leos and Happy Birthday to all Leo Sun!
All is not lost or dark with Leo season around the corner. We are after all approaching the season of life giving Sun — Leo season! Mercury will already enter Leo on 19th giving our mind a much needed hit of the light and fun. Mercury in Leo from 19 July to 4 August is literally bright mind, mental self confidence, ability to boldly say our words — Heat! Then Sun enters its own sign Leo on 22 Jul offering the much needed vitality and fire to our physical self and unfortunately more Heat! It makes it much easier to vocalise and actualise physically all thats unique about us without feeling the need to rethink reconsider how we are being received. It helps us with the bold part, the intention, the self love behind the ambition. But yes all this Leo energy will make us too identified with our own version of “truth” & well we would be fixed about it — this would get challenged cause inflexibility & too much pride doesn’t help sometimes in material growth. They don’t have anything in common — Leo and Capricorn. Your heart couldn’t care about your external title. Its the king, he knows it and doesn’t wait to be given the title to be so. So as Mercury zooms ahead of Sun post 18/19 Jul, you would stop waiting for the permission of a title, an authority, a mandate to do stuff. You would do it because … well thats you and you want to. Post this conflict or realisation, we see a marked difference in our mental status and physical vitality. Its like we hang our inner Dracula out in the sun to crash and burn after he has been seen & somewhat dealt with. Its wild when Mercury zooms ahead — its the definition of letting our mouth run — experimentation with little to no thought of consequences. Ah well but now with Jupiter in Aries we get rewarded for doing just that. Bold calls and words open the doors to unknown and unchartered. We experience the first result of that come end of the week and over the weekend. Expansive ideas, bold words that open doors, positive commercial dealings are especially favoured for the fire signs Aries, Leo, Sagittarius around 9º or around 29 March/1 August/1 December born. Its an excellent opportunity for all of us for verbal, intellectual, artistic work that can be commercialised and advertised or shared. World is a stage with Leo season and we must not be afraid to put our unique talents and ideas on display during it. Its a season when Sun our ego our identity our sense of self comes home for a refill, to fuel us and fill us with joy and possibilities.
𝗘𝗻𝗱 𝗝𝘂𝗹𝘆/𝗘𝗮𝗿𝗹𝘆 𝗔𝘂𝗴
Its not without its issues as I said in my previous reading on Inconjunction, we will face two inconjunctions or quincunx or turning points and need for swift adjustments right at the onset of August and end July as we not only have the now pretty well known Mars-Uranus-North Node conjunction in Taurus which would bring surprising shifts and a bit of temper or unfortunately physical explosion or earth event (usually earthquake). But it would also challenge these expansive sense of self, broad bold ideas you would possibly discuss end of the month. The challenge would come verbally with the 26/27 July Mercury in Leo conflict with Taurus Mars-Uranus-North Node and physically with the full moon on 11 August. We would talk more about it. We are given nothing without the tools to deal with it. Mercury trine Jupiter on 23 July and then Sun trine Jupiter on 31 July would first open the expansive doors before the challenge to it is received. Challenge is one of unstable times, global environment, ever feeling that the ground beneath our feet keeps shifting so how do we take those calls in such an unpredictable environment especially in fixed parts of our life where we like to take long term calls. One step at a time is normally the answer. We work basis the information thats available to us from now and we would have force ourselves to be flexible at the start of August / end July to make adjustments in light of changes that are upon us.
This transit does though makes us blind to consequences — actions would be out of norm and events suddenly pick up speed in terms of change especially in Taurus themes meaning material abundance, money, economy, financial system earth & environment changes like earth quakes, sudden changes in prices or availability of natural resources, values, self worth. In 1855 this transit in Taurus brought unprecedented earthquake in Pacific Rim, social unrest in US, sudden regime change in Russia — none of the other transits are the same though this time so we can only draw parallels but not exacts. I would just guide to be personally careful around 31 July/1 August and remain open to the possibilities that would normally take years to develop which this sudden shift can bring in our life albeit through some nervy events ahead.
We will talk more of it as the transit approaches. Meanwhile there are two sign specific readings you can watch to delve deeper. Have a great week ahead.
First Pluto in Capricorn — long term transit for your sign
(Click on timestamp in comments/description or chapter titled “II. Pluto till 2023”)
Second end July / August surprises which I recently covered by sign
(You can skip the 6 min intro of the transit if already seen)